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Kategorie: Drones

Day 1: US Drone Nationals 2016

Written by Katie Good morning from Governors Island New York and welcome to practice day at the US drone nationals 2016.

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 6, 2016 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Day 2: US Drone Nationals 2016

Written by Toby Day two at US Drone nationals 2015 is off to a great start. Wing practice is in full swing as the wing pilots are ripping through the grey skies with ease.

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 7, 2016 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

Day 3: US Drone Nationals 2016 FINALS

Written by Toby

Today is day three and thus the final day of the US drone nationals 2016. The action kicked off with a second round of wing qualifiers as the day gets off to a fast start These planes reach speeds of 120 mph.

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 8, 2016 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate

Winner: 2016 US Drone Nationals

Written by Toby

BREAKING: A Nub wins the 2016 US Nationals in a tense final.

Veröffentlicht am: Aug 9, 2016 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

2016 Multi GP Championship Winner

Written by Toby If you're a drone racer then I don't need to tell you what the MultiGP Championships are. If you aren't a drone racer, then let me explain.

Veröffentlicht am: Sep 5, 2016 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

What Is RaceBand?

Written by Painless 360

So, what is RaceBand?

In this article we explore what RaceBand is, why we need it and why it was introduced. Don’t understand what it is all about – read on.

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 13, 2017 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Beginners, Intermediate

The Tiny Whoop 101

Written by 100Epic Have you been accused of being an armchair pilot? Ever wanted to achieve Air Dominance in your own living room?

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 16, 2017 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

NEW: Turnigy Evolution Radio

Written by The Specialist ​I have always liked the idea of strapping a drone to my backpack chucking in a couple of batteries, goggles, and a transmitter and being able to fly whenever the opportunity arises.

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 16, 2017 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

How to get into FPV racing on the cheap

Written by ShawnOSullivan

By now you have seen it either on Youtube or on the news, competitors are flying little radio-controlled “drones", being piloted through video goggles that put the pilot “in” the cockpit. It looks like something you would see in 'Star Wars'; these little craft flying at break-neck speeds through the forest,

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 16, 2017 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones, FPV |Etiketten: Advanced, Intermediate

The Stone Blue Airlines Flying Circus 2016

I had the great opportunity to volunteer for Stone Blue Airlines Flying Circus FPV Festival in Covington, Va this year.

Veröffentlicht am: Nov 16, 2017 | Veröffentlicht in: Drones |Etiketten: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
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