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Komplett Klima Einziehfahrwerk Set für 80inch Riesen Maßstab H-König T-28 Trojan

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Komplett Klima Einziehfahrwerk Set für 80inch Riesen Maßstab H-König T-28 Trojan


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Komplette Air Einziehfahrwerk Set für Giant Scale-H-König T-28 Trojan - Komplettsystem mit Oleo Beinen, Radachsen, Füllventil, Luftbehälter, Stellantrieb, Luftleitung und Luft Armaturen.

Einfahren Abmessungen: 56mmx53mmx38mm
Oleo Beinlänge: 170mm von Punkt Achse Mittelpunkt zu schwenken
Achse: 5mm
Gesamtsystemgewicht: 860g

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Cpt. Galland | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Mar 14, 2013

I am really mad with this system. Only the great magician Houdini can make it operate!
In the beginning when you pressurize the system you hear whistles from 20 different areas where air leaks. You have to immerse everything in the water and disassemble everything and built it again to fix all the issues. After one week you get a certificate of a Master technician in Aircraft Hydraulics. You can get a lot of information from Robart because it is all a cheap copy of a Robart system. The control valve which is the most important part is a big joke. It does not even have escape holes under the small bolts, so you loose 30pcnt of the pressure in just a few seconds.
I bought this for the big 50cc T-28 which is a great product, but I will be very scared to use these retracts, although I already replaced most parts with Robart.
Please H.K. have some Q.C. and check your suppliers!!!

Simon | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 17, 2012

These are great heavy duty retracts. They dont mention that the nose retract is a 105deg retract and the mains are 85deg. Great quality for the price. I have Robart retracts and struts, and these look the same. i dont think the main struts can be shortened as the internal spring goes all the way to the top.

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