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DHC-2 Beaver EP / GP 0,46 Größe (Kenmore Air) 1620mm (ARF)

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DHC-2 Beaver EP / GP 0,46 Größe (Kenmore Air) 1620mm (ARF)


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Der DH-Biber ist ohne Zweifel einer der am meisten wissen STOL "Buschflugzeuge" und hat ein Luftfahrt-Klassiker geworden, gut aussehend, stark, zäh und sehr fähig, der Biber ideal zum Betrieb in den widrigsten Bedingungen geeignet war. Wie es auch mit Schwimmern oder Skiern, wurde der Biber ein sehr beliebtes Zugpferd mit zivilen und militärischen Betreiber trotz eines langsamen Start, der Biber wurde ein großer Verkaufserfolg und gilt als einer von Kanadas erfolgreichsten Exporte ausgestattet werden könnte.

Dieser Biber ist in der "Kenmore Air" Schema modelliert und verfügt über eine hervorragende, hohe Detailmaßstab Finish. Die Zelle ist schön aufgebaut und die Abdeckung fachmännisch angelegt. Dieses Modell verfügt über gedruckte Nieten und Panel-Linien auf der Abdeckung eine ultrarealistische Oberfläche bereitstellt. Dies gibt Ihnen eine wirklich fantastische aussehendes Skala Modell, das jeder Pilot wäre stolz zu besitzen. Mit einer 1620mm Spannweite ist der Biber eine große Größe und hat Tonnen Präsenz sowohl auf dem Boden als auch in der air.This Modell kann sowohl in der elektrischen oder glow Konfiguration abgeschlossen sein. Die Windschutzscheibe dient gleichzeitig als entfernbare magnetische Batteriedeckel ermöglicht den einfachen Zugriff auf das Innere des Modells - perfekt für Ihren Flug Batterie zugreifen, wenn sie in einer elektrischen Konfiguration verwendet.

Der Biber war natürlich bekannt für seine hervorragenden STOL Eigenschaften und dieses Modell ist keine Ausnahme. Landings sind ein Kinderspiel dank der großen Flügelfläche und stabile langsam Flugeigenschaften. Dieses fantastische suchen DH Beaver ist eine große Freude, zu fliegen und ist sehr praktisch, das perfekte Modell jeden Tag selbst für die anspruchsvollsten RC Skala Piloten!

• High Level of Scale-Detail
• Schön Druckwaage Nieten und Panel-Linien
• Funktions Cockpit-Tür
• schön fertig Glass Fiber Cowl
• Robuste Unterwagen und Steuerbare Tailwheel

Spannweite: 1620mm
Länge: 1115mm
Fluggewicht: 2700 ~ 2800g
Inklusive: Alle Hardware und instrucions

Ihre eigene 5 ~ 6-Kanal-TX / RX
0,46 equivelent Brushless Outrunner Motor
60A ESC w / BEC4 ~ 5 x
Standardgröße Servo
3300 ~ 4000mAh 4s Lipo Akku
11x6 ~ 12x6 Propeller

  • Beaver
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Ledoux | Verifizierter Käufer

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tres bel avion

Jun 11, 2017

Tres bel avion , tres joli a voir voler.
La qualité et finition est tres bonne .
je l'ai équipé d'un OS MAX 46 AX et il y a une petite modification a faire au niveau du fuselage. ( pour le réso )
Il est tres facile à piloter certain pilotes confirmés peuvent faire des choses surprenantes.
Tres bonne qualité de vol et assez difficile a décrocher.
Il y a beaucoup de place dans le fuselage alors mettez des servos standards ( plus fiable ).
Bon vol !!

Tim UK | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 11, 2016

I've now completed the build & nothing has diminished my initial impressions. I ditched the supplied snakes & used heavy-duty semi-flexible plastic snakes, relocated the rudder servo behind the bulkhead, alongside the elevator servo, made proper axles & upgraded the wheels to 90mm for my club's grass runway. Didn't like the wing retaining method, so screwed 8mm/4mm threaded inserts into the wings in place of the supplied wooden dowels, to accept 4mm socket head screws. The holes for the wing struts are there, but only in the inner triangular fillets! Find them from the inside & drill through the fuselage from inside-out by hand with a 1.5mm drill. I tapped the shaft holes of four "prop savers" & epoxied them into wings & fuselage instead of using the supplied, tiny "linkage stoppers" for the wing strut mountings. Motor is Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 - 4240-620kv, ESC is Aerostar 70A, which is slim enough to fit in the space under the cockpit floor..... 5S 5000mAH LiPo - gives excellent C.O.G & an AUW of 3.4 KG. Bench testing, with MA 3 blade 12x6 & 50pcnt discharged 5S gives 650W -38A -9500RPM & 2KG of static thrust. Now can't wait to get it airborne!!

Tim UK | Verifizierter Käufer

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Feb 21, 2016

Previous reviewer says "A reboxing of the VQ models kit" .... mine arrived in a VQ Models box with a VQ Models manual !..... I also bought the float set (also VQ made -PRODUCT ID: 341000007-0) - which if you look at the box illustrations for both products are THE floats made for this model! I've had mine for just 24hours & have so far only unpacked & given it a thorough pre-assembly inspection.... Initial impressions are excellent. Good build quality & smart, original, eye catching livery.... Just a shame that an ARF of this quality is let down by badly rusty steel control rods supplied with it..... There are 2 potential battery locations, either in the cockpit (where the fuel tank goes for GP) or under the cockpit floor in a brilliant battery compartment accessible simply by removing the cowl that's held in place with just magnets.... Unfortunately this snug battery cage is only just big enough for a 4S 4000mAH Lipo (50mm x 25mm x 150) - so this otherwise great battery space is pretty much lost to those of us intending to go 5S I'm sure that I shall shortly be buying another as a spare & then possibly a spare for the spare!!!

robin | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 14, 2015

Dec 2015. UK warehouse. Quick delivery, well boxed, no damage.
A well built and finished model, no snags or significant problems with electric conversion. Flying on a HK SK3 3548 840kv, 12x6 APC, 60amp esc and 3900 4s lipo. C of G as per manual spot on, flying weight 6lbs / 2.7 kg. Control throws as per manual. Flying off rough grass field no problem. Flew with just a couple of clicks of up trim. Stall slow, straight with no wing drop. Landings easy and controlled with the strong U/C easily able to cope. Suggest wider diameter tyres for rough field flying. A super value model.

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 06, 2015

A reboxing of the VQ models kit. Great quality and goes together really easily.

Chris | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jul 22, 2015

Excellent rapport qualit / prix. Trs complet, super-dtaill et de trs bonne qualit. L'avion semble trs grand pour ses 1600mm d'envergure. Je vous le recommande sans problme.

Exzellentes Preis / Leistungs-Verhltnis. Sehr komplett, vollstndig detailliert und sehr guter Qualitt. Das Flugzeug scheint sehr gro fr seine 1600mm Spannweite. Ich empfehle es ohne Problem.

Paul | Verifizierter Käufer

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Mar 23, 2015

Just flown today flies very well for the price. Minor building niggles as per the threads let it down slightly i.e unable to find the fixings holes for the struts so had to make my own. Turnigy .46 motor with 60amp esc and 14 x 7 prop on 4cell 3300. Slow flying is excellent but not really aitobatic, ,fly it scale and it looks great lots of positive comments from other club members. In short a recommended addition to any fleet.

Sooty | Verifizierter Käufer

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Mar 05, 2015

A great docile flyer - almost suitable as a trainer. If you have been flying tricycle u/c you will already have the knack of getting this bird well up to speed before sticking in up elevator and eliminating risk of stall. Red cherry light appears to be some sort of LED of unknown voltage and capable of being hooked up to a flasher unit.
Tons of room inside cabin for RX battery, glow battery and on-board glow system, and will take a giant fuel tank if required. C of G about right with ASP61FS hard against firewall. The ASP exhaust will clear the cowl and fuselage resulting in virtually no oil on fuse, wing, and tail feathers. Keeps the right wheel well lubed though. Mix 30pcnt rudder with ailerons for scale level turns.
Cowl magnets will pop out with vibration so take the time to remove them and re-glue with industrial araldite. Fit a 2-way fuel point to save fiddling behind the cowl when refueling.
The wing strut anchorages on the fuse can be improved by fitting a steel tube the width of the fuse and aralditing the attachment fittings into the tube otherwise they will tear loose on a hard landing.
I love the space available - room for dual elevator servos.
I now have a second one with a pair of floats almost ready to go.

hugh848 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jan 31, 2015

SUPER aircraft. Installed a ASP .54 (a little over powered, but don't need to use full throttle).
Flies like on rails, lands as smooth as can be! Love Love it, also have big brother, the 1800mm model sold here. Wont trade either.
Ha problem with one of the fuselage wing strut fastener, keep ripping out. Got short dowel, enlarged the hole in fuselage so it fit tightly. Drilled whole on end of dowel and inserted a quicklink, type that uses push on plastic ring rather than nut and washer, epoxy quicklink to dowel, apply epoxy to hole in fuselage and tapped in quick link.
Second was plane ground looped on landing almost every landing. Just installed a thin plywood strip under trailing edge of landing gear, works fine. Love to fly, and land

Sooty | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 21, 2014

I have now fitted a 550 cc tank - the supplied one was a wee bit on the small side for use with the ASP 61 FS. Plenty of power and it flys beautifully throttled back. Well balanced with ASP 61 hard back against firewall. No vices at all. This gotta be my favorite plane.

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