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Durafly ™ Critical Mass Micro 440mm (PNF)

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Durafly ™ Critical Mass Micro 440mm (PNF)


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72,51 €
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Ein super stabil Sportflieger in einem Mikro-Paket! Die Durafly Critical Mass Micro 440mm kommt 90% direkt aus der Box montiert und bereit sein kann in nur wenigen Minuten zu fliegen.

Die leichte Konstruktion dieses Modells, gekoppelt mit einem bewährten Zelle Design dieses Modell ein in das Gefühl gesperrt gibt, während Kunstflug, lange glatte Messerflug ist ein Kinderspiel. Viele Modelle dieser Größe werden durch lineare Servos oder billige Komponenten oft begrenzt, aber nicht die kritische Masse! vorinstalliert mit, voll proportional HK-5320 Digital-Servos, ein Turnigy ESC und ein AP05-3000kv Brushless-Motor ist die Bauqualität einfach fantastisch. Voll gelenkige Querruder sind ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, warum die kritische Masse hebt sich von der Masse ab. Dies ist eine schnelle Modell zusammen zu stellen, der Motor und ESC sind bereits vorinstalliert, so dass Sie auf dem Flügel und Motorhaube zu kleben dann gehen und fliegen!

Die Leistung ist natürlich, was dieses Modell ist alles über und die kritische Masse ist nicht lumpen! Die Stromversorgung erfolgt mit freundlicher Genehmigung des mächtigen Turnigy Brushless-Motor geliefert auf 2s läuft, für Zuverlässigkeit ein Turnigy ESC ist vormontiert und die Servo / ESC-Anschlüsse sind alle kompatibel mit der 4-Kanal-orange Micro RX (R415). Dieses Modell billig sein könnte in der Luft zu setzen, aber keinen Fehler machen, dann ist dies ein ernst fähig Kunstflugmodell, so stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Handvoll von Lipo Batterien mit Ihnen, wenn Sie gehen und fliegen, die Durafly Critical Mass Micro Rennen um den lokalen Park macht süchtig!

Spannweite: 440mm
Länge: 400 mm
Fluggewicht: 80g
ESC: 6A w / BEC
Servo: HK-5320 Digital - 1.7gx 4
Motor: AP05 3000kv Brushless Outrunner

Eingeschlossen sind:

Ihre eigene 4-Kanal-TX / RX (kompatibel RX mit 1.25mm Molex 3 Pin-Steckverbinder)
180mAh 2s Lipo Akku

  • Durafly™ Critical Mass Micro 440mm
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GUIOMAR | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 21, 2014

But I am still waitng for it! Almost a month since I ordered it and I can't wait any longer especially when I read all the good reviews this little plane receives.

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 12, 2014


newcomer | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 11, 2014


SCS EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED has sent you an invoice for 15.39 EUR.

HK should change or revert on previous shippement.
Why always trying to cheat on shippement ?

jason | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 14, 2014

Value for money, always had parkzone micros and it costs a arm and a leg to replace parts. I will never go back to Parkzone. The build of the critical mass, the power and the looks leaves the Parkzone micros for dead. Really pleased with it......

Daniel | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 27, 2014

Picked it up today from USA warehouse. Had a micro orange rx with standard servo plugs. This has micro molex plugs for all 4 channels. I purchased from hobby king the micro molex to standard servo plug adapters. Hooked it all up and it doesn't work. Tried two different rx and it connects but everything studders. The servos jump when you move them nothing is smooth. The motor spins up but has 4-5 steps in power. Also couldn't get the Ailerons to get any signal, rudder and elev have power so does motor. Ordered an orangerx r415 with the moles plugs. Hoping this will sove the problem....
UPDATE - finally got the orange rx with the micro plugs. That solved the shuddering problem. Must be a voltage issue. But the ailerons still completely dead. What a pain in the **** this has been. So there is a micro molex Y connector that hooks up to the two servos in the main wing. Unfortunately I have glued on the main wing and can't get the rx to connect to the servos individually to see if it's a problem with the y connector or two bad servos.....what do I do now!?!?

milo69 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 18, 2013

Flys great i transfered my settings which id used on the telemicro and added quite a bit of lead to the nose and it flew perfect first time. Fast but monuvers scale dosnt have a lot of power to climb but overall pretty good.

andrew | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 15, 2012

Nice looking airplane , assembly takes only a few minutes, mine ended up with C of G towards the rear of specified range, flys ok , but a bit "pitchy" I expect a few gramms in nose will sort that . Altogether pleased with purchase. copes with light wind okay

Going to try another Durafly micro soon.

cbianchi | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 20, 2012

nice airplane. very good performance. I put a FrSky FAAST compatible receiver and a 2S 300mAh lipo.

Old Man | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 29, 2012

Great little plane, I was lucky and had a micro receiver and radio with a 350ma battery given to me from a club member and had this thing flying in no time flat. i put the receiver and battery as far forward as i could get them and i still had to add 5grms of lead for recommended
CG. very touchy on the trows but fun to fly once i got the trim right.
7 min flight at almost full power and 350ma battery still had 50pcnt left.gets along quick for its size so i don,t expect it will handle any crash. recharged the battery and second flight was great and it also handled some light wind and aerobatics i took it a bit slower and came in after 5 mins battery had 80pcnt left. this is a fun plane.
But as i said be gentle 1 crash will kill it. leave the wheels of and hand launch only. tape over the servo wires on the bottom off the wing or landing will pull them out

LeeinJapan | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 14, 2012

I am not a aerobatic flyer but find this one very good as a low wing trainer. If you get bored with the high wings, it is the one for the next challenge. The throttle needs some learning curves. After getting use to it, there is little problem.

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