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Durafly ™ Spitfire Mk5 1100mm (PnF) ETO Scheme

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Durafly ™ Spitfire Mk5 1100mm (PnF) ETO Scheme


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Die Spitfire ist das bestimmende Flugzeuge des 2. Weltkrieges und im Anschluss an die Mk1a MK5 stellt den Höhepunkt der frühen Spitfire Entwicklung. Nach der Abwehrkampf der Luftschlacht um England, die RAF, RCAF und der USAAF bewegt stetig in die Offensive und die Mk5 wurde ein Teil der Speerspitze der gesamten alliierten Strategie, einschließlich der Luftoperationen über Frankreich, Nordafrika und später während der italienischen Kampagne. Besser bewaffnet, schneller und wendiger, gab der Mk5 die RAF und anderen alliierten Luftstreitkräfte einschließlich der USAAF, einen entscheidenden Vorteil gegenüber den Bf109E der Luftwaffe und war zu gleichen Bedingungen mit dem BF109F, diese beiden Achsen Flugzeuge in der ETO (European Theatre kämpfen of Operations) sowie im Luftkrieg über die Wüsten von Nordafrika und im Mittelmeer zwischen 1941 und 1943. geliebt von seinen Piloten und vom Feind gefürchtet wurde der Mk5 Spitfire Ruf als Vollblüter Kämpfer hart verdienten und gut verdient und es wird immer einen besonderen Platz in der militärischen Luftfahrt Geschichte als Ergebnis haben.

Durafly des Mk5 Spitfire hat wirklich die Full-Size-Flugzeuge der Gerechtigkeit es verdient. Nicht nur hat Durafly eine schöne und genaue Wiedergabe des Mk5 Spitfire produziert, bringt es auf den Markt (zum ersten Mal) eine Hommage an die tapfere Piloten sowohl der RAF und die USAAF dank der vielfältigen und historisch korrekt nationalen Markierungen, die haben wurde in der Box geliefert. Aber es ist nicht nur bieten Ihnen die Wahl dieser einzigartigen und authentischen Markierungen, die Liebe zum Detail in diesem Plug-and-Modell fliegen ist einfach hervorragend für ein Modell in dieser Größenordnung und dass nur durch seine hervorragende Flugeigenschaften und Anmut in der Luft angepasst ist. Die Durafly Mk5 wird für 3s und 4s Setups konzipiert und verfügt über eine Reihe von Funktionen, die typisch für Durafly des hohen Standards, vor allem, wenn es darum geht, Warbirds, einschließlich, Skalenteile, originalgetreu reproduziert geteilten Klappen, einer Skala Umriss, feine Oberflächendetails und einer der führenden Lack Abschluss zusammen mit einem Betriebs-LED-Navigationssystem.

Mit diesem fantastischen Mk5 hat Durafly entworfen und nicht nur das beste produziert, aber das ultimative Modell Spitfire in dieser Größenordnung und wenn Sie Ihre Hände auf einen bekommen, werden Sie wissen, dass es keine leere Prahlerei.

• Plug-and-Fly, fügen Sie einfach Rx und Lipo-Akku
• Robuste EPO Bau
• Großer Flugenveloppe mit stabilen und Maßstab Flugleistung
• Schnelle Montage
• Sehr detaillierte Skala Finish
• Authentische ETO Farbschema
• Wahl der Aufkleber Markierungen
• Vorinstallierte im Maßstab zieht sich zurück
• Arbeits Skala Klappen
• Maßstab Umriss und Armaturen
• Betriebs vorinstalliert Navigations LED-Beleuchtung
• Steuerbare Spornrad
• Kann auf 3 oder 4S geflogen werden

Spannweite: 1100 mm (43,3 ")
Fluggewicht: 1200 / 1300g (42/45 Unzen) 3/4 Zelle
Länge: 1000 mm (39,3 ")
Servos: 6 x 9g Typ (2 Querruder, 2 Klappe, Höhe, Seite)
Motor: Aerostar 3636 770Kv Brushless Outrunner
Prop: 3 Blatt 11.25x7
ESC: Aerostar 50amp
Batterie: 2200-2600mah 3S 60-65C oder 2200mAh 4S 40C (nicht enthalten)
Kanäle: 5-6 Kanal erforderlich.

Eingeschlossen sind:
Alle Hardware

Batterie - 2200-2600mah 3S 60-65C oder 2200mAh 4S 40C
Ihre eigenen 5-6 Kanal Tx / Rx

  • Spannweite (mm) 1100.00
  • Durafly™ Spitfire Mk5 1100mm
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Tom | Verifizierter Käufer

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Good flying, minor complications

Sep 14, 2019

First off, the spitefire was relatively simple and straight forward to build, completed in a few hours. But... They forgot to attach a rudder horn at the factory, so I waited 2 weeks to get a replacement. It was a bit frustrating to look at an otherwise perfectly flyable model Sitting on the floor. After that, however, it proved to be a great flyer with great scale appearance. Landing/take off in grass was a problem though, even when it was fairly short. Bent the gear some so had to bed it back. Also, the model tended to nose over when landing, which crunched the top of the rudder. Thus I would recommend reenforcing the rudder edge if you plan to fly in a grassy club field or similar. Overall, great performance, looks, and easy setup.

BRGT350 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Stunning detail and scale, but no spares

Aug 21, 2019

The Durafly Spitfire is one of the nicest foam planes I have ever seen! The scale and details are near perfection. Sadly, critical spare parts are not available. Prop and plastic scale details are always on backorder. I haven't flown yet as I would like to have spare props on hand for a plane that is prone to nose overs on taller grass. Right now, it is a wonderful scale static model. I hope Hobbyking gets spares in stock. That is the only reason the Spitfire is a solid 5 stars.

allan | Verifizierter Käufer

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you lie

Aug 03, 2019

the plane is fine, but you lie. You said free shipping and I got a bill for 85.00 US from purolator. 'll never buy from you again.(Please note:- Do Your Prices Include Local Taxes?
None of our pricing includes tax. We do not charge local taxes or extra fees on top of our advertised product price with shipping/handling. It is your responsibility to pay any fees (including taxes) charged by your local customs or postal office.)

Mick | Verifizierter Käufer

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All worked out in the end

Jul 01, 2019

Problem with delivery which would have been much easier if you could contact the couriers

Jay | Verifizierter Käufer

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Durafly Spitfire

Jun 27, 2019

Really good looking scale Spitfire, easy to build and easy to fly, brilliant

Chris | Verifizierter Käufer

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Very pleased

Jun 26, 2019

Overall excellent value for the price, looks great on the ground or in the air. Fly's very well.

Anthony | Verifizierter Käufer

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Not as Good as Others

Jun 12, 2019

First, let me start by saying Durafly makes some wonderful planes. I have 7-8 of them and the quality and performance of all of them exceeded my expectations---all except this one. I have the ETO version. The paint on this started chipping off as soon as I took it out of the box, especially around the battery cover. The wing/fuselage gap had paint chips out of the box also. The front wing mount was missing from the fuselage and nowhere to be found. I'm currently waiting for the part. Alex in customer support is helping with that and doing a fine job. One of the motor mount screws was too long and the sharp point was in a position to penetrate the battery, since the battery needs to be pushed far forward. I removed it and shortened it. In doing do, I discovered one of the cowl screws had been stripped, and it fell out. I replaced it with one slightly larger of the same length. The battery compartment is very tight. It's difficult to mount a receiver in the plane and telemetry or a separate gyro isn't possible unless one is very clever. I used an orange six channel with built-in gyro and it allows a 4S 2200 to be installed at a slightly elevated angle in the rear of the compartment. It does balance correctly with the 4S. I was happy to see the landing gear functioned well, but the wheels wobble excessively. Either the axle is too small or the wheels are drilled out too much. All servos work fine. The ball links are robust and work well. The scale bits and decals are very good. No problems there at all. My 1100 Durafly ME-109 is of much better quality. So is the ME-163. I have three EFX Racers and all are wonderful. My Tundra is a favorite, great flier, well equipped. Only this Spitfire was disappointing as noted. Just being honest. Maybe I got a bad one. First time for everything. I still think Durafly makes a fine product, but this one only gets three stars with me.

Oxotnik | Verifizierter Käufer

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Fantastic 1.1m Warbird

Jan 02, 2018

I primarily fly warbirds. They're my passion. I'd heard a lot of good about the Durafly Spit Mk Vb, and finally bought one a few weeks ago. I've flown it a half dozen or so times, and I am incredibly impressed with it. I fly on a grass field, and the take off was VERY easy... tail came up nicely and had a nice roll before rising gently into the air... very scale. Trimming was easy. Just a few clicks of trim and she was locked in. I'm flying 4S-2600mah batts. This spit has very nice speed at WOT. She also flies nice slow maneuvers right in front of me. Knowing that Spits are known for their tendency to tip stall, I cranked up the speed and pulled a tight Immelmann... no snap roll. Of all my 1.1m warbirds, this Spit is one of the easiest to land. She is floaty; so, you have to back off the throttle early, get her on a good glide slope, then use throttle to set the descent, and she settles in for a smooth and easy landing on a grass field. If anyone is on the fence on this one, worried about the narrow-stance gear on grass or the tendency to tip-stall, don't be. You get a lot of bang for the buck. It's a fantastic plane!

Patrick | Verifizierter Käufer

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Spitfire Mk V

Dec 06, 2016

I have been flying this beauty for some days now and I'm very satisfied with the flying characteristics as well as the look of this plane. Just fly it on 2200mAh 3S, it will give you all the power needed for a scale-like flight.

Patrick | Verifizierter Käufer

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Spitfire Mk V

Dec 06, 2016

I have been flying this beauty for some days now and I'm very satisfied with the flying characteristics as well as the look of this plane. Just fly it on 2200mAh 3S, it will give you all the power needed for a scale-like flight.

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