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H-King Bixler 1.1 (PNF) Segelflugzeug EPO 1400mm (55.1") mit 30A ESC

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H-King Bixler 1.1 (PNF) Segelflugzeug EPO 1400mm (55.1") mit 30A ESC


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92,47 €
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Der Bixler 1.1 ist ein bewährtes Elektro-RC-Flugzeug für Anfänger bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Piloten. Der Bixler 1.1 ist bekannt für seine Stabilität, Langlebigkeit und seinen erschwinglichen Preis und ist eines der besten RC-Flugzeuge für Einsteiger auf dem Markt. Es ist auch eine ausgezeichnete Wahl als kostengünstige FPV-Plattform und perfekt für faule Wochenendnachmittage.

Der Bixler besteht aus superfestem EPO-Schaum, wobei alle elektrischen Komponenten vorinstalliert sind. Dieses RC-Flugzeug kann in 15 Minuten zusammengebaut und geflogen werden, sobald der Kleber getrocknet ist.

Das Modell verfügt über die Höhen- und Seitenruderservos näher am Heck des Flugzeugs, was mehr nutzbaren Platz im vorderen Teil des Rumpfs und eine bessere Kontrolle über die Luftoberflächen ermöglicht. Wir haben auch die mitgelieferte hochwertige Hardware basierend auf Kundenfeedback aktualisiert.

Egal, ob Sie nach einem Schulflugzeug, einem Sportflugzeug oder einem FPV-Flugzeug suchen, der Bixler 1.1 hat es im Angebot.

• Aufgerüsteter ESC jetzt 30A!
• Einfach und macht Spaß zu fliegen
• Stärkerer und effizienterer bürstenloser Motor
• Wendige und ruhige Fahreigenschaften
• Der bürstenlose Motor, Regler und Servos sind werkseitig vorinstalliert
• Einsteckflügel für einfachen Transport
• Farbige Aufkleber sind werkseitig angebracht

Material: EPO-Schaum
Spannweite: 1400 mm
Länge: 925 mm
Flügelfläche: 26dm2
Flächenbelastung: 25g/dm2
Fluggewicht: 650g
Motor: 2212-1900kV bürstenloser Außenläufer
ESC: 30A mit BEC
Servo: 4 x 9 g
Propeller: 6x4

4-Kanal-Sender und passender Empfänger
2200mAh 3s LiPo Akku + passendes Ladegerät

Hinweis: Bitte schauen Sie unter der Registerkarte Dateien nach dem Produkthandbuch.

  • IC / 2: Elec Electric
  • Spannweite (mm) 1400.00
  • Length(mm) 925.00
  • H-King Bixler am Hang
  • Hobby King Bixler in Lanzarote Richtung Famara
  • Bixler 1 1 Leitwerk abnehmbar machen
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Steve | Verifizierter Käufer

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Great Flyer; Great Price

Apr 11, 2024

This is one of those planes that helps you look good as a pilot, because it is such a sweetheart of a flyer. The aircraft has no bad habits, so it can be a nifty trainer. But you can also push it and do honest-to-goodness snap rolls, hammerheads, split-S's -- all the standard aerobatic maneuvers. This Bixler will fly inverted as long as you want to do it. Takeoff consists of nothing more than a simple hand toss. Because my club has a nice runway, I've added a simple landing gear setup consisting of a 3/8-inch spuce bar glued in a grove cut in just forward of the battery compartment and a pair of 2-inch lightweight wheels. Minus that landing gear, it's an excellent winter flyer that effortlessly slides off packed snow or ice. All that, and the very low price of the plane, makes this Bixler a true value. My HobbyKing Bixler flew its 139th flight this morning. If and when I manage to wreck it through pilot error, there is no doubt I will order a new one that same day,

Philip | Verifizierter Käufer

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Love it

Aug 12, 2023

I really like this plane. The one thing that I had to do to get the CG right was to use a 3000mah 3S as far forward as possible. I will buy a Bixler 3 next, just for the landing gear option

Alexander | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 26, 2022

Das teil macht richtig spaß , Preis Leistung passt .

Test | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jun 14, 2022

alles gut

Flyboy | Verifizierter Käufer

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Good basic glider

Apr 16, 2022

The Bixler is a great little glider and a good value for the price. Just don't expect too much from it. Motor is a bit underpowered and it will do some loops and rolls but be careful. ESC tends to get very hot with a 10 minute flight on a 3S 2200 mAh battery even going fairly easy on the throttle. I had one ESC burn up and damage the plant. I think HobbyKing needs to upgrade the ESC.

jenő | Verifizierter Käufer

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could be stronger

Apr 05, 2022

poor wing grip

Taz | Verifizierter Käufer

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Bixler 1400mm Glider

Mar 25, 2022

This is an awesome hand launch design. The motor really puts out some torque and gear placement is so very easy and well thought out. However; 30 Amp ESC or not, that thing is going to cook if there would be no more ventilation! So, I drilled a 1/2" hole in the front of the nose and another just south of the prop at the base of the pylon. This causes cooling air to ram into the fuselage and be sucked out below the pylon by the vacuum cause by the prop! Now, once the glider is in glide mode there is no vacuum; however, there is still ram air into the nose so if you would want to leave the servo adjusting hatch (just below the T.E. of the wing off, that may offer extra cooling force. I really liked the design of the tail where you glue the horz. stab down first then the vert stab after. It makes adding the empennage so much easier that way then trying to glue both at once! Lastly, I cannot give it a 5 star quality because mine came with the wings loose in the box and the underside of my right wingtip was forced upward, cracking the foam so that I had to repair it. The tips are curved upward, which I think is a really good design drag-wise, but having to impregnate the foam with foam-safe glue then add clear tape as reinforcement brings it down a star for me... I say, Hobby King-be sure to secure the wings next time and I'm sure you'll have a 5 star wonder on your hands from now on!

lorenzo | Verifizierter Käufer

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A model for every condition

Feb 21, 2022

This plane is perfect for every weather condition and any type of surface.

James | Verifizierter Käufer

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Powered Glider build review...

Feb 09, 2022

just as BRIFLY explained in his review; the design does not get any airflow through the fuselage and the wing bolts are not easily if at possible to drive them through to their tie-down location. This is how I solved for both design flaws... I punched a 7/16" hole in the absolute nose of the plane then lined it with plastic tube for smoothness. Next, I drilled another 7/16" hole angular from the fuselage to the base of where the pod and the fuselage meet on the outside; the vacuum caused by the prop and/or airflow over the surface of the fuselage will help draw the cooling air through the fuselage and out the rear at the prop. You will notice that there is a magnetic hatch for servo access at the bottom of the fuselage under the pod location. You can see where the plastic tube enters the fuse and exits at the base of the pod, to further cool the components inside the fuselage you can leave that hatch off if you like. I placed a 2200/50C Lipo at the forward most bottom location so the air coming into the fuse nose will pass over the battery first, then through the fuselage. Personally, I think this is a wonderful design with the prop off ground level and protected and the design of the wing, fuse and empennage are all well done and conducive to great control surface throws with minimal binding, if any.

CruzerDude | Verifizierter Käufer

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Great glider

Jan 14, 2022

The Bixler is a great motor glider and it is a great value for the money. Nevertheless, I think the wing construction is lacking. The two screws that attach the wing to the fuselage don't match up very well and it takes a lot of time to get the screws to finally fit into the fuselage.
Furthermoe, the small wood rings that hold the wing in place are very weak and it only takes the slightest stress for them to rip loose and break. I think the wing attachment design is a poor design and should be improved

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