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Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB Tropical EPO 1000mm (PNF)

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Hawker Hurricane Mk IIB Tropical EPO 1000mm (PNF)


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97,03 €
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Wie viele, die nie ganz Ruhm in den Augen der Öffentlichkeit zu erreichen, war der Hurrikan keine Diva. Sie war evolutionär, nicht revolutionär - ein Kompromiss zwischen Tradition und Anforderungen geboren von einer neuen Ära in der Luftkrieg; die dicken Vorderkanten, die dobbin Nase, der Holm-and-longeron Bau waren vielleicht ein wenig veraltet, wenn sie gegen die Spitfire nehmen gestresste Haut Ellipsen und langnasiger Vollblüter Look gesetzt. Aber es mehr als durch sein Gewicht während der Schlacht um England und wenn die Welt eine Dankesschuld einen leblosen Gegenstand verdanken kann, verdankt er einem zum Hurricane ......

Unser 'Bis' entblößt das reproduzierte Farbschema von Hawker Hurricane MKIIB Tropical 'Z5140' 'HA-C' von von 126 Geschwader geflogen. Diese Staffel wurde 1941 während der "Operation Rocket auf Malta basiert und" Z5140 "im tropischen Farbschema lackiert werden sollte aber aufgrund der verzweifelten Zeiten in Malta sie als braun und grün Tarnung verlassen wurde.

Das Modell verfügt über sichtbare Holme und Panel-Linien unter ihren Tarnung, ihre Bolzen auf 1000mm Flügel verfügt über operative Navigationslichter und hat Darstellungen von 8 Browning 0,303 ist. Sie trägt eine Skala 3 Blattstütze vorne. Im Anschluss an ihre Skalenlinien ist der Bauch Heizkörper statt - wie die tropischen Luftfilter der Merlin ist. Sie hat bereits vorinstalliert Servoless elektrische Einziehfahrwerk zu booten! Ihre EPO Konstruktion stellt sicher, sie wird immer einen anderen Tag zu kämpfen leben.

Die gesamte Elektronik kommen vorinstalliert, sichern Sie den Aufzug in Stelle mit dem mitgelieferten Epoxy und montieren Sie die Prop - Das ist es! Sie einfach Ihre eigenen 5-Kanal-Empfänger und 3s Lipo hinzufügen und Ihr bereit zu klettern!

• Große Skala Detail
• Maßstab 3 flügeliger Propeller
• Vorinstallierte Motor und ESC
• Vorinstallierte Servos
• Vorinstallierte Servoless zieht sich zurück
• Operative Navigationslichter
• Schnelle Flucht bereit Zeit

Daten: Spannweite: 1000 mm
Länge: 785mm
Servos: 9g x 4
Motor: C3128 800kV outrunner
ESC: 20A Brushless
Akku: 11.1V 1300mAh 3S1P (nicht enthalten)
Gewicht: 680g

5-Kanal-TX & RX
11.1V 3S 1300mAh Lipo Akku

  • Hawker Hurricane
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Tamas | Verifizierter Käufer

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Aug 08, 2014

Very easy to assemble.
Overall good looking.

Gear cover was a bit off, but the gears worked fine.
Details like stickers were badly applied. Some fell off, some had crease.
One of the wing servo was not in plane with the wing. Some servos have a bad noise (probably faulty) but works at the moment.
The pusher rods are barely reaching the elevator and ruder, might have to change them to get a better tuning.
The radiator cover had a very bad asymmetric cut.
The pilot house window glue let slip, had to reinforce.

Now the worst part. The prop, the spinner, is terrible. Can not even mount it on. The nut is not fitting in with them. The mounting rod is not compatible with the engine motor shaft.

Not flown it yet because of the prop. But if I manage to make it fly and if it fly well, then it worth it because it is easy to assemble and looks good even with the minor sticker issues. Too bad the prop is useless.

For the price I expected a sligthly better quality.

Richard | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Feb 24, 2014

Finally got around to the maiden flight today. I've had this plane for several months, and finally decided today was the day. I really don't know why I put it off so long. The take off on short grass was a bit difficult, keep full up elevator to keep the nose from tipping. Once flying, it took a fair amount of down trim to fly level, and even then at full throttle, it wanted to climb. I will readjust the elevator controls before the next flight. However, all that said, this plane really did fly well. Very stable once trimmed, and easily does rolls and loops. Not especially fast, but slows down really nicely for landings. Retracts worked fine, no issues there at all. I think a bit heavier battery would help. The CG was right on the mark though. The lights look good on low passes. As most have pointed out, the paint does come off pretty easily, but Model Masters Olive Drab and Flat brown work well to cover those areas. Mine required re-torqueing of the motor set screws, and only is accessible. I ended up drilling another hole in the foam to access the screw, and then repainted around it. For the money, I would say it is a good deal, just be prepared to do a bit of work to patch paint, and get her set up. Overall, a fun flying plane.

Kpt.Jimmy | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 18, 2014

Very nice kit for it's price !!

I like de ribbed details on the fuselage.

Still not flown yet, but the movieclip says it all right ?

Nicholas | Verifizierter Käufer

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Nov 03, 2013

-> Read this to solve the most major issues with your Hurricane <-

First of all, the Hurricane really looks good, but to save the paint from peeling off after some time you should consider Sealing the Paintjob with some Maston's COLORmix H2O. The Glue that it comes with is some sort of a two component glue, in my case I had to cut open one of the tubes because the glue was too thick to come out of the nozzle. After Mixing, you should not waste time, because the glue will dry very fast (about 5 Minutes). Putting this Plane together is very easy and can be done in about half an hour or less.

> The CG (Center of Gravity) <
To get the CG right (it is about 59cm from the leading edge, about where the gear is), you need some good noseweight, if you are using the standart 1300mAh LiPos. I added about 25 grams to the existing weights in the nose to get the CG right. Remember, the farther back the CG is, the more tailheavy and twichty the Hurricane will be.

> The Propeller <
I can't stress this enough, but the Prop that it comes with is horribly unbalanced, I highly suggest you to balance it, otherwise the motor may come loose and the whole plane just shakes from the vibration. To do so, search "Balance 3 Bladed Prop" on Youtube. After you have done that, get some Loctite or other Thread Locker and apply it to the Motor Shaft and the Prop Adapter, you definetly don't wan

yfl211 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 31, 2013

I ordered mine at the European warehouse and it arrived within 3 days, well packed, no damages. The parts fit together very well, no problems at first sight. After further inspection, the undercarriage is a bit flimsy, the wheels didnt turn straight and touched the bay doors. The pilot sits too low and sees nothing. After installation of the electronics, the canopy occupies way too much room, so it needs cutting at the underside. I added a seat for the pilot, so now he looks through the window. Over the landing gears base I glued a plastic plate at each side, secured with screws, to give additional strenght. I put in other wheels and glued the bay doors in place to stop them shifting around. At balancing the plane, it came out really tail heavy with the suggested 3s 1300 mAh lipo. So I use a 4s 1300 mAh, which apparently balances decently. To operate it though, I replaced the 20A esc by a 50A, with an additional bec. On full throttle the canopy comes off, so I hold it back with a rubber band; could insert a bigger magnet later.

At the field for its maiden to fly over tall grass, to not break it on the first flight, I replaced the 3 blade prop for a 2 blade 10x4.7, without a spinner, since I didnt find any at HK which would fit. With the 4s lipo, in some wind, the Hurry flies twitchy, wants to go up all the time and dives uncontrollable with e

Paul | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 27, 2013

Well my maiden flight was a washout.
After leaving the ground 3 feet the plane just rolled over inverted and hit the ground .
I have no idea why , everything seems to be in order and I have flown many other models .
The nose was a little on the heavy side so I moved the ESC back .
I have never had a model do this to me .
come on lads give me the Answer WHY .

Keizersusa | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 22, 2013

This plane looks really nice but despite that after receiving the plane I decided to follow the advice given on a few previous posts. Without even testing it stock, I first changed the esc to PRODUCT ID: F-20A and also added Turnigy Voltage Protector PRODUCT ID: TURN-VP. I changed the prop adapter to PRODUCT ID: JJ3.0 ( One grub screw with lock tight and does not move). I left the metal in the nose, and am flying with 1300mah battery 20c, CG at 60 mm. With the stock prop and motor I feel she has good power and flies well. Flying weight is over 800 grams. I had purchased a Park 450 motor 890kv to replace stock but does not really need it at this point. Retracts are metal and quite strong.My only complaint is the paint did chip off in some places quite easily but no dilema. Stock motor shaft is 3mm and stock prop takes 5mm and can't be drilled out in my opion. So if if you are looking for a different adapter ( collet style maybe ) make sure its 3mm to 5mm and probably 22 to 23mm usable length if not , you won't have enough tread to bolt the prop.If you do decide on the Park 450 motor , the motor shaft is 4mm , so you'll have to swap props most likely ( Example the Durafly Stuka 6mm hole) unless you can find a 4mm to 5mm prop adapter.P.s I fly it in a football field off grass and so far so good, however be carefull as the 11x6x3 prop taking off does come very close to ground, Land

MichelD | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 16, 2013

Hi guy's! Bought this bird almost a year ago and did not fly it for over time that I bought it. I did fly it last week and not a succes. It went up and the canopy went off causing the rx to be disconnected as I had the antenna trough the canopy. I did not secure anough that canopy. So.this bird went wild and crashed. I rebuilted it (cutting the entire nose to built another fire wall and re-glued it together again. No other way to do it than cutting the entire nose.) The small scew securing the engine on the side of the fuselage was impossible to un-scew. I will try again this bird with this time the canopy secure by two small velcro strap at the rear of the canopy. I guess that the CG would be around 1/3 of the leading edge of the wing. Will be back with the flight report. Ciaoooooo

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 12, 2013

super wyglad i ladnie lata

Cookieman0916 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Sep 26, 2013

Looks great, but paint is very flimsy. One bump and the paint is gone. The prop spinner can be a bit of an issue also. This plane is a bit pitchy once in the air, but gain altitude than trim out. On my maiden I pulled a loop, the hatch popped off. This let the battery shift affecting cg. Managed to land, only busted the prop. Overall this plane has some flaws, but for the money not bad at all. Couple of things to remember:
1)Tape hatch closed
2)use clear tape on all leading and trailing edges
3)triple check your cg with gear up!!!<not down>

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