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Hobbyking 182 EPS 1410mm (ARF)

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Hobbyking 182 EPS 1410mm (ARF)


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Nicht der Preis täuschen lassen, dieses Modell nicht nur eine schöne Größe, es nicht nur gut aussieht, mit Skala Detail und bereits aufgetragener Abziehbilder, es ist ein Qualitätsmodell.

Zum Beispiel erhalten Sie einen Kunststoff-Skala Spinner, Kunststoff Streben, Kunststoff Radverkleidungen, Stahl Unterwagen Draht mit einem Kunststoff für eine Skala Blick abdeckt, und vieles mehr, zu diesem Preis würden die meisten dieser Elemente, die normalerweise Schaum sein! Ein farbenLehrBuch, große SF Stütze und alle Hartware, einschließlich eines Kohlenstoffhauptersatz sind ebenfalls enthalten!

Dieses Modell Skala Aussehen hat und verfügt über eine voll lenkbaren Bugrad, volle 4-Kanal-Steuerung, 2 PC-Flügel für den einfachen Transport, aufklappbare Steuerflächen, Kunststoff Servoabdeckungen und einen einfachen Zugang Batteriefach, das eine große Packung für hervorragende Flugzeiten zu nehmen. Diese Hobbyking 182 ist ein ausgezeichnetes Schaummaßstabsgetreues Modell, das alles sowohl den erfahrenen Piloten als auch unerfahrene Piloten zu bieten hat, und mit ihm ein Kit ist, können Sie Navigationslichter, Klappen, schwimmt addieren, was Sie wollen mehr Skala Detail hinzufügen!

Spannweite: 1410mm
Länge: 1030mm
Fluggewicht: 1000g
Flügelfläche: 27.35dm
Flächenbelastung: 34 g / dm
Prop: 10x4.7SF

Ihre eigenen 4-Kanal-TX / RX
35-36 800kV Motor
30A ~ 40A ESC
4 x 9g Mini Servo
2200mAh 3s ~ 2650mAh 3s Lipo Akku

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Fg Dude | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 29, 2012

These planes are out of stock forever I think ! !

Waiting for almost one year now, still no stock arrival alert recieved ! !

Still waiting HobbyKing! !

roclombardi | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 21, 2012

Otimo modelo ,perfeito, a eletronica sugerida pela HK e a ideal voo cerca de 10 minuots e desce tudo com baixa temperatura

Oleg | Verifizierter Käufer

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Mar 05, 2012

Tell to me please when I will receive my plane. I have paid it 1 one month ago. I wait for it very strongly. You could not hurry to send me it faster. PLEASE!!!!!!!! my order 2003855501

Ivan | Verifizierter Käufer

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Feb 10, 2012

Este avin es sper bonito volando, ademas tiene un vuelo muy noble y lo recomiendo a cualquier principiante que quiera iniciarse el el mundillo del aeromodelismo. El corcho que trae no es el mejor del mundo pero para lo que vale, te merece la pena. Un 10 para Hobbyking.

jwzumwalt | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 19, 2011


Thanks for sharing your experience, i have bought two of these planes and have made some modifications. Your story tells me I need to make a couple more. I had added two 1/4" x 5" dowels at the wing root but I had not fiberglassed the joint, I think I will do that after your experience. I also bought and extended carbon rods all the way to the wing tips. I spliced the carbon rods with internal dowels. I think I will wrap my second planes rod joints with fiberglass.


If you want flaps you must add them your self. I put pictures of my flap mod in the files area.

rappa | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 13, 2011

I am disappointed with HK! this product is good but is in backorder. I am waiting for this in almost 8 weeks!!!

chris | Verifizierter Käufer

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Nov 21, 2011

Haven arrived yet but the pics looks good but its so cheap that its always out of have more cheap stuff stocked

JOHN T | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 18, 2011

Excellent CESSNA SCALE . Compared to the AIRFEILD CESSNA IT IS FAR SUPERIOR IN QUALITY . This RICCS Cessna flies great and is real easy to take off and land on grass . OVER ALL A SUPER PLANE :>)

KUBLAY | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 15, 2011

Waiting for 3 weeks is still not in stock, ship provided inasmuch as, say, the sales do not understand why do we have. Please give as soon as possible before the ship even though he was saying I have this product in stock while waiting 3 weeks now.

endee | Verifizierter Käufer

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Sep 23, 2011

Bought two of these because they are cheap and I know what my flying is like. Built the first one OK using electrics from my original Cessna which had a more powerful motor, just did modification to front wheel by leaving out extension piece and fixing wheel shaft directly into white plastic steering arm/horn, makes the front a bit lower but is OK as prop has enough room not to hit the ground, I also had to bend the rod between the servo and the front wheel horn because the angle of the rod put a lot of pressure on the servo and as this servo also works the rudder I didn't want any trouble with it. Had great fun on first flight, really easy to fly, put another battery in and up again, got a bit more adventurous and did some wild loops, rolls and turns (up high to give myself plenty of room). S**t the wing came apart at the centre joint with one half fluttering gently to the ground but the rest of the plane hitting with an almighty thud. Everything had major damage including the battery, all the other electrics including the motor still working. Great that I bought two of them. Just finished building the second one and did a lot of strengthening. On my very first 1.4mtr span Cessna I had put cloth tape on the wing centre joint top and bottom and also on the centre joint of the body from front to back where I could get to it. On this one I have cloth taped the wing and body like

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