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Hobbyking ™ Focke Wulf FW-190 Warbird EPO 1600mm (PNF)

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Hobbyking ™ Focke Wulf FW-190 Warbird EPO 1600mm (PNF)


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339,72 €
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Die Focke-Wulf FW 190 Würger war ein deutscher einsitziges, einmotoriges Jagdflugzeug von Kurt Tank in den späten 1930er Jahren entwickelt und im Zweiten Weltkrieg weit verbreitet. Angetrieben von einem Sternmotor in den meisten Versionen hatte die Fw 190 ausreichend Leistung und war in der Lage zu heben größere Lasten als die Messerschmitt Bf 109. Die Fw 190 von der Luftwaffe in einer Vielzahl von Rollen verwendet wurde, einschließlich Tageskämpfer, Jagdbomber , Erdkampfflugzeug und, in geringerem Maße, Nachtjäger. Die Fw 190 wurde von seinen Piloten gefallen hat. Einige der erfolgreichsten Kämpfer Asse der Luftwaffe beansprucht sehr viele ihrer kills während sie fliegen, darunter Otto Kittel, Walter Nowotny und Erich Rudorffer.

Wenn die FW 190 begann im August 1941 operativ über Frankreich fliegen, es erwies sich schnell in allen überlegen zu sein, sondern an die Royal Air Force die wichtigsten Front-Line-Kämpfer Kurvenradius, der Spitfire Mk. V, insbesondere bei niedrigen und mittleren Höhen. Die 190 gehalten Überlegenheit über Allied Kämpfer bis zur Einführung der Spitfire Mk. IX im Juli 1942.

Die Fw 190 das Rückgrat der Jagdwaffe (Jagdwaffe) wurde zusammen mit der Bf 109. An der Ostfront die Fw 190 vielseitig genug war, in Schlachtgeschwader (Schlacht Flügel oder Streik Flügel), Fachbodenangriff Einheiten zu verwenden, die viel erreicht Erfolg gegen die sowjetischen Bodentruppen. Als Abfangjäger, unterzog sich der Fw 190 Verbesserungen bei der 190D Serie es wirksam in großer Höhe zu machen, so dass es relativ Parität mit ihren alliierten Gegner zu halten.

Die Hobbyking Focke Wulf FW-190 ist in allen EPO-Schaum geformt und hat eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die jeder Skala Enthusiasten glücklich machen wird. Ankunft in einer Plug-and-fly-Konfiguration ist minimal Arbeit erforderlich, um die FW-190 in die Luft zu bekommen. Wir haben die schwierige Arbeit der Montage von Motor, Servos, zieht sich zurück getan, und auch für Sie LED-Leuchten. Füllen Sie einfach Endmontage Programm Ihr Radio und fliegen. Scale-Details gehören Einziehfahrwerk, wie jeder gute Warbird haben sollte, ein Schiebedach, faux Maschinengewehr und andere Skalenteile, geteilte Klappen arbeiten, mit einer Skala 3-Blatt-Propeller das Modell Abrundung.

Die FW-190 ist sehr leicht für ein Modell dieser Größe, so dass, wenn dies Ihre erste größere Warbird ist, haben keine Angst, sie ist eine echte pussycat. Das heißt, drücken Sie den Gashebel auf die Anschläge, das Focke Wolfe und dieser Vogel lebendig. Klettern die Alliierten Kämpfer in Eile abzufangen. Kommen für eine Landung in, die Klappen, geringe Flächenbelastung und große Propellerscheibe verlangsamen das Modell für schöne 3-Punkt einzuleben oder Hauptfahrwerk Landungen.

Achten Sie darauf, die Hobbyking ™ Focke Wulf FW-190 heraus zu überprüfen heute,

• Robuste EPO Construction
• Plug-and-Fly-Format, fügen Sie einfach eine Batterie und Reciever!
• Große Größe Ideal für Stall Fliegen in einer Vielzahl von Wetterbedingungen
• Einziehfahrwerk und Split-Klappen
• LED Navigationsleuchten vorinstalliert
• Schiebe Baldachin
• Große herausnehmbare Batteriedeckel
• Bolt auf Schwanz, kein Kleber erforderlich

Spannweite: 1600mm
Länge: 1350 mm
Gewicht: 3300g
Servo: 4 x Mini 9g, 2 x 40 g
ESC: 80A w / External UBEC
Motor: 5060 Brushless Outrunner 290 kv

6-Kanal-Sender und Empfänger
6S 22.2V 4000mAh LiPo Akku

  • HK FW-190
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Baylon | Verifizierter Käufer

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Replacement parts

Nov 21, 2016

Propeller/Spinner Set: SKU: 9306000179-0
Scale Accessories: SKU: 9306000175-0
Screw Set: SKU: 9306000176-0
Drop Tank Mounts: SKU: 9306000174-0

Pauluzz | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 10, 2016

This plane looks really good!! But there are some things where you should lay your hands on before flying. I have changed the retracts and legs for better ones. Also the rudder and elevator servo's are bad quality, so i have changed those for digital (4Kg) servo's. I use a 6 cell 3700 Mha zippy 25c battery all the way up in the nose. It fits well and the C.G. is perfect. She looks great on the field and much better in the sky. Its a real "head turner". To bad the price is that high...

eu-cust | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Mar 22, 2016

Nice plane. Fly easy and realistic. Handles well some wind.
I had do unscrew the retracts, redo some holes to rescrew them and fill some oil. No more trouble.
One wing touch the runway and it flip over. The wood spar between them broke immediately. I expected for that...
I have to fix it and add some carbon rods where the wing meets the fuse. CG at 100mm seems good.
Tested with 6s3300 and 7 minutes fly. Not bad

Steve | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Feb 17, 2016

Managed to pick this up in the sale hence five stars for value, I definitely wouldn't want to pay full price but then I wasn't looking to buy anything like this.
The retracts are very low quality, they have a central controller and mine just didn't work. replaced them with servoless retracts from the scratch and dent tab at about 6 quid and all is well.
Rest of model is good quality, nice finish, nav lights are of no real use over twenty feet away but look well enough on the floor.
This model really excels in the air, fly's beautifully, looks very convincing, even sounds good. The prop is incredibly tough, power train is adequate, detail parts break very easily but can be removed for transit, (guns, steps and pitot).
No real bad habits, lands easy at tickover, takes off in 10 feet, not especially prone to tipping, its no 3D bird but fly's on rails and easily exceeds scale performance.

Hamlett | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 16, 2015

A very good looking plane and got nice comments from all who have seen it. the only short coming is the landing gear, I am going to maybe change it.

DeeBee | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Dec 06, 2015

I bought one of these on the recent sale and am very happy with what I got for a very reasonable price. Finish an presence of the model is really very good. I will be installing proper hinges everywhere for better movement and durability. Servos and ESC all work well. At the price despite the retract problem I think it deserves 4 stars.

Yes of course the retract controller board does not work properly. The retracts themselves work fine. Just provide power first one way and then reverse polarity and up and down they go. There is simple and low cost solution suggested to me by a fellow club member.
Take the circuit board out of a pair of unused or even new HobbyKing cheap retracts that have a circuit board and install it in line from your receiver to the retract. Use the wires that would go to the motor in the retract into the connector on the retract by adding a plug. I have tried this with a servo tester and they work just fine. I will install in the plane with a small separate battery pack to power the retracts to avoid flattening the flight pack should a servo jam etc.

Herb_ | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 23, 2015

Nice kit for the price, excellent rendition of the FW-190 with nice details and scale accessories. Electronics works well, four digital servos in the wing, two large size analog servos for elevator and rudder. Large esc is good size made by well-known quality brand Hobbywing, and so is the 8A bec. Electric retracts work flawlessly (if you plug them in correctly), landing gear is big and sturdy. Large motor on 6S motor delivers adequate power, scale 3-bl prop with scale spinner is fairly balanced and looks very good on the model. Only disadvantage so far is no spare parts in sight. Five stars.

steverisingsun | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 04, 2015

Hi, I was disappointed in the overall quality, compared to the of some of Hobbykings other products. The moldings, fit of control surfaces etc is very poor. At the price I paid a year ago, it was only fair value at best. Todays price represents very poor buying. It flies nice, modest power, looks very good in the air. I love what Hobbyking do, I have plenty of their products and will continue to buy from them, some items are better than others, just the way it goes, this one is only 'so so'.

Jody | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 26, 2014

This plane really could have been great with just a little more effort in design and manufacturing!


"The HobbyKing Focke Wulf FW-190 is molded in all EPO foam and has a host of features that will make any scale enthusiast happy."
Come on guys!

For me personally, I would have paid more for better quality components and better scale features.

Surely it isn't that difficult to source components that are even remotely scale if you are going to the trouble of making a product that would make any scale enthusiast happy in the first place.

Or if it was offered as an airframe without the questionable hardware and at a reduced rate.
I for one would have bought an unpainted airframe and a decal sheet. Just a thought!
Mine came with one dead flap servo and one dead retract. I would have liked to have flown it at least once before replacing the poop electrical hardware with better quality.

Well it is a 1600mm FW 190 after all and as no other manufacturers are doing it, that is attractive and for me a must have.
It has potential and hopefully it will be worthwhile to spend some more time (and more money) on to have a menacing big butcher bird at the field.

billykant | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 24, 2014

Hi there. I have purchased the HK FW1600. Right out of the box, the retracts didn't work. A mate also purchased this model and had a faulty servo and a fault retract. Has anyone experienced any problems with the retracts and does anyone know what other brand retract make/model can replace these? I note that the gear shaft closes on opposite side of the motor.

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