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Hobbyking ™ HKSCM12-6 Single-Chip Digital Servo 1.7kg / 0.16sec / 12g

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Hobbyking ™ HKSCM12-6 Single-Chip Digital Servo 1.7kg / 0.16sec / 12g


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HKSCM12-6 Single-Chip Digital Servo (6V)

Drehmoment: 1,5 kg @ 4.8V, 1.7kg @ 6v
Gewicht: 12g
Geschwindigkeit: 0,18 / 60deg @ 4.8V, 0.16 / 60deg @ 6v
Spannung: 4,8 V ~ 6 V
Stecker: JR
Alloy Heatsink
  • Servo Drehmoment ( kg) (min. 0,01 kg ) 1.70
  • Servo Speed ​​( Sec / 60deg ) 0.16
  • Servo A ( mm) 29.00
  • Servo B (mm) 22.00
  • Servo C ( mm) 26.00
  • Servo D ( mm) 12.00
  • Servo E ( mm) 31.00
  • Servo F ( mm) 15.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11


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MaydayJoey | Verifizierter Käufer

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Aug 22, 2015

Rather loud and there is a lot of head walk in the spline. I was able to shift it back and forth with just my nail. But movement seems smooth.

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Jun 04, 2015

very good and strong.

davdi | Verifizierter Käufer

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May 10, 2014

I'd like to recommend to check gears before use. I have more than 10 servors of this type and in few if them I found small fragments of something. After cleaning and re-lubrication it looks reliable

degan | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 03, 2014

I put four of these Servos in a brand new SkyWalker V6 and one of them burned while maiden flight. They where powered at 5 Volts. Now I have to buy another SkyWalker :-(

NightCrawler | Verifizierter Käufer

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Nov 24, 2013

Gear stripped easy on one of mine, suggest the metal gear version of this one is better. HK-15178B Digital MG

skyfox60 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Aug 13, 2013

Super servo, have some of them in my foamies. More precise than rhe standard 9gr. analogue ones.

Robert_AU | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 10, 2013

Cheap. When crashes are likely they are a good way to keep the repair costs down. There are better digital servos but not for this price.

WTWUK | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 05, 2013

Excellent servos. Very little backlash, accurate travel and good centring. Well worth the money.

David | Verifizierter Käufer

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May 24, 2013

I do animatronics as a hobby and as such I tend to look for a lot of inexpensive servos.
I decided to try these seeing as they were advertised digital (and I have found a few that say digital but are not)
These unit are very good for the price. They really ARE digital (you can try that by putting them on a tester and then stressing them a little - the buzz that you feel is the number of times it is trying to reset it position. These sing - not buzz so the update frequency is more than 20ms which makes them a digital)
They hold very well - even to the point of breaking the horn rather than shifting. The alloy shell is also excellent for dissipating heat if you are running them continiously.
So for the general hobbiest these are a great buy. I'm also going to look at the others in this range too.

Stevegauth30 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 24, 2012

Not too very well could be something I'm doing wrong, but I can't get them to stop twitching.i couldn't even use them.i threw them in the trash.

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