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iMAX B6 Compact 50W 5A Automatische Balance Charger 2 ~ 6S Lipo

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iMAX B6 Compact 50W 5A Automatische Balance Charger 2 ~ 6S Lipo

13,37 €
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1 year warranty
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Der Imax B6 Compact Balance Charger bildet die Aufladung Ihrer Lipo Batterien einfacher als je zuvor. Ohne Stromgrenzen oder Zellzählungen zu setzen, schließen Sie einfach Ihre Batterie auf die B6 und startet es automatisch geladen wird. Der Ladestrom ist variabel, durch die Kapazität und Ladezustand der Batterie bestimmt. Der maximale Ladestrom ist 5A (bis 50W).

Die B6 kommt mit allem, was Sie Ladekabel und Krokodilklemmen müssen auch für mit einer Gleichstromquelle anschließen.

• Einfach zu bedienen
• Kompakte Größe
• Automatische Aufladung von 2 ~ 4S Batterien
• Bis zu 5A (max 50W) Verrechnungssätze

Betriebsspannung: 11 ~ 18V DC
Ladeleistung: 50W max
Ladestrom: 5A max; Ladevorgang wird die Batteriekapazität kontinuierlich und passen Ladestrom nach Bedarf zu überwachen.
Balancing Strom: 200mA / Zelle
Lipo Cell Count: 2 ~ 6 - Zellen (7.4V ~ 22.2V)
Abmessungen: 115x75x28mm

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kungshatt | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jan 19, 2015

I bought one and thought it was really nice. First I charged a 3S 2200mAh without problem, second battery was a 2S and the charger went up in smoke as soon as I connected the battery pack to the charger. My RMA was also ignored.. Maybe I just have to buy a new one. But is this really an Imax charger? :/

joseph | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 21, 2014

In theory this is a good product. In reality, mine give up after charging 5 and 6cell's lipo's four different times. Maybe I had a defective model, however, I think I will go with a different type of charger next time.

david | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 01, 2013

Of the inexpensive chargers I have these are the ones I like best. If you want something simple to use and inexpensive yet effective this is a great little charger. You don't have to scroll through a bunch of settings everytime you go to charge one of your lipos. Seems to balance the batteries well.

ROSSEEL | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Sep 15, 2013

Bon petit chargeur, il fait correctement son travail, il y a juste le brancher et hop, 45 minutes plus tard ma batterie 2S 5000Mah est charg, je trouve que c'est honorable pour ce genre de chargeur. Il chauffe un peu c'est normal, donc quand je charge c'est toujours port de vue, et dans une pice bien ventil. Si j'avais su j'en aurai pris 2 ou 3 vu le prix.
Pour l'instant j'ai dj charg pas mal de batteries avec, toujours 2 la suite car j'ai 2 batteries en 2S 5000Mha, et R.A.S. Donc je le recommande pour ceux qui n'ont pas envie de dpenser trop.

Chris | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 21, 2013

This is the bigger brother to the B4 that I also have. They work great, are easy to use and have no fan so are quiet. I charged a 3S 2200mah pack and it took 45 min and a nice musical tone and 3 green lights tells you when its done with a reminder beep every couple of minutes till you disconnect the pack.

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 21, 2013


Ral fRotten | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 17, 2013

The postage box it came in was in perfect condition, when I opened the box there was a smaller box containing the charger which one corner was crushed! it was crushed before it went in the postal box! but luckily no apparent damage to the charger, it come with 2 pages of instructions and it has an authenticity hologram on the back of the box. I tried it out the lights turn red then orange then green, and a pleasant? dual tone is heard when the battery is charged, this is charger number 5 so in awhile I will compare it to the others once it has a bit of a workout, but it looks good so far, just need to make a lead with xt-60 end on it, for trial I used one off another charger.

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