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P-47 Donner Kämpfer R / C Flugzeug EPO Plug-n-Fly

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P-47 Donner Kämpfer R / C Flugzeug EPO Plug-n-Fly


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59,99 $
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1 year warranty
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Dieser große schau wenig P-47 kommt bereit zu fliegen, nur Ihre eigenen Tx / Rx und Batterie enthalten.

Technische Daten:
Länge: 730mm (28.74in)
Spannweite: 870mm (32.677in)
Fluggewicht: 490g
Motor: 2410 12T Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 25A
Propeller: GWS 1047
Akku: 11.1V 1300mAh 20C (nicht enthalten)
Ihre eigene TX & RX
11.1V 1300mAh 20C (Nicht größer als: 75x39x25mm)
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fanny | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jan 29, 2013

Outstanding flier for anyone at aleron level. IMHO set all throws to mininmum and make exit air holes at back. As with all of these make engine mount security part of your preflight check. This is my all time favourite.

Eivind Ola | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Dec 08, 2012

Recieved my P-47 in good condition. Good packing HK! Fixed the rudder and saved one servo. Installed a 1350mAh 3s LiPo all the way forward in the battery compartment, and balance was excellent.

A bit nervous before maiden flight...

Plane flew superb! No bad habits! Not the fastest speed (or roll rate) but flies great and looks very scale in the air! Good climb! Half throttle was enough for nice passes and crisp turns! Plenty of fly-time on 1350mAh.

Excellen value! 4 crowns for quality: Paint comes off too easy. Not a big problem.

fanny | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2012

IMHO. Sweat dreams are made of this. This is the best value ever. I have a spare body kit but the origonal has just kept ripping up the sky for years, probably on the 4th motor now but like the prototype this one is rock solid. I have about 20 airworthy parkflyers but this is the one that ticks all the boxes.

Ron | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 04, 2011

Received the kit version of the plane. This looks like the Guanli model in EPO - same landing gear, stick mount, one servo for both ailerons, etc. Installed 3X9g metal gear servos. Also installed the KV 1500 motor that came with the upgraded Guanli F4U Corsair. 30A ESC and 3C 1600mah battery. (The heavier battery put the CG pretty close to spot on.) First take off I flew into a tree. OK, so not the brightest move, but the bird dropped to the ground virtually unsathed. First real flight was fun! Tends to stall if you don't have adequate power, but then smooths out nicely. Lost the cockpit on take off, so flew it as a convertable. Several times around the track and a perfect landing... which is pretty good for me. Next time up, the motor mount came off the stick, motor and prop dropped to the ground, and I had to land it, tail heavy, dead stick. Everything still works... no major damage at all.. tough little bird! Wish I had bought the Corvair version as well, but couldn't afford the divorce that would have followed.

sean | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 18, 2011

This is my first and only warbird. I love this plane. I bought a second kit for parts and ended up building it out. I fly it with a 2410-08T 890kv and the other one has a TowerPro2409-18 1000kv and 9x6 props. Using 3cell 1300mah batteries you get about 10 mins.

The build is easy.

- There is no way to access the engine without cutting the cowling.
- Landing gear are weak but can work. Belly landing is preferred.
- Need a smaller prop (but thats not a big deal)

beaflyer | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 06, 2011

I have been flying mine for a few months. I used a berg microstamp rx and had to replac the ESC for which I used a Thunderbird 18.

I am using an APC 8-7 scimitar gas prop and the Towerpro motor which sems a good combination. I do not think the supplied props give enougn pitch speed.

I had also tried flying the plane with a different 1000 kv motor, a WAypoint, but I think if you get the right prop trhe supplied motor is a very good match which yields almost vertical climbs. Probably with an 8-8 or 9-7 you would, but the 8-7 I can run wide opeen through the whole pack and the motor is barely warm.

I am running 1000 to 1300 25c and 30c packs. You can fit bigger, say 1750 packs, but the wings flex a lot on higher G force manouevers.

I have found that polyurethane glue works well to repair the EPO foam.

I also left the landing gear off. You would need a paved surface of a baseball infield to ROG I think.

I thoughht this plane was a pretty good deal once I got it dialed in, and it's a lot of fun to do low full power passes, then pull up into a victory roll.

I give it 4 stars, because of the ESC that smoked, otherwise 5 stars. The motor gets 6 stars. I cut down the shaft and mounted a 3 mm propsaver. I would guess it's putting out in the range of 150 watts in and a little less output, and like I said, it barely gets warm

edudominguez1 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 08, 2010

en las instrucciones se habla de baterias AAA y menos tension que un paquete de lipos de 3s

veremos si el motor aguanta o sera necesario como algunos dicen bajar helice o bateria.

Kunde | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2010

I have flown this airplane for several months now. The paint peels off easily. The prop is too large. Use sport 8x5 also on HK site will deliver 12A at 144 W. The idle current is 2A. So do not wait in line for take off for too long. The airplane is very sensitive to elevator input. But it flies much better when inverted, so I fly it inverted most of the time. You need to secure the canopy. I love to fly this airplane though!

Hardtail | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 01, 2010

Love this plane. I've reviewed earlier, but posted a very short video on this site and also on youtube. It's very short as I shot it with my iPhone, but you can see it fly.

Hardtail | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2010

Second review after about 20 flights. Still love it. Burned up the original motor and knew I would. I had a motor sitting around from an old Art-Tech F4U I had crashed bad. I had already replaced the F4, so I popped that motor into the P-47, speed controller and all. Flies just perfect. It really needs the extra power to fly well anyway. I did add a little weight to the nose. It's now perfect. Tough too!

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