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P-51D große schöne Puppe 1600mm EPO w / Elektro Retracts, Klappen, Beleuchtung (PNF)

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P-51D große schöne Puppe 1600mm EPO w / Elektro Retracts, Klappen, Beleuchtung (PNF)


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174,95 $
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Dies ist ein großer Schaum Warbird! Sein Plug N Fly es ist ein schnelles Build Modell gepackt mit genügend Funktionen und Skala Detail zu diesen einen Vogel machen Sie zu besitzen stolz sein.

Hergestellt aus EPO-Schaum, ist dieses Modell praktisch trotz seiner Größe, ein onepeice abnehmbare Flügel für den einfachen Transport macht, auch der Schwanz un-aufgeschraubt werden kann, falls gewünscht. Die vormontierten Servos und elektrische Einziehfahrwerk sind alle voretikettierten Feld wodurch die Montage schnell und einfach. Es nutzt die Art von 4s Packs, die sehr häufig jetzt auf großen Schaummodell des immer, die Chancen sind, haben Sie bereits ein paar in Ihrer Flightbox. Der vormontiertem Motor hat viel Leistung für diese Skala Warbird Kunstflug oder einfach nur straffing Ihr Flugfeld!

Maßstab Detail ist einfach großartig, genau wie die zuvor aufgebrachten Aufkleber, Funktionen vorinstalliert elektrische Einziehfahrwerk / Spornrad sind, gibt es die sehr Skala 4 Blattpropeller & Spinner, Navigationslichter, verstellbare Kühlerausgang, Zusatztanks, geformte Auspuffstummel und Pistolen . Die Klappen halten die Landegeschwindigkeit rechts unten, hat dieses Modell keine bösen Stall Tendenzen Warbird Spitze, es schwimmt wie ein Trainer in. Wenn Sie jemals glaubte haben eine Warbird besitzen, wurden aber von all den Geschichten, abschrecken Sie gehört haben, über sie "schwierig" zu fliegen ist, das ist das Modell für Sie!

Spannweite: 1600mm
Länge: 1400 mm
Fluggewicht: 2800g
Motor: 45-58 Brushless
ESC: 80A w / BEC
Prop: 16x6 Vierblatt
Servo: 9g x 4, 17g x 2
Fährt: Elektrische Servoless Typ
6-Kanal (Fahrgefühl, Querruder, Höhenruder, Seitenruder, zurückziehen, Klappen)

Eingeschlossen sind:
Alle Hardware

Ihre eigene 6-Kanal-TX / RX
3200mAh ~ 4000mAh 4s Lipo Akku
* Bitte beachten Sie, dass aufgrund der Größe dieses Modells, wird es in einem guten conition ankommen ausgeliefert doppelt verpackt werden.
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Crooky | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 19, 2014

I cannot believe the abysmal quality if Hibbyking parts and the fact people continue to buy this crap.
My son and I bought a P51 each, neither motors worked and finally when we got a working motor BOTH ESC's ceased working.
Additionally my sons 1600 Edge had exactly the same problem.
When you then have to replace the retracts and servos or risk an air failure, you are better off spending the $$$ on quality planes and equipment.

Crooky | Verifizierter Käufer

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Feb 06, 2014

Because I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for Hobbyking to get their act together and send me a working motor I am nevertheless very busy.
The tail wheel pull cable is poorly thought thru so I've replaced it with push/pull rods.
Both flap servos have literally burst into flames just sitting idle so they are replaced, obviously.
Retracts seem to have a mind of their own and I'm really tempted to just replace them even before it flies.
On another note, balance was so far out I needed about 6oz of lead at the firewall. This I find amazing that a model could be so off balance.
Summary, a great plane once you spend another few hundred bucks making it flyable.
Another piece of rubbish.

Crooky | Verifizierter Käufer

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Feb 03, 2014

After two other planes from HobbyKing, both with missing or defective parts I was apprehensive, and HK did not disappoint.
My motor was used, second hand. The prop mount screws were wrong gauge to the holes in the motor and the holes all had stripped threads.
The motor mount is off centre so I need to mount an adaptor to align it centrally.
There was no cover tape for the servos, and as another person noted, one of the flap servos was red and burned out immediately, (I don't mean after a few minutes, IMMEDIATELY) so I've replaced that one.
Not having run the motor yet, I can't comment on the prop mount or balance, let alone flight until,HobbyKing take their usual 2 weeks to even get a warranty claim moving. I'm not looking at getting a replacement from then for at least a month so it's off to buy a replacement in the meantime.
Yes I'm pissed off.

John | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jun 14, 2013

Well after a fare bit of fiddling I got to do a maiden flight with BBD.
My local club, has a field, sound cool but it's a field not much bigger than a football pitch with large hedges down both side so park flyer really,we keep well mown so short field grass , anyway weather was nice and the wind light.
Taking off (no flaps ) at less than half throttle, and we were up and away ,nice and smooth and scale like,just a few licks of trim and she's flying "hands free" no problem ,she flies really nice, very scale,not over powered on 4s 4000mah but plenty there for all the normal, loop rolls,stall turns,hammer heads etc, all with graceful ease.
She does needs a fare hand on the rudder to keep her tracking nice,or the tail drops to the inside do the turn,
This bird does have great presence and really looks the part in the sunset evening sky and sounds sweet with the 4 blade prop .There's no nasties, no tippy stalls, she just float around really sweet.
landing is trainer stuff....line her up keep the prop spinning and just float in (no flaps) slow her down and touch down nice and gentle ... ah!!!! ..right hand LG gave way as she stopped. So Playtime over.
So,yes the LG is pretty poor ,after a stripping down the a-fending retract , its would seems that one of the two very tiny micro switches ( 2mm x 3mm) that regulate the travel had popped off it mounting.The problem is , it

ratherbeflyin | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 11, 2013

purchased this plane recentlt.very happy with the fit and finish,however my motor is defective ,when running at slow speeds the motor magnets are rubbing because the can is out of round.....with keeping the stock 4 blade prop on and keeping the same esc,WHAT WOULD A GOOD QUALITY MOTOR REPLACEMENT BE RUNNING A 4S 4000MAH BATTERY?OF COURSE I WOULD WANT TO FIT IT IN WITH NO ALTERING PLANE OR MOUNT?HAS ANYONE DONE THIS?APPARENTLY THIS IS A 400 KV MOTOR,TO GET A LITTLE BETTER PERFORMANCE SHOULD I BE GETTING A 450 KV?ANYONE .......????

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 10, 2013

this is one sweet mustang,for the money, i havent had any problems with the retracts,however,i re-did the plywood mount with a thicker wider piece of ply,re-screwed back in,and gorrilla glued...noe good,package came perfectly packed,your an ace hobby king!

homeboy46 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 12, 2013

I love this plane but ther are some parts that you will need to fix, like the horns for the flaps ant Togo and the vertical stabiliser need better instructions too, but still a good buy,

DNS-NL | Verifizierter Käufer

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Aug 28, 2012

Beautifull EPO plane !

Looks like any other balsa plane, good quality EPO.

The only point of critisism is the weak fastening of the landing .
It is attached to the EPO. There is on youtube a good tutorial on how to strengten the gear, do this and you have lot's of fun with this warbird !

Eloute | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 13, 2012

Its a nice plane but there are issues with the retracts. The retracts only successfully cycled once the one burnt out. The only retract still working is the tail wheel now. I havent flown the plane yet as it didnt come with any bolts to hold the wing down. Hobbyking was no help so I made my own hold down bolts from M4 threadded rod.

papamarnix | Verifizierter Käufer

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May 01, 2012

Have received mine a while ago and i`m very pleased with it. Just 2 things that need a little attention. for 1 the landing gear is weak an flumsy as you can read in all the other reviews. second, the plating on witch the engine is mounted is thin and weak. you might also test the servo`s as they are not the best quality. I Replaced all these weak spots and now its a real stunning plane. flies easy and predictable jet quite fast. easy to take off and land. And even if you replace all servo`s and gear still it`s a bargain.

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