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P47 Thunderbolt 0,46 Fiberglas 55.5inch Kit

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P47 Thunderbolt 0,46 Fiberglas 55.5inch Kit


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193,50 $
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eine vollständige GFK-Rumpf mit aufgebaut Lage und Balsaholzausführung dieses Modell verfügt über eine Qualität zusätzlich zu Ihrer Warbird Flotte machen. Angetrieben von einem 0,40-0,46 2-Takt oder 0,52 4-Takt Verbrenner die P47 enthält alle Hardware für einen Schein-Setup erforderlich.

Die P47 Thunderbolt umfasst auch Klappen und abnehmbare Fest Fahrwerk Upgrade zu machen schnell und einfach zurückzieht. Je nach Wahl der Einrichtung werden Sie 5 bis 8 Standard-Servos benötigen, ein 270cc Kraftstofftank, Ihren eigenen Sender und Empfänger und entweder ein Verbrenner oder EP-Setup wie unten beschrieben. Alle allgemeinen harte Waren (Stößelstangen, Schrauben, Fahrwerk etc.) ist im Preis inbegriffen im Gange dieses Kit zu bekommen.

Einige Model-Erfahrung wird benötigt, um dieses Kit zu vervollständigen. Jedoch wird das fertige Produkt von hoher Qualität sein und wird ein Leben lang.

Spannweite: 1410mm (55.5in)
Länge: 1130mm
Fluggewicht: 2500 ~ 2600g
Servo: 5 ~ 7 Standard Servo


Glow - Setup.
Radio: Ihre eigene TX & RX
Servo: 6 ~ 8 x Standard - Servos
Motor: 0,40-0,46 2 - Takt oder 0,52 4 - Takt Verbrenner
Batterie: RX - Batterie
Kraftstofftank: 270cc

EP - Setup.
Radio: Ihre eigene TX & RX
Servo: 5 ~ 7 Standard Servos
Motor: 42xx oder 50xx Größe 500 Brushless ~ 900kv
ESC: 60A ~ 80A
Batterie: 4s ~ 5s 4500 ~ 5000mah 20c Batterie
Motorhalterung: Anzug EP Motor

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| Verifizierter Käufer

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Mar 08, 2015

great very well built I love this plane

kiel | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Dec 27, 2013

This is one of the most difficult planes I have built. The manual is useless, the CG is almost impossible and there is no place for the battery. I had to cut and modify the cowl to hold a 5000 5s under the motor in order to get the CG where it should be. The gear mounts are not strong enough out of the box to withstand a real landing either. I have added fiberglass and oleos to make it secure for landing. The plane come super gloss and looks cartoonish so I had to do a lot of distressing and flattening (which was a lot of fun and hides hangar rash). I have around $350 in this plane built and am now very happy with it. It is a good size and fun to fly but is difficult to disassemble and swap batteries. If you want an ARF look further, if you want a sorta-KIT this is a great buy.

alshere | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 02, 2013

This plane arrived damaged (crushed tail) , HK wanted me to send it back, was going to cost me $67.00 to send it, I decided no worth putting 70 bucks into a 130 dollar plane. It sat on a shelf in my garage till 4 months ago, I repaired and built it, the manual is not for this plane, the wing is close but not a true fit to the fairing, the hardware that comes with it. I would never trust, once fully assembled put it on my balancer and could not believe what I saw, needed over 2.5 pounds in the nose. after running the numbers, the wing loading was so high this plane would be a nightmare if I ever flew it in the recommended configuration.
back on the shelf, one day maybe a 91 four stroke for now its a hanger queen.

jesse | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 15, 2013

The pictures do this plane no justice, it is beautiful when assembled. I got rid of the canopy and installed one from my scrap pile. Installed ASP FS61AR four stroke engine and I put about 2 weeks of work and a bunch of spare parts I had lying around to get it ready to break in the motor, manual is trash as is most of the hardware, I had parts that looked like they went to a jet fighter???? Luckily I am not a great pilot and have many parts from crashed predecessors. Plane is pretty easy to tweak out and get up in the air, also fairly tough as my landings are a little rough, overall worth the money if you have some parts lying around.

kiel | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 23, 2013

I have had this plane for 2 months and finally maidened it this past week. I had a lot of work to do to make her airworthy out of the box but it was worth it in the end. The manual is pretty useless so use it as a guide seeing as it is for a different version of this plane. I had to do a little fitting on the wings and controls to get everything together. None of this was a big deal and just added to the fun of the project. Getting CG figured out was a challenge as once I had her build the plane weighed 3400g with a 5000 5S and the description says she should be 2600 so I was hesitant to add weight. After cutting a battery sized hold in the firewall and moving the battery against the inside front of the cowl and adding 170gr to the tip of the nose I was ready at 3670gr. I had installed a 1300W prop drive motor and was running 1100w at 5s...more than enough power...let's fly!

Time for my first flight...I triple checked my controls, CG, programing and was ready. I set my rates to 60-70pcnt and added 60pcnt expo /- and taxied around for a few minutes. Everything was good. I lined up on the runway and gave her throttle. The PropDrive was perfect and i had lift off in a much shorted distance than I had expected. I was up and flying at 3/4 throttle. My elevator needed a little trim but was flying straight and level in 30 seconds. I eased back to half throttle to see where

Russell | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jul 13, 2012

I just recently received this in the post. it came very well packed on top, not so much underneath (most people forget to do). But no damage to the plane at all!!!! looks very nice, will start building it after i finish my current build (about half way through, taken 2 weeks). just a bummer about no instructions in the box, if it came with them would be absolutely brilliant.

Kruty1 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 14, 2012

Not a bad plane overall , very happy with finish

flaps work well ( although dont think P47's had split flaps )

mechanical retracts are a bit of messing around to fit servo in , but generally not to much trouble

Biggest Problem - to be noted is - i had to add almost a KILOGRAM of lead to the firewall to balance it - Yes you read right 2.2 pounds

this is also a concern as the mechanical retracts ( struts in particular )dont really like dealing with that kinda weight ( they want to bend back leading to nose over landings)

i used a OS55AX to power it and once it was in the air the plane did fly nicely , no strength issues in the build

I suspect the fiberglass tail to be the main suspect in the need for aditional weight

Does look good flying though


kekelala | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 03, 2012

I will make this review before flight because I see not much review yet as perhaps many wish to know the finishing first. Flight review will be posted later... Quality is superb! The yellow tail looks ugly on the pic here but when you look at the real stuff, it's actually very nice! The fiberglass built is really pleasant and the glossy paintwork is so beautiful you wouldn't believe what you have paid for. This thing is heavy. I mean the fuselage is really thick and weighs quite a fair bit. The wings are balsa-sheeted and pre-covered. I assume the recommended engine is barely enough for this "brick"- as mentioned by one of the guys here. I am putting up OS FS95V. One funny thing about this package (don't know about other folks) is that HK includes 2 fiberglass wing motor cowl which are not meant for this plane. Definitely not for new builders, requires a handful of tools and intermediate experiences to finish the task. Quite a squeeze for mechanical retracts. Servoless retractables are less welcomed because of the AUW. Use the stock wheels as they are light. If you really have to change the wheels, the measurement is 63mm diameter max. Do not use the stock gears if you intend to convert it to retracts. Once glued or epoxied, you may not be able to convert to retracts in future. The manual is useless. It is the same model but not from the same manufacturer. Pictures in it are s

Frederic | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Apr 05, 2012

Ce P 47 est de trs bonne qualit ,fuselage bien peint tout en fibre .quelle t ma surprise de constater que les ailes sont entirement coffres en balsa,l' empennage est profil se qui ajoute des points pour ce kit. Par contre le fournisseur prconise un moteur 52 4T, ce qui est trs insuffisant , je sollicite un 62 minimum, l'idal c'est un 70, vu que le fuselage du P47 est large, une hlice 13.5 est bien venu.

dennis | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Dec 14, 2011

Its a bit of a heavy model,I have an ASP 91 in it and she has to be flown and landed a bit faster than normal.It flies nicely during normal flight.To keep the weight down at the back end use pull/pull on elevator and rudder with 70 lb trace wire.Servos further to the front.This way you will not have to add as much ballast to the nose. It would probably fly better with an ASP 61 because this motor is much more powerful than the 91 four stroke

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