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PA-28 Cherokee 1530mm (ARF)

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PA-28 Cherokee 1530mm (ARF)


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115,70 $
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Das PA-28 ist ein hervorragend gebaut und maßstabgetreues Modell Balsa-Modells abgedeckt werden, die speziell für den Elektroflug ausgelegt ist.

Dieser große schau Cherokee kommt komplett mit einem hervorragenden Skala Interieur, eine umfassende, hochwertige Hardware-Kit und schön Glasfaserverkleidung & Radverkleidungen fertig. Das Modell kommt mit starrem Fahrwerk würde aber eigentlich ganz einfach sein zu konvertieren Servoless zurückzieht.

Die PA-18 dicken Flügel und geringe Flächenbelastung bieten die Skala Pilot die vollständige Kontrolle bei jeder Geschwindigkeit und die Klappen sorgen Landungen ein Kinderspiel sind. Mit dem reccomended Motor gibt der Macht viel sein wird, bietet das große Vordach einen einfachen Zugang für Batteriewechsel und die 1pc Schraube am Flügel erleichtert den Transport. Scale-Modelle dieser Größe sind oft nur für Verbrennermotoren, hat diese großartige Größe, sehr Skala Cherokee bietet dem Elektro Flyer eine praktische und attraktive Modell im Maßstab, mit exellent Flugeigenschaften, ideal für einen erholsamen Tag fliegen!

Spannweite: 1530mm
Länge: 1200 mm
Fliegen Gewicht: 2600g ~ 2800g
Flächenbelastung: 60 ~ 64g / dm 2
Flügelfläche: 43,5 g / dm 2
Airfoil: NACA 2416

Ihre eigene 6-Kanal-TX / RX
50-55 Brushless Outrunner Motor
7 x-Standard-Servo
4000mAh ~ 5000mAh 4s Lipo Akku

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carl | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 03, 2013

ordered this plane and was lost in the post , hobbyking dont care that i paid nearly 100 to them for something i still havent received and they wont put a claim in to parcel force which is what theve been told to do , so no money and no plane , and still no update off hobbyking after months. where is my refund ???!!!!!!!!!!

johnny1 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Mar 29, 2013

.Mine arrived today the horizontal stabilizer is one solid piece. Has this been strengthened or does it need some work on it? We're these made of stick originally?
Can anyone tell me were I can get a new canopy, mine arrived broken and still waiting on HK to answer my request.
Other than that it Looks solid and a really nice model

pipiou | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Nov 21, 2012

4 stars, looks very nice and well made ! A good value for the price. A part for the horizontal stabilizer ; it looks very fragile, I will re enforce it with 1mm balsa on each side. I will run it under 4S with a old TR4250 kv700 and will use 26g and 19g servos to keep it as light as possible (metal for the stabilizer and front wheel and nylon for the 5 other).
4 etoiles mais il est trs beau et bien fait a part le stabilisateur qu'il faut renforcer, il semble trs fragile, je vais le renforcer avec du balsa 1mm de chaque cot. Tournera en 4s avec un vieux TR4250 kv700 et des servos leger de 26 et 19g... la suite aprs le 1er vol.

celioadilson | Verifizierter Käufer

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Sep 11, 2012

It is a beautiful plane no dough. Easy to mount very stable in the sky. But due to very weak Tail Elevator, fancy wheels, weak canopy and a not well understandable manual, i'll give an advice to the manufacturer to look deep on that issues. BTW: until now, replacement parts has been difficult to find.

Murray | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 26, 2012

My last review was deleted so I'm not going to type that much again.

I will say that this plane looks nice, with nice covering and scale details. There are some things that need to be done to make it durable enough to be a regular flyer. First, do some research on the horizontal stabilizer modification. This needs to be done or your stab WILL fold up in flight. Also, the first time taxiing on our paved runway, both the left and right landing gear support blocks split in two. There was simply too much direct force coming through the rock solid tires and through the straight steel struts. You'll need to get softer tires and some oleo struts. I have ordered these and will update after I get it in the air.

Rogerio | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 07, 2012

You need to offer replacement parts, specially the canopy and cockpit

Plastic is very brittle and cracks easily !

I agree with the other review mentioning stabilizer reinforcement

Other than that, a good value

bushy | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 23, 2012

just taken it out of the box big Rumpf.. cockpit a little flimsy.but all in all a nice scale plane Im satisfied

Myles | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 13, 2012

well finailly flew her...ended up (highly recommend)stiffing the rear stab. i used 1/16 bass wood stripped off coverin and backed existing structure...a must!!!!..

so w/ my setup she was off ground in 3'..flew very smooth and looked great ..after few clicks she flew hands off like a arrow..when you banged throttle plane stands right up and dissappears into the clouds...pullin 1756 watts @60a..flew for bout 10min less if i was pounding it im sure but madien flight you know..

upon landing noticed hope action and slide due to crap home i went copied same wheel setup minus the pants and extended the gear a little put some bigger rubbers under her..

back out again now she rolls nice easier to steer and id say grassable now..i opened her wide and let her sing she screams!looks great and damn near hover(ifn i was little better on the

great plane for the $..just wish there were parts canopy came cracked and after lights and all the other stuff like it to look little nicer..but hey cant see it at 80mph fly by's..

happy smashing ..

Edwinpogi | Verifizierter Käufer

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Apr 04, 2012

I'm quite happy with this airplane. I have completed the servo installation and have not encoutered any difficulties.

but you need to reinforce the horizontal stabilizer due to weak balsa used.

a small gap between the canopy and fusalage is noticeable.

I recommend this plane for those who love scale planes.

NeilH | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Feb 10, 2012

Lovely plane, went together easy and everyting fitted.

The stabiliser needed beefing up a bit and the undercarrige is very weak. Nose gear is prone to bending even on fairly light landings. I'm running it with a 4260 outrunner motor, 100 amp ESC with a 6s 4000 li-po and get at least 10 min flying.

This plane flies beautifully and is very stable even in moderate winds. Great value!

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