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SpyderByte 190 Lightning X Renndrohne (Rahmenkit)

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SpyderByte 190 Lightning X Renndrohne (Rahmenkit)


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54,55 $
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Dieser SpyderByte Lightning X-Rahmen ist auf Geschwindigkeit ausgelegt. Es kommt mit starken, maschinell bearbeiteten 4mm Kohlefaserarmen, sodass es bei extremer Geschwindigkeit keinen Flex gibt. Das obere und untere Deck bestehen aus maschinell bearbeiteter 2mm Kohlefaser, um das Quad steif zu halten. Der Rahmen mit 190mm Radstand benötigt einen 4-Zoll-Propeller, um die Drohne mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in Bewegung zu halten.

Dieser Rahmen wird mit einem 2-mm-Carbon-Tower in der Mitte geliefert, um Ihre gesamte Elektronik zu halten. Wie Flugcontroller, PCD, Empfänger, FPV-Kamera und Video-TX, die durch den Rahmen geschützt sind.

Der Tower wird mit einer verstellbaren FPV-Kamerahalterung (geeignet für FPV-Board-Kameras) geliefert, sodass Sie die FPV-Kamera in einen Winkel bewegen können, der Ihren Fluganforderungen entspricht. Wenn Sie die kleineren Kameras des 1177-Stils verwenden, z. B. Foxeer-Kameras im CCD-Stil, die über einen Kameraneigungshalter verfügen, kann der Turmrahmen geändert werden, um diese kleineren Kameras zu unterstützen. Es gibt auch den oberen Bereich für das Anschnallen einer Action-Kamera frei.

Eine weitere einzigartige Funktion ist die Möglichkeit, Ihre Video-TX-Antenne vertikal aus der Rückseite des Rahmens oder aus einem der beiden Seitenrahmen herauszuführen. Das untere Deck verfügt über integrierte Schlitze für Batteriegurte, die Ihre Batterie sicher und gesund halten.

Der SpyderByte Lightning X ist der Rahmen, den Sie für ernsthafte Rennen brauchen.

• Starker und steifer 190-mm-Rennrahmen
• 4mm Kohlefaser-Arme
• 2mm Kohlefaser-Decks
• Einstellbare FPV-Kameraposition

Radstand: 190mm
Gewicht: 110g (nur Rahmen)
Größe: 165 x 165 x 77mm
Arme: 4mm Kohlefaser
Decks und Rahmenkomponenten: 2 mm Kohlefaser


4 x 1806~1808~2204 Motoren
4 x 4" Propeller (CW/CCW)
4 x 12~20A ReglerSC
1 x 3~4S 1000~1600mAh LiPo-Akku
1 x Flugcontroller
1 x PDB
5~6 Kanal Radio und Empfänger
FPV-Ausrüstung (optional)

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Bezerk20 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Looks cool. Designed poorly.

Jan 26, 2017

Great idea, poorly executed. This could be a market leading frame if the manufacturer put in a little more R&D. Let's start out with the problems I encountered with this one. The first thing I noticed was there is no nylon standoffs for the pdb or flight controller. At nearly 50 bucks for the kit this is a huge oversight. You actually need 2 sets as they will stack together. The floating camera mount is all but useless as its cut too small so will not hold the set angle, it's also designed for a board cam only. Hs177 mounting options are a must these days. The so called antenna mount is also no good as there is not enough room between the mounting hole and the pod to allow any respectable antenna to be attached.  This is made worse by not having a path for the pigtail to run back inside the pod to your transmitter. The rear most mounting holes on the pod also do not align with the standoff as the top plate has been designed too long. As a suggestion this frame could do with another 25mm or so wheelbase as it would make the motor/esc install much neater. I really like the way the arms interlock to create a square, this appears tough as nails. Also a battery strap would be nice. Overall a good frame which flies great just took a lot of modification to bring it up to the next level. I would not recommend at this price. It's more like a $30 tops frame considering what you need to do and add yourself to get it in the air.

kevin | Verifizierter Käufer

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STOP!!!!!! dont overlook this frame ! it is truly incredible!

Nov 10, 2016

i've purchased and flown many good frames ,but this one is in the front of the line for good reason. it is versatile w options for your fpv camera and/or hd camera too! it is very ridged and strong ,and has very tight tolerances for 5'' props ...this frame is an awesome value that will scream like no other w 2600kv motors! no other frame will be as durable for what you pay here. i absolutely love this x frame,and after i'm done writing this review, i'm going to buy another ! the only way you could possibly improve this frame is to add another camera plate for hs1177 cameras too, and offer 5mm arms ....then i believe this frame could never be beat! thank you for offering this to the fpv racers hobbyking! :-)

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 08, 2016

Brilliant. Moved my electronics from a ZMR250 to this frame. Can actually fit a 5 inch (only just but there is around 1-3mm of clearance so it isnt too close). Flies a lot better than my ZMR due to the weight reduction as well as the pure x design. Soooo happy with this frame, cant believe more people dont use it. The pod has a little give on mine as I took out the front brace to fit electronics (not necessarily a bad thing as it will take a crash better) and the long screws are just a little too long for the stadoffs (just took a file to the end of two of them and it was all good).

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