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Ersatzkörper Shell - Turnigy Wegbereiterin 1/8

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Ersatzkörper Shell - Turnigy Wegbereiterin 1/8


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Ersatzkörper Shell - Turnigy Wegbereiterin 1/8

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indo1144 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 19, 2012

This body is way to fragile to be used on a truck this powerful. When you do a wheelie, it will flip onto the tail and tear there or it will flip onto the back and destroy the body there.

Good tip is to cover the inside with shoo-goo and tape. Now the body will stay in one piece.

Another tip is to lower the bodyposts to their lowest position. In original position, the body can be pushed over the sideguards and when you land on the roof, the sideguard will cut into the body. You can also apply sticky velcro to the body and sideguards to make it more strong.
When you lower the body, extend the slots at the nose to remove pressure from the bumperunit.

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