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Spitfire Mk IX Verbund 50cc Gas 2250mm (ARF)

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Spitfire Mk IX Verbund 50cc Gas 2250mm (ARF)


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451,97 $
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Von all den verschiedenen Marken des legendären Spitfire ist der Mk IX in Bezug wohl schönste overal zu sein als es Balance ist Agilität, Geschwindigkeit und Feuerkraft, als Antwort auf die FW190 entwickelt, diese ikonischen Version der Spitfire war ein die besten Kämpfer des Krieges spielte die Mk IX einen großen Teil der alliierten Luftüberlegenheit zu gewinnen und war so effektiv, es noch im Dienst bis zum Ende des 2. Weltkrieges war.

Diese hervorragend verarbeiteten Spitfire verfügt über einen Composite-Rumpf und Balsa Flügel, Leitwerk und Ruder. Dieses Modell wurde wirklich gut durchdacht, die 2 PC-Stecker in Flügel und Leitwerk machen das Modell sehr praktisch, sowohl in Bezug auf den Transport und die Montage vor. Ein weiteres nettes Feature ist die schnelle realease Baldachin ist, die ein separates Cockpit kennzeichnet, ist dies nicht nur ermöglicht den einfachen Zugriff auf den Rumpf, es gibt auch den Modellierer die Freiheit, eine groß angelegte Cockpit Innenraum relativley leicht zu bauen. Die ausgezeichnete Qualität Hardware umfasst auch Maßstab Details wie Radiatoren, Kanone Blasen, Antennenmast, Radkappen und so weiter. Dieses Modell wird einfährt (nicht enthalten) benötigen, und wir haben eine speziell entwickelte, Maßstab vollen Satz für dieses erstaunliche Spitfire.

Dieses Modell verfügt über eine erstaunlich niedrige Fluggewicht als Folge von gutem Design und bauen Qualität, Leistung mit einem 50cc Gasmotor wird erstaunlich, groß, Skala 300ft Schleifen anliegen und so wird auf der Tagesordnung sein, auch die Spit eignet sich zu einer praktischen Umsetzung elektrischer Energie, da die Batterien können so leicht zugänglich. Es besteht kein Zweifel, ist diese schöne Spit ist eine erstaunliche Riesenmaßstabgetreues Modell in der Tat mit ein wenig Arbeit, wäre es super Maßstab / show Standard, noch zu einem Preis, die es erschwinglich für viele Warbird Fans macht, der Anblick dieser Spitfire " verprügeln wird "Ihr Club Feld Sie den Neid von Ihnen Pilotenkollegen zu machen!

Spannweite: 2250mm
Länge: 1894mm
Flügelfläche: 86.5dm2
Fluggewicht: 8000g

7 ~ 8-Kanal-TX / RX
9 x MG High Torque Standardgröße Servo
50cc Gasmotor (oder elektrische Äquivalent)
121mm Spinner

  • Supermarine Spitfire MK IX
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MaximusInfidelis | Verifizierter Käufer

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Oct 14, 2014

Love this plane, flies great, it has amazing slow flight characteristics. With 4 1/2lbs of steel in the nose to balance mine came out at 25lbs. C of G is 5.5 inches back. I posted a video, click on the video tab. Like many ARFs from China, you have to do some extra work, but it was well worth the extra effort. I've got 21 flights on mine right now and I really look forward to the weekend, gets lots of attention at the field also. I posted my build on RCU in the WARBIRDS section, just search for Hobby King Giant Spitfire. I cover all the mods that need to be done and some others I did because I wanted to. I would buy another one, love it.

systemspecialis | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 29, 2014

The model was assembled as per the manual, but with the additional nose weight in the cowl, I had to adapt some very robust mountings attached to the motor box. ( I got this tip from a forum, so thanks for that!)
There have been some concerns over the wing securing tabs. Remember, the wing is supported by the alloy spar tube. The tabs only have to keep the wing on the tube. I had a look around the wing internals, and didn't find anything out of order, maybe a couple of dabs of glue. some of the fittings provided are a bit 'agricultural' but do the job. I remade the wheel doors and under wing radiators in fiberglass, as they will stand up better in the long term. A 216mm spinner in ally can be obtained from Traplet Shop, for 21.00 . The carbon fibre one at 217mm looks a little bit too big. The ally one I can use with my electric starter.
Yes I'd buy another one, especially at the price!

systemspecialis | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 29, 2014

The HK retracts need a certain amount of re-engineering to make them work, and cure leaking cylinders etc. However, the ridiculously low price more than makes up for the extra work.
The power plant is a DM55 (sort of 'clone' of other more famous manufacturers:) ) This is a neat fit inside the cowl, with a pitts-type muffler. By twisting the engine on the motor box just a little, it all fits in nicely, with just the tip of the head & spark plug in view. You're going to have to cut some big cooling holes anyway. C/G was set at recommended position, but I also checked using a C/G calculator, which agreed almost exactly.
Maiden flight was performed today at RAF Wyton, and the model took off in a short run. a Left bank was quickly corrected, and the model climbed away. Handling is sensitive on elevator, but soft on ailerons, but yours may be different. This Spitfire is going to be a lot of fun, to shake down into a sweet flier. I have set the flaps up as per full size. I was surprised how good they were, in slowing the model down, and was undershooting, had to open up and 'go round ' again. The third try had it right on the money, for a gentle flare out. There was just enough elevator to hold down the tail, and save the prop. This is normal for a Spit.

systemspecialis | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 29, 2014

Having read various reports/reviews, I was beginning to wonder if this model was a bad idea. Having flown many Spitfires of varying sizes over 30 years up to and including a 9 foot quarter scale Spit. Most were built from kits. I was looking for something with enough 'presence' without being so big as to be a bit awkward to transport. I have a large trailer, but sometimes I jut want to pop a model in my MPV, and a Spitfire sized at 88 in span fits the bill.
The 17 pound 'flying weight' is a total lie. Perhaps the manufacturer would like to demonstrate that they have a prototype of this kit flying at this weight. To get the C/G correct needs at least FOUR POUNDS of lead. This was cast into a circular ingot with a centre hole large enough to clear the prop shaft, and bolted at the extreme front inside the cowl. This saves a bit of weight and produces a decent flying weight of 25 pounds. This is still a reasonable weight for a model of this size, so don't be disappointed.

vettster | Verifizierter Käufer

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Dec 22, 2013

I am currently doing an online build on RCG under Warbirds. This is a very attractive ARF, but like many ARFs it requires many upgrades. The wing bolt attachment have been proven to fail!!! The wing tube is to short and weak. I have upgraded to a CF wing tube. The engine box needs major reinforcement. I spent hours sanding down the wing tube receivers so the wing tube would fit. There is a big gap at the trailing edge on the left wing.
In the end its a very nice model for a good price. but be prepared to do a lot of extra work. Go check my build thread for more details. The best reported CG is 5.5" from the LE.

Dave | Verifizierter Käufer

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Nov 08, 2013

Hi all!
This Spitfire flies, lands and performs really well! It looks the part, although certainly not 100pcnt scale. It needs about 4.5 pounds of weight in the nose with a DLE 55 gas motor, to balance out at the 6 inch CG. I'd recommend reinforcing the firewall and shimming the landing gear further forward about an inch. A good buy...

Andrew | Verifizierter Käufer

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May 19, 2013

left a bad review of this and hobbyking have removed it !!!!!!!!!

Bad news for us all if only good reviews are allowed

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