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Tigermoth DH82A Spirit of Pashley 912mm (P & P)

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Tigermoth DH82A Spirit of Pashley 912mm (P & P)


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73,27 $
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Die Tiger Moth kann am besten d esc als Iconic ribed sein, wurde es von der sehr erfolgreichen Gipsy Moth und entworfen von Geoffrey de Havilland in den 1930er Jahren entwickelte Luftfahrtministerium Spezifikationen für eine neue Vorab Trainer für die RAF zu erfüllen. Die noticable Funktion, die die Tiger Moth von ähnlichen DH bi-planes unterscheidet, ist die unverwechselbare gefegt oberen Flügel, die einen besseren Zugang für einen Piloten erlaubt, während ein Fallschirm tragen. Die Tiger Moth ging auf sich zu einem großen Erfolg auf der ganzen Welt und wurde von mehreren Luftwaffen verwendet wird, es bis 1952 von der RAF ersetzt wasnt, wenn der DH Chipmunk Dienst eintrat, ist das "Tiggy" bis heute eine sehr beliebte Wahl mit Piloten auf der ganzen Welt und bekannt ist lohnend zu fliegen sein. Der Geist von Pashley (G-MANN) ist noch in Betrieb und führt regelmäßige Freude Flüge vom Heim bei Shoreham Flugplatz im Vereinigten Königreich.

Diese Hobbyking Tiger Moth ist ein qualitativ hochwertiges, komplett im Haus Design & Entwicklung, die uns exklusiv ist. Aus robustem EPO, es ist einfach die meisten Skala Schaum Tiger Moth verfügbar und tropft nur in Form Skala Detail. reale Präsenz haben sowohl auf dem Boden und in der Luft, ist es die perfekte Größe für eine Schaum Skala BIPE Klein genug, um leicht und groß genug, zu transportieren. Sein Plug - and - Fly, der Motor, Regler & Servos sind vorinstalliert und ein großer Teil der Arbeit getan ist , aber es wäre fair zu sagen , dass ein wenig mehr Montagearbeiten als viele PNF Modelle erforderlich ist, was man von einem erwarten Doppeldecker.

Die Flugeigenschaften dieser Tiger Moth sind einfach hervorragend, werden Sie hart gedrückt werden, um eine Schaum-Modell in seiner Klasse zu finden, sie zu entsprechen. Die ausgezeichneten 9g Servos sind perfekt auf die Steuerflächen angepasst und die niedrige kv Motor ist perfekt auf den 10 "SF prop abgestimmt, die die Tiger Moth viele Prop waschen über die Steuerflächen für eine bessere Kontrolle gibt , wenn in großem Umfang Geschwindigkeit geflogen. Gas geben und realistische Kunstflug sind ein synch, Sie gerade nicht Reifen dieser hervorragenden maßstabgetreues Modell. der Hobbyking "Tiggy" alles hat, Qualität, Umfang Detail, Funktionalität, erstaunliche Leistung, Zähigkeit und hervorragende Aussehen, es ist ein muss für die Aufhängung von jeder haben muss Scale RC Piloten Enthusiasten.

Spannweite: 912mm
Länge: 772mm
Flügelfläche: 24,2 g / dm 2
Flächenbelastung: 26 g / dm 2
Fliegen Gewicht: 620g ~ 680g
Servo: 9g x 4
ESC: 20A w / BEC
Motor: 28mm 1000 kv
Prop: 10x4.7SF

Eingeschlossen sind:
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(Wasserschiebebilder voraufgetragenen)

Ihre eigene 4 - Kanal - TX / RX
1300mAh 3s Lipo Akku

  • TigerMoth DH82A Spirit of Pashley 912mm
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colinpearce90 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jan 06, 2013

Wow what can i say the model went together great with only the rigging wires slowing me up a little but this is well worth the effort as it really makes the model, the model flies very well with more than enough power only adjustment required after maiden was to introduce a small amount of down thrust other than that this model is perfect cracking job well done hobbyking

Chubbs | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 27, 2012

what a delightful plane! One of the most scale looking planes I've seen in this size, right down to the functional wing rigging wires. The supplied power system is-dare I say-overpowered. It has greater than a 1 to 1 power/weight ratio, and will fly right out of your hand straight up if you let it. hand launching underhand is easy. Nearly impossible to stall with the huge amount of prop wash generated. Mine balanced perfectly with the recommended 1300mah battery, and is good for 15minute flights.

Only 2 complaints- landing on grass results in a nose over every time due to the small wheels, and the ailerons aren't nearly as effective as the other control surfaces. Otherwise, this is a great plane.

fenno | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2012

I bought one of these on the strength of the look and performance of one owned by a fellow club member. I dont know what the fuss is about. I'm not at all disappointed in it. Its a lovely little model and a great flyer. I suspect that some of the "issues" listed are probably pilot related rather than the model itself e.g. she will take off from grass providing the grass strip is mown properly and landing without going nose over is also the norm, providing full up elevator is applied on touch down. The landing gear is also robust enough for those that don't generally "pancake" their landings. I only made two changes to my tiggy, I glued a joiner for the separate elevators and changed the wheel hubs for something a little more scale. I also cut away some of the spinner to enable its use properly as a prop nut. Anyway I love it, especially the colour scheme which makes a nice change from the standard yellow and she's great fun to advice is buy one!

Skymax | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 19, 2012

Rating 8 out of 10 for Flight Character, Ease-of-Build and Overall Quality. Would be a 9 if it didnt have a do-nothing Tailskid and too-short prop shaft for Spinner. Fit at least 75mm wheels even for short grass. Fix-able issues in an otherwise pleasing little aircraft. Video Maiden Review "TIGER.MOV" in video section above.

Jim | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jun 18, 2012

What a stunning plane, both in the air and on the ground. So lovely to fly. It's certainly not as responsive or quick as other planes I've flown, but it's definitely the most enjoyable. Has a lovely scale feel to it which really catches your eye. I was down at my local park, and by the end I had drawn quite a crowd - I got several compliments on the colour and scale appearance, I think most people assumed I'd done the paint job myself!

It does take longer to build than some other HK planes, but it's definitely not a difficult plane to build. To do a proper job I would suggest setting aside 2 hours at least and make sure you download the instructions from the files tab. Also I should mention that if you want to fly it the same day as you build it, epoxy is a must.

It was a windy day, so I had the plane at full throttle for the majority of the flight which meant the motor did get very hot. You could probably solve this by cutting some more ventilation holes in the front cowling, but you would end up spoiling the look. I think you would be better off throttling down for some of the flight, or giving it a break to let it cool down when you land to put in new batteries.

Overall I'm really happy with this plane, it's absolutely brilliant. Thanks for this one hobbyking.

Zane | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2012

Nice looking plane but that is about all it has going for it. Very weak. Defenately not EPO foam as stated.

I would buy it if you intend to have a model that is going to last.

t57f100 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 06, 2012

hello tiger moth people gave my discussion on that page.with some mods i was surprised at how this plane flew cg spot on with 3 cell 1000mah well over 7 minutes and still could go more fly's light and strong.color scheme awesome this is truly worth the high fly long

Zane | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

May 03, 2012

Although the plane looks great I do not believe it is made from epo foam as stated. I had a minor accident and the planes wings fell off. I have other planes made from epo and they have handled much worse. I will not be buying another plane off hobbyking. Dynam is my prefered model from now on.

Henrique Bartz | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Mar 22, 2012

Very nice plane , well finished , good motor , but the ESC burned in the first test. Changed it for a HK 25A ESC and its working just fine . Gave 4 stars just because of the ESC .... but the plane is fantastic. Just put a little weight in the nose to correct the CG. Im using a 1.6 LI-PO that gives me around 20 min of flight.

Philip | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Mar 14, 2012

I finally was able to get out to the flying field with the Tiger Moth. What a joy to fly, very little trim was needed just a little down trim. I had four 6 to 7 min. flights before I nosed it over landing and bent the prop shaft.
A stronger prop shaft given the length would be great. But over all it is really a great plane and fun to fly. I can't wait to get back out flying the Moth.

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