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Turnigy AE-45A Brushless Regler

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Turnigy AE-45A Brushless Regler


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21,39 $
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Ein Qualitäts SMT produziert ESC mit zuverlässigen Komponenten.
Die Turnigy AE-Serie sind auf neue leistungsstarke Mikroprozessor basiert.
Die neue CPU bedeutet ultraschnelle Sync Timing, schärfere Kehlenantwort, weniger Batteriebelastung und reduziert FET Wärmestau. Auch gibt es eine separate Spannungsregler-IC für den Mikroprozessor bietet gute Anti-Jamming-Fähigkeit.

Ausgang: Stetig 45A, 50A Burst bis zu 10 Sekunden.
Eingangsspannung: 2-6 Zellen-Lithium-Batterie oder 5-18 Zellen NiMH-Akku.
BEC: Linear 4A @ 5-6V
Steuersignalübertragung: Optisch gekoppeltes System.
2 Pole: 210,000rpm
6 Pole: 70,000rpm
12 Pole: 35,000RPM
Größe: 60mm (L) * 26mm (W) * 11mm (H).
Gewicht: 43g.

Hochleistungs-Mikroprozessor bringt mit allen Arten von Motoren die beste Kompatibilität und höchste Fahreffizienz.
Weit offenen Kühlkörper-Design die beste Wärmeableitung Effekt zu erhalten.
Verbesserte Normal, weich, sehr-Soft-Start-Modus, kompatibel mit Flugzeugen und Hubschrauber.
Glatt, linear, schnell und präzise Gasannahme.
Mehrere Schutzfunktionen: Niederspannungsabschaltung Schutz / Hitzeschutz / Drosselsignalverlust Schutz
Programmierbarer über den Sender
Mit Regelmodus für Hubschrauber

Programmierung Features:
Bremseinstellung (wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Bremse für nur Falten Requisiten-Anwendungen)
Batterietyp (Li-xx oder Ni-xx)
Werksstandardeinstellungen wiederherstellen
Timing-Einstellungen (zu erhöhen ESC Effizienz und Glätte)
Weiche Beschleunigung Start-ups (für empfindliche Getriebeanwendungen)
Niederspannungs-Cutoff-Typ (Leistungsreduzierung orirnmediate Abschaltung)

Brake: off
Akku-Typ: Li-xx (Li-Ion oder Li-Po)
Niederspannungs-Cutoff-Schwelle: Weiche cut-off (2.6V)
Timing-Setup: Low
Weiche Beschleunigung Start Up: Normal
Niederspannungs-Cutoff-Typ: Medium

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Phil | Verifizierter Käufer

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Excellent all round speed controller

Aug 10, 2017

This ESC/BEC has everything you could want. I heard one person say; "It has no reverse function in the menu" which is true, but I only need to swap two of the three wires that go to the motor to get this function. I have racked my brain to find something wrong with this product but cant think of anything. I have been using one of these every week for the past couple of years and it has never given me any trouble. I am not a brown-noser or suck-hole and hk dont do me any favours. I am motivated by a sense of gratitude and appreciation for a job well done by the many skilled and intelligent people that put something like this together. So, Well done to all the programmers, assemblers and even you hk. This is my #1 go to ESC with a BEC. I will list what I like about it. a) it is tiny and packs a punch and fits anywhere. b) it gets the best out of your motor and I have run it on three; emaxBL emaxGT & HyperionGS c) it is cool as a cucumber even at 40A x 15V or 600W tPd I have not found a better esc at this power level. d) It really does give smooth accelleration when in Auto mode and I didn't know what that meant until I bought one for just a few dollars well spent. I now have two of them because they seem to be the right size for most of my gliders and foamies. Dont hesitate to buy one, I doubt that you will regret it. Sincerely, Phil

MIKHAIL ALEKSEEVICH | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 10, 2017

Very high quality controller. Constantly I buy. I recommend.

MIKHAIL ALEKSEEVICH | Verifizierter Käufer

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Jul 10, 2017

Very high quality controller. Constantly I buy. I recommend.

MIKHAIL ALEKSEEVICH | Verifizierter Käufer

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# 600004079

Apr 08, 2017

I use this regulator for several years. Very good quality.

MIKHAIL ALEKSEEVICH | Verifizierter Käufer

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Order # 600004079

Apr 04, 2017

I use this regulator for several years. Very good quality.

arthurfuxake | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2016

Great ESC. Perfect replacement for a foamy WOT4 (as their stock one is horrible and gets too hot). This one stays stone cold. I've has a few of these now for myself and other club members and they've all been great, but be very careful as last one came with the supply wires soldered the wrong way round (i.e. black was and red was -)!
Luckily I spotted it and simply soldered on the connector to compensate but I could have easily just followed the colours and then we'd have had a lot of smoke!

Brian | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jan 03, 2016

I bought one of these to uprate my foam-e WOT 4. I kept losing all power (both to the motor and the servos). Luckily I was test flying at height so did not lose the plane as I had set it up for gentle left hand turns on power loss.
On investigation I checked the the plug connections and low and behold it was the worst bit of soldering I have ever seen, wire was a mess and the solder just blobbed on, the whole lot covered up by the heat shrink! Did not take me long to sort and the unit now fine. However, should not have had to do this - Hobbyking need to get quality control sorted out as not everyone has the capability to do this and can lead to expensive crashes.
Hence I would only give my unit ascore of 2 due to poor quality control (lousy soldering)

LeoTrex | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 11, 2015

prestazioni e erogazione perfette

| Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 20, 2015

So far so good with this beast

LikarD | Verifizierter Käufer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 11, 2015

I love nice soft start and 6V BEC on this ESC. i use it on my 450pro modded to 6S FBL heli.

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