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UltraDetail Maßstab Hawker Hunter Hahn Grube

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UltraDetail Maßstab Hawker Hunter Hahn Grube


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UltraDetail Maßstab Hawker Hunter Hahn Grube

Breite: 90 mm
Länge: 190 mm
Höhe: 75 mm

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heli hell | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Feb 19, 2012

Die Farbe blttert schon in der orginal Verpackung ab. Es besteht kaum Haftung zwischen Farbe und Platik. Es wre ansonsten ein gut gemachtes Produkt zu einem fairen Preis gewesen, so muss ich allerdings sagen, es ist Schrott. Finger weg !

Hobbyking bietet lediglich 2$ Entschdigung

Skyman flair | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jan 19, 2012

A good quality cockpit but unfortunately it does not come with the clear canopy, and it is not possible to remove the canopy supplied in the kit from its ply frame without damaging the canopy. It is therefore not possile to use this cockpit with the kit it is intended for. HK need to supply a canopy with this cockpit

jbc1234567 | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Jul 28, 2011

Cockpit looks pretty good however I can't seeing it fitting into a 70mm size EDF as it's too big. This is more suited to a 90mm jet (like the FlyFly range), problem is when you add the pilot, he looks a little small as he's 70mm scale. Overall still a fairly nice looking cockpit with decent enough detail.

Ozgur | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Feb 13, 2011

The quality is not perfect and it is not coming with canopy. The weight is 41g and it is sure not suitable for many foam planes. I also purchase Hawker Hunter pilot and it fits perfectly into this cockpit.

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