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Zippy-Ec 1300mAh 3S1P 20C Lipo-Pack

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Zippy-Ec 1300mAh 3S1P 20C Lipo-Pack


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Zippy-Ec 1300mAh 3S1P 20C Lipo - Pack

Kapazität: 1300mAh
Constant Entladung: 20
Burst - Rate: 30C (15 sec)
Konfiguration: 3S 11.1V
Packungsgröße: 72 x43x20mm
Gewicht: 133 g
  • Kapazität ( mAh) 1300.00
  • Entladung ( c) 20.00
  • Max Laderate (C) 2.00
  • Höhe -B (mm) 0.00
  • Width-C(mm) 0.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


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maxandmil | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Mar 02, 2009

a tad bit large, but come on, YOU CANT TOUCH THIS PRICE in the States. Always a pleasure reading the reviews and deciding for myself. This is the best deal around

FlyFisher | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Nov 26, 2008

I have bought three of these. These are great batteries. Work as well as any of my brand name lipos. No problems balancing or charging. I run them for about 8 minutes on my Turnigy 2213 and they still have about 30% charge left.

ucando | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Nov 23, 2008

Bon rapport qualit prix , a la cale ne chauffe pas et ne gonfle pas 25 a en continue et ca tient

Thomas | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Nov 20, 2008

good and well working lipo, good performance and power!!

Thomas | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Nov 01, 2008

Nice lightwight lipo cell with good performance

Kunde | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2008

When I received the Pack One Cell had about 0.4V less then the other two.

After 2 Cycles of balancing with the G.T. A6, all Cells are on the same Level.

I can load 1380 mAh in the pack.

Using it in my EasyGlider, it have a great performance.

thank vou


kaisar | Verifizierter Käufer

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Customer Rated

Oct 27, 2008

Recently received this battery, surprisingly BIG(42mm wide) and heavy for 1300mAh 3SP.

Always cycle my packs before their first flight.

I fully discharged it at 1amp with hyperion LBA10 balancer, low voltage cut off (9volt), then charged with my EOS5idp 1350mah.

Those packs use 13cm long 12AWG(4mm) discharge wires and 10cm balance leads.

Thank you Hking

Nick K | Verifizierter Käufer

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Zippy Ec 1300mah 3s

Oct 25, 2008

Got 2 of these and just did some testing off the first cycle. Both had a little over 650mah to discharge at 1 amp. Using my FMA Cellpro, one pack took 1290mah and the other 1301mah. Both packs had one cell that got .2v out of balance with the others at extremely low voltage, but came up quickly and balanced dead on.

Good batteries, the only drawback seems to be the weight-133 grams, 4.7oz. This is well over 1.5 oz heavier than the 1320 Thunder Power. Also, at least for my discharge levels, the 12ga wire is excessive, and also about twice as long as I need. The extra long balance lead is nice, especially with my Cellpro chargers.

Well worth the money, but if you're looking for a lightweight pack, try 1100's or 1250's.

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