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2.4Ghz Module for TGY 9X Transmitter (FHSS)

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2.4Ghz Module for TGY 9X Transmitter (FHSS)


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Specifically built for the Turnigy 9X transmitter.
Will also work with any JR module style radio.


Size: 23mm*37mm*12mm
Voltage : 4.8 V - 6V
Range : more than 2100m
Operating current : 30 MA
Sensitivity : 100dbm
Latency : 22ms
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)

RF-9X 2.4Ghz Module
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Customer | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2009

I had some issues binding my module (which I'm using together with a JR MX-12) the first time. I had to hold on to the transmitter button for 7-8 sec's following the instructions from the first entry in this thread. According to Coronas instructions, holding the button longer then 3 sec's will change the coding.

wayoutwill | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 22, 2009

Seems to work fine with my old JR x347 transmitter. Fit is good and functions as it should. Pairing to the 8ch Turnigy receiver is as above descriptions. Now I need more receivers...

Pablo Pacini | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 22, 2009

Excellent to complete the TGY-9X Transmitter. Buy It NOW !!!!

bisky | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 22, 2009

Compatible with JR transmitters. I tested it on my mpx cockpit sx trainer port works great. Instructions for binding would be welcom, but since this is the Corona module, just use te Corona manual. Didn't test it with assan module near by, will do this later.

jerryazhakathu | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 21, 2009

Does this work with Corona? I was wondering and planning to buy this unit for my Corona?

Stony | Verified Buyer

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May 21, 2009

Works also on a Multiplex MC3030 without any problems. Did not a range check yet, but it will be like with JR transmitters.

maikka | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 20, 2009

I just get Turnigy 2,4ghz tx module, one 6ch rx and three 4ch rx. They all binded immediately with instructions found upper in this review .Yes, there is servo-jitter with every rx. But I can accept that in my scratchbuilt foamies.


4ch rx 3,8g!

6ch rx 12,9g

David Fernndez Molano | Verified Buyer

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Pasos para emparejar Tx y Rx

May 20, 2009

1. Instala el mdulo de 2,4Ghz en la emisora.

2. Enciende la emisora y codifcala en ppm (menu/system setting/modevat), apgala.

3. Mete un servo en el receptor y el bec si vas a alimentar con una lipo.

4. En la emisora, con el botn PROG pulsado, encindela. El mdulo parpadear entre rojo y verde (primero ms rpido y luego ms lento).

(contina abajo)

Customer | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

May 20, 2009

5. En el receptor, conecta la alimentacin (4.8-6V) con el botn SCAN pulsado, un led interno parpadear dos veces y se apagar, suelta el botn SCAN. Espera unos 10s.

6. Apaga la emisora y corta la alimentacin al receptor.

Si vuelves a encender TX y RX podrs ver cmo estn emparejados ya.

durtbag | Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 18, 2009

Works good, bind procedure outlined by others works with mine. I've noticed sometimes the model won't bind unless the power to the Rx is on before the power to the TX. I've had my models to the edge of my sight, well over 500 meters and notice no glitching. I have had some part of the TGY 9x 2.4 system cause interference with a friends 72 mhz airtronics radio. My model was on first, once he powered his on his servos chattered and motor was unresponisive. I turned of the TGY TX first, still glitching, then the RX in the plane, no more glitching for the 72 mhz and once I restarted my TX and RX no glitching on either side.

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