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Category: General News

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Joined The RC Hobby World

Before I leapt into the hobby world as a fully fledged hobbyist, there were so many things I wish someone told me before I entered the community.

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Posted on: Feb 14, 2018 | Posted in: Featured Articles, General News, Educational

Assembling an EDF Jet

Let’s talk about Jets – EDF jets.

Hobbyists are spoilt for choice when it’s comes to EDF jets. Just about every manufacturer has a gorgeous temptation to tease the Benjamins from your wallet.

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Posted on: Dec 1, 2017 | Posted in: General News, Planes, Workbench |Tags: Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate

What Makes This Hobby So Great

Written by RodrigoDuarte

Since an early age I have been fascinated with radio controlled machines. My first car was driven until the back tires gave up and it got me hooked!

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Posted on: Nov 16, 2017 | Posted in: General News |Tags: Advanced, Beginners, Intermediate
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