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Category: Helicopters

Reducing RC Model Noise at Clubs

People have been flying model aircraft for almost as long as the first successful flight of the Wright Brothers. 

As technology became available, a smart chap strapped a noisy little internal combustion engine to the model and enjoyed and the trend caught on. Fast forward a few decades and land has become more scarce as the urban sprawl continued into rural areas.It’s one thing to come down and fly for a few hours and head home but those new neighbors live there and the novelty of model airplanes will wear off. This is the point where you start having trouble with neighbors, councils, and courts.

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There are many reasons why your decals may lift. It may be a case of a rushed first-application. Or the paint and the adhesive on the decals are not a good match. It could even be attributed to environmental factors such as high humidity or flying in the rain. No matter what the reasons are, we can fix it.

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The RC hobby: a relatively old pursuit yet somewhat anonymous to the public eye - except for maybe the hefty price tag? In this blog, we look at what the RC hobby really is and how hobby-grade RCs differ from toy-grade RCs.

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If you are looking for instant fun and gratification, then this RTF micro RC helicopter completely fits the bill. Complete with a 2.4GHz 4-channel transmitter and many nifty features, the Firefox C129 is truly the best RC helicopter for beginners and enthusiasts alike.

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The FAA delivered a final rule on the  Remote Identification for Unmanned Aircraft on December 28, 2020. But what does that really mean for us? Here is everything you need to know broken down into bite-sized sections.

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Check out the new Firefox micro heli! Available now with spare parts!

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The new EASA Unmanned Aircraft Regulation has been enacted into law on the 31st of December 2020. But what does that mean for you as a recreational flyer? Here is everything you need to know broken down into bite-sized sections.

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As of 31 December 2020 (Post-Brexit), all unmanned aircraft operations in the UK must adhere to the eighth edition of the CAP 722: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace. However, members of model flying clubs including the British Model Flying Association (BMFA), Scottish Aeromodellers Association (SAA), Large Model Association (LMA), and FPV UK may choose to comply with a set of more flexible regulations that is known as “Article 16 Authorization”.

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It is a prerequisite for all UA operators to complete an online theory test and pass the online examination before flying under the open category. In this blog, we will look at the training requirements needed to operate in the open category. 

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Looking for some special offers in the USA?

Looking for some special offers in America? We're offering these featured RC chargers exclusively to our customers in North America.

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