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DG-1000 Fibreglass Electric Glider 2.63M (102in) ARF

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DG-1000 Fibreglass Electric Glider 2.63M (102in) ARF


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This stunning fibreglass moulded 2.63M glider is modeled from the well known Flugzeugbau DG-1000 two seater sport glider.
Combine this glider with a brushless motor and folding spinner to create the ultimate soaring weapon!

Wing Span: 2630mm (102inch)
Weight: 1,000 ~ 1100g
Length: 1130mm (44.5inch)
Wing Area: 28.5dm2
Wing Loading: 33~35g/dm2
Airfoil: HQ 3012

: 4 channel, 4 servos. (Ail(2 servo) / Elev / Rud / Throttle)
Motor Required: Inrunner or outrunner with a maximum diameter of 36mm
Spinner: Around 38mm diameter or smaller.
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gary h321 | Verified Buyer

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Nov 26, 2012

Fantastic value for money. Compared to what you buy in a model shop the build quality is not quite as good...but not bad and needs more work to complete.

The issue I did have was that it flew terribly with an awful tip stall on the C of G detailed in the instruction sheet. So much so that I wrote it iff on the second flight

pietro | Verified Buyer

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Aug 15, 2012

ho letto molte recensioni no positive sul DG1000 motorizzato ed invece sono rimasto sorpreso quando, ultimato l'assemblaggio,mi sono presentato al collaudo:con tutti i trim a zero il modello con met motore, volato via preciso guadagnando quota in pochissimo tempo,amici credetemi sono rimasto a bocca aperta la prima volta che in un collaudo non ho dovuto trimmare niente.
Questa la mia configurazione:motore 35/48 1100kv elica 12/6,esc 60ah con amperometro a tutto motore avevo 30ah e 320 watt.
Ho equilibrato il peso delle ali in quanto la sinistra pesava circa 18gr in pi,ho raddoppiato lo spessore del supporto motore con del multistrato da 4mm.ho rifatto la base della cappottina in balsa dove ho montato dei magneti per un pi sicuro e preciso montaggio della stessa nel suo alloggiamento.

Marcos Poste | Verified Buyer

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Aug 01, 2012

Comprei este avio a 1 ano atras. foi o segundo avio que veio danificado. no primeiro falaram que no era nada e que eu podia arrumar que me dariam bonus e no me deram nada. Este veio mal embalado e a fuselagem quebrada ao meio. abri reclamao e falaram que iam me enviar outra. ficam me enrolando e j chegaram a me passar um cosigo de rastreamento e no final era de outra pessoa. e isso tudo j se passou um ano. j comprei muitos avies da hobbyking, realmente o preo muito bom mas j perdi dois avies por causa disso e vejo agora que o bom preo nem sempre a melhor coisa. j cansei de ser enrolado e de esperar

Denis | Verified Buyer

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Jul 30, 2012

Rudder about 15 deg. off centre of Fuselage. All pre-drill holes for wing attachment in wrong position.. Unfixable..

FERNANDO | Verified Buyer

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Jul 13, 2012

Very nice glider.
I used turnigy servos Tg9e 9g on elevator and ailerons.
I used Turnigy Mg90S on rudder with steel cables to be more light.
Turnigy 3542-1400kv with 55a esc and 2200 lipo 3cell battery, 20 minutes w/out thermal currents
I put tapes under the airframe to land without damage.
You need to use skids on wings because when you come to landing, the aileron horn touch on ground and broken occur.

gianni | Verified Buyer

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Jul 05, 2012

I'm sorry but it's dg-1000 broke the fuselage broken I wrote with some other pictures but you neservivano the pack but was crushed, lho thrown because it was all broken.
I was not very satisfied with your service is a client for years and I am sincerely sorry Terenziani

pietro | Verified Buyer

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May 18, 2012

il modello veramente molto bello, arrivato con un imballo perfetto e tutto integro.Come ho letto nel forum,ho subito controllato il peso delle ali e effettivamente l'ala sinistra pesa 18gr. in pi dell'ala destra,spero in qualche vostro consiglio per distribuire nel modo corretto il peso all'ala destra.Il parafiamma del motore leggero e incollato male,l'ho scollato con molta facilit facendo pressione con un dito,l'ho raddoppiato di spessore e rincollato con colla bicomponente.Non mi poace molto il fissaggio della cappottina che ho preferito fissare con magneti facendo degli incassi sulla fusoliera per non creare spessore.Devo ancora provarlo in volo ma per ora sono molto contento per la qualit ad un costo contenuto

azeez | Verified Buyer

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Mar 25, 2012

I had a FOX glider, want to get this and use Turnigy G10 Brushless Outrunner 810kv Diameter of shaft: 4mm
Dimensions: 35x50mm. and use 4S with 14x8 for added performance, do u recommend these specs

razbog1 | Verified Buyer

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Mar 20, 2012

The model is designed for single use, since the hull literally fall apart at the first landing. Very poor design and construction in the area of the tail part.

Barnstormer69 | Verified Buyer

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Mar 12, 2012

Maiden flight today!!!! Bad weather and heavy winds but maiden flew in a flat location today between rain storms. Glider flys with excellent high performance characteristics. Nice glide ratio and high speed handling. NOT for beginners. As expected this glider spins aggressively at stall speed and takes 180' to recover with 100 feet do not turn slow low until u get to know her. Very reactive and handling is excellent and precise. Used only one "beeb" to trim ailerons and two up on elevator. Glider flys fast and pitches and rolls very nicely. This glider can be built very light for thermals, did and industrial build and it should still thermal on a good day, I caught lift today and flew with two redtailed hawks. I can already tell she is going to tear up the ridge. You could probably build this glider in a couple evenings if u hurry and don't care about details. I tryed to build a high performance glider that will last so I invested many more hours than needed, but I am VERY happy with the finished product. If built right it is a very gorgeous high performance glider for experienced glider pilots. 5 stars

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