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Dr. MadThrust Landing Gear and Door Sequencer

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Dr. MadThrust Landing Gear and Door Sequencer


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This handy device is used to change the retraction type on scale models. Some full scale aircraft landing gear does not simply retract all at once. Some full scale aircraft may have one gear leg retract at a time. The Dr. understands this need for scale realism.

There are two selectable sequence types and there is an instruction leaflet included. One sequence allows one landing gear leg to retract/extend then the other much like many full scale aircraft do. The second sequence has both retracts extend/retract simultaneously.

Dimensions: 52x18x5mm
Voltage range: 4.8-6.0v
Weight: 5.5g

*Color may vary

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| Verified Buyer

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May 10, 2014

Good!!! Funciona bem!!

Sylvain | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Apr 16, 2014

This device works great. The only complain I can make is that the delay is too long (6 sec) and not ajustable. Note that if you plug the device to one retract and the the other retract directly to the receiver, you will get a short delay between the 2 retracts (1 sec) which is more scale.

Crazydogg | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2014

Hi guys girls have put this in my 55cc Westland wyvern it works perfectly the retracts are now so scale like there is a delay of 6 sec so once the right leg retracts fully then the left leg starts to retract this is the same as dropping the legs down once one leg is in the down position then the opposite leg starts dropping down works perfect with the electric retracts from hobbyking

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