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Gee Bee R3 Gas 30cc 1850mm (ARF)

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Gee Bee R3 Gas 30cc 1850mm (ARF)


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Visually stunning, the Gee Bee R3 is of course a concept not a real aircraft but when it looks as good as this....who cares?!

This superbly designed and built kit is very practical and features a massive canopy, plug in wings and horizontal stabilizers. You will notice several features that are an indicator that this is a high performance model, including the plastic hinged control surfaces and high quality hardware. The paint finish on the huge wheel pants and cowl are a deep gloss finish and add to the drama of this amazing looking model. The airframe construction is also of the highest quality making the R3 very light for it's size, excellent performance is guaranteed yet at the same time, the R3 has docile low speed handling.

There can be no doubt that this is one of the most visually striking looking model aircraft ever made, yet this is no hanger queen, the R3 manages to be practical enough for the club RC pilot yet has huge potential for high performance. The massive cowl will easily swallow up a 30cc Gas engine and there is also a tunnel for a tuned silencer, let's be honest, the R3 is NOT designed for flying boring circuits, it's designed for ripping up the strip in style! Very capable in terms of aerobatic ability, potentially fast, the Gee Bee R3 is the ultimate head turner in every respect!

wing span: 1850mm
fuselage length: 1650mm
flying weight: 4300g~4780g

All Hardware

Your Own 6 Channel TX/RX
26cc~32cc Gas Engine
5 x MG High Torque Standard size servo + 1 x Throttle Servo
RX Power Supply

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ZZR09 | Verified Buyer

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Aug 14, 2014

Les vols:
Il est trs bien en vol, docile, sain et voltigeur... mais pas racer! le moteur et mon hlice (20x8 entraine environ 7000 trs/min.) y sont certainement pour quelque chose mais, ce n'est pas.
On est tout de suite en confiance et il voltige merveille. Pas de modification prvoir sur la drive, elle est trs efficace comme a.
C'est vraiment un rgal faire voler (vols lents ou plus rapides, rien redire).
Par contre: 4 vol, une bande de protection s'est partiellement dcolle sur une aile et le dsquilibre engendr (roulis lacet) m'a caus de grosses sueurs froides.
Beaucoup de parties de dcollent ou sont mal ajustes. C'est pourquoi je n'ai mis que 2 couronnes en qualit.
Mon avis: 4 couronnes au gnral car ce prix l, c'est un excellent avion. il se monte assez bien, il vole merveilleusement bien mais il faut vrifier les collages rgulirement. Autre avis mais l cest un peu plus personnel : il est magnifique, tant au sol quen lair.
Pour utilisateurs avertis mais je recommande.
Bons vols,

ZZR09 | Verified Buyer

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Aug 14, 2014


Heureux possesseur de ce modle depuis quelques semaines, voici mes premires impressions:

montage: il y a avait une notice mais ce n'est pas un modle de dbut. a se monte donc sans souci. Laccastillage est trs correct; je n'ai rien remplac.
Certaines pices doivent tre ajuste avant le montage : cl d'aile qui ne coulisse pas dans les fourreaux par exemple, du jeu sur le montage de certaines commandes et surtout : une fixation du train d'atterrissage trs approximative... ce sont les haubans qui le tiennent.

L'lectronique trouve sa place sans problme mais on aurait apprci une seconde platine pour espacer les composants.

Moteur: Saito FG-36. Jai t oblig de reculer la cloison du bti moteur pour ajuster l'hlice (et recoller deux ou trois plaques de CTP au passage).
Le moteur chauffait de trop, jai du rduire lentre dair en fixant une plaque en contre plaqu fin.

Les indications pour le CG ne sont pas au top, il suffit tout simplement de prendre la cl d'aile comme rfrence.
La masse importante du moteur (1.8 kg) m'a permis de trouver le CG sans difficults. Mais il faut prvoir de tout avancer, voire un peu de plomb avec un moteur plus lger (ou comme certains lont fai

Davide79 | Verified Buyer

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Jul 10, 2014

Hardware pietoso ruote di due misure dure come la pietra,incollaggi da vergogna con una puzza di colla cinese assurda quasi da far star male,carrelli vergognosi e tiranti nemmeno compresi,ci ho speso ancora 50 euro per renderlo complesso fa piet ma costa poco....e vale anche poco

michel54 | Verified Buyer

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Mar 24, 2014

je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de l'avoir peu etre un jour qui sait quand le 2metres sera dispo en europe

ARANGO | Verified Buyer

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Nov 04, 2013

Beware! This plane needs to be nose heavy to fly well. Believe me. Other tip is to be very precise trimming the rudder. Don`t be shy with the aileron throws. You need lots of throw on the aileron in order to have a responsive plane. Rudder is the other way: very sensitive (because of its super-size!). Set the elevator as usual in other planes. Definitely this is not a beginners plane! But its very nice kit and well constructed. A plane with character!

Davide79 | Verified Buyer

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Oct 30, 2013

Il modello fatto bene in generale a parte i carreli che sono schifosi e sicuramente al primo atterraggio si piegano. Non ci sono i tiranti per rinforzarlo e me li devo fare io ma la fusoliera ha i fissaggi predisposti. Nelle foto sembrano presenti ma io nella scatol non li ho.Le ruote sono schifose e vanno sostituite. Sto acquistando un apposito carrello costruito da robart america con gambe ammortizzate per non avere problemi appena voler. Oppure andate sul sito GMP in america e ce ne sono di pi economici. Sia per il 30cc che per il 50cc. Cercate su google oleo strut for gee bee r3. Costano ma ne vale la pena per non avere frustrazioni appena concluso il modello. Comunque il prezzo ridicolo e alla fine conviene.

Manuel | Verified Buyer

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Jul 20, 2012

Hello, Iam planning to buy this item, but I need to know the size of the package of this plane , can someone tell me? thenk you.

Sigmund | Verified Buyer

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Jul 06, 2012

ber dieses Ding kann ich schreiben das der Versand recht flott ging, ber die Qualitt naja: halt China, macht aber erstmal einen guten Eindruck. Bei meiner war dei Haube gerissen weil sie es beim Tiefziehen bertrieben haben, Reklamation: ja, aber da hast du beim Chinamann kein Chance, also ohne Erfolg, auch nicht schlecht ne.
schne Gre
Ach so ich wrde das Ding nicht mehr kaufen, alleine schon wegen dem Schaden.

xcz5785 | Verified Buyer

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May 12, 2012

Can't wait to get this! Looks really cool. Found the manual online at

__BB-Q | Verified Buyer

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May 11, 2012

Lovely model. It comes complete with good quality dual aluminium horns, m2 ball joints, hpiano wire pushrods and most importantly a full rigging and decal set. I've been impressed enough with the hardware set to actually use it on the model as supplied rather than just file it away in a drawer as with most ARTFs. I have two criticisms though: Firstly, the fin on mine is very slightly misaligned. Secondly, you are stuck with the foam and plastic wheels supplied with the model as they are encased in the spats and impossible to remove without major surgery. Since mine were seized solid when my model arrived this was a less than impressive feature, but some good old fashioned aero modelling ingenuity/bodgery got them freed off nicely. Four stars only because of those two faults, but overall it is a lovely model and I will almost certainly be buying the 50cc one when it comes out.

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