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H-King Yak-11 Steadfast Single-Seat 6S Racer EPO 1450mm (PNF)

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H-King Yak-11 Steadfast Single-Seat 6S Racer EPO 1450mm (PNF)


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The Yak-11 was designed as an advanced trainer for use by the Soviet Air Force and came into service in 1947. The pilot and instructor sat in tandem under a long canopy that had separate sliding hoods. Although designed as a trainer, Yak-11s were also used in combat during the Korean War, and more recently, highly modified ones have been used very successfully for air racing. The Steadfast was built from scratch as an out-and-out high-performance single-seat racer in Romania in the early 2000s. It was based on the Yak-3, but essentially it looks the same as a Yak-11, so our model is based on our previous Yak-11 model.

The inspiration for our Steadfast version came from Nick DeCarlis (MrSmoothie on RCG), Nick had converted the original Yak-11 into a Steadfast version. He made his own single-seat canopy and changed the color scheme to give his Yak-11 a striking new look. HobbyKing regularly works in partnership with members of the RC community to develop new models that not only look great but are also well-proven and tested when it comes to their flight characteristics. So, we would like to give thanks to Nick for all his help and assistance in developing this version of the Yak.

The H-King Yak Steadfast is supplied with a power train that has been developed for pure speed. Using a 6S LiPo pack, the 5020-550KV brushless motor with the supplied 95A ESC and 16x6 prop will give it an incredible turn of speed of over 100 mph. It is very quick, and seeing a model of this impressive size doing fast pylon turns near the ground is a sight to behold. Aerobatics are also a dream to perform, the rolls are very axial, and looping maneuvers are big due to the abundance of power. The only limitations to the aerobatics it will perform are your flying skills.

The model is full of outstanding features, these include CNC machined fully functioning oleo struts, servoless retracts, split flaps, LED landing lights, and navigational lights. It is supplied as "Plug N Fly" with the motor, ESC, and high-power metal geared servos factory installed. Building the Steadfast Yak is also very quick and straightforward due to the minimal parts count and preassembled components. The fit of the parts and the finish of the Steadfast Yak have also been improved over previous versions of this model.

The striking H-King Yak Steadfast is an impressive 1450mm wingspan scale RC plane that has impeccable handling characteristics, has plenty of power, and looks stunning in the air. It is a must-have addition to any RC modeler's hangar and will turn heads when flown at your local model flying patch.

• Plug-N-Fly with servoless retracts, and split flaps
• CNC machined fully functional all-metal oleo struts with gear doors
• LED landing and navigational lighting system
• Quick connect wing servo connectors
• Powerful and reliable H-King power system gives speeds over 100mph
• Landing gear configured for grass runways
• Colorful Yak Steadfast color scheme with single-seat canopy

Type: H-King Yak-11 Steadfast Single-Seat 6S Racer (PNF)
Wingspan: 1450mm (57")
Length: 1300mm (51")
Flying Weight: 2900~3100g (103~110oz)
Motor: 5020-550KV brushless outrunner
Propeller: 16x6
ESC: H-KIng 95A brushless w/XT90 connector
Servos: 6 x 12~19g high power digital metal gear
Material: EPO foam

1 x 6ch (or more) Transmitter and Receiver
1 x 6S 5000~6000mAh LiPo battery w/XT90 connector
Glue suitable for EPO foam

Please note: A copy of the building manual is available under the "Manuals/Files" tab above.

  • IC/2:Elec Electric
  • Motorsize(diam-or-cc) 50.00
  • Wingspan(mm) 1450.00
  • Length(mm) 1300.00
  • Official Hobbyking video of the Plug-N-Fly H-King Yak Steadfast 6S Single-Seat Racer
  • H-King Yak11 steadfast maiden flight- RICK’S JETS GARAGE
  • H-King Yak11 Steadfast Unboxing and Assembly - RICK’S JETS GARAGE
  • H-King Yak11 Electronics setups and CG
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Philippe | Verified Buyer

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Magnifique, facile, bien conçu

Feb 04, 2025

Ce YAK-11 est vraiment magnifique en vol, fidèle reproduction du modèle réel. Qualité de construction au top, avec des trains amortis en aluminium de très belle facture.
Il vole comme un trainer, décolle très court, et se pose facilement avec ses volets efficaces. Le combo d'origine donne une belle puissance, besoin de 50% de gaz pour décoller, même sans vent. Temps de vol de l'ordre de 4:30mn avec des 50000mAh.
Une vraie réussite !

Thomas | Verified Buyer

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Anhängend zu meiner letzten Rezension

Oct 07, 2024

Der Erstflug auf Youtube:
Bin mit der Verarbeitung, Lackierung in vollster Zufriedenheit, mit der Hoffnung, dass HobbyKing mit der 2ten Auflage das Angebot länger halten wird. Besonders mit den Ersatzteilen.

Thomas | Verified Buyer

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Fliegt spurgetreu, schnell und kann auch langsam.

Oct 07, 2024

Fliegt spurgetreu und geht bei Vollgas ab wie eine Rakete. Ein stabiles Ganzmetall-Fahrwerk mit Stoßdämpfern waren für die ersten Landungen schon mal vorteilhaft. Ich denke, es hält noch mehrere Stöße aus. Mit 6S bei 5000 / 5300 mAh beträgt die Flugzeit bei 50 % Vollgas-Auslastung knappe 5 Minuten (40 % Restkapazität). Da waren die 4 Lipos mal schnell abgesaugt.
Beim Start den Gasschubhebel nicht gleich nach dem Abheben auf Vollgas. Neigt sonst durch den Drehmoment nach links übe die Längsachse abzukippen. Ansonsten im Flug von Halb- auf Vollgas "Längsachsenstabil". Mein erster Tiefdecker mit Einziehfahrwerk. Es macht richtig Spaß dieses Modell zu steuern. Den Schwerpunkt habe ich nach dem QUICK SET-UP GUIDE bei 145 mm ausgewogen mit 80 Gramm zusätzlich am Motorspant platziert. Der Akku liegt ganz vorne so das der Befestigungsgurt 2/3 aus der Mitte sich befindet. Mit Antirutschmatte und den Trägerspant zusätzlich mit Styropor unterfüttert, so das der Akku vor Hochkippen sicher am Platz bleibt. Leider hat HobbyKing am Piloten gespart den ich dann selbst nachrüstete (40 Gramm). Deshalb die 80 Gramm zusätzlich am Motorspant für den Ausgleich.

Dietmar | Verified Buyer

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Very cool and fast Warbird

Sep 19, 2024

This Yak-11 looks so amazing in all Details. The Power is amazing and it flies very fast. Actually my favorite Warbird!

Customer files
H-King Yak-11 Steadfast PNF Assembly and Set Up Manual Download [9]
H-King Yak-11 Quick Setup Guide Download [1]
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