Kingduino 9DOF ArduIMU Controller ATmega328 (ACCEL/MAG/GYRO)
Kingduino 9DOF ArduIMU Controller ATmega328 (ACCEL/MAG/GYRO)
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This is a 9DOF ArduIMU includes three sensors - an ITG-3205 (triple-axis gyro), ADXL345 (triple-axis accelerometer), and HMC5883L (triple-axis magnetometer). This board comes programmed with the 5V/16MHz Arduino Pro mini328 bootloader, simply connect to the serial TX and RX pins with a 5V FTDI Basic Breakout.
The outputs of all sensors are processed by an on-board ATmega328 and output over a serial interface.This enables the 9DOF ArduIMU to be used as a very powerful control mechanism for UAVs, autonomous vehicles and image stabilization systems.
ITG-3205 - triple-axis digital-output gyroscope
ADXL345 - 13-bit resolution, ±16g, triple-axis accelerometer
HMC5883L - triple-axis, digital magnetometer
Outputs of all sensors processed by on-board ATmega328 and sent out via a serial stream
Output pins match up with FTDI Basic Breakout, Bluetooth Mate, XBee Explorer
3.5~16VDC input
ON-OFF control switch and reset switch
*Note: This is not an original Arduino brand product.
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