Malyan M180 Dual Head 3D Printer - US Plug

Malyan M180 Dual Head 3D Printer - US Plug
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The Malyan M180 is the best value 3D printer we have seen to date, not only does it offer the advantages of dual head printing, a robust steel frame, adjustable heated print bed and SD card printing, it is also one of the most reliable, high quality prosumer machines you will find in the market today. This machine will keep the most demanding of hobbyists and designers satisfied with fantastic resolution, fast print speeds and the ability to print two colours without changing spools.
The M180 is an incredibly flexible tool for 3D printing, it allows you to print objects that have two colours without the need to change spools in the middle of the pocess, you can even to print in two different materials or if you regularly swap between to mediums you can have one nozzle dedicated to each; there are many, many advantages to twin nozzle printers. This machine also allows you to experiment with some of the cool new filaments now on the market such as nylon, flexible filaments and wood, which will be available at a HobbyKing warehouse near you soon.
This machine is incredibly simple to use, just load your file from your chosen software onto an SD card, pop it into the printer, select the file you want to print via the colour graphical user interface with the scroll wheel and press go; the printer does the rest for you. It couldn't be easier.
Since this printer landed in the office our engineers have allowed a layer of dust to build up on their expensive commercial machine, it's that good. Often with new technologies there is a trade off of features and quality to keep the price low; not with this machine, you will simply be blown away by the quality inclusions in the M180, such as internal LED lighting, a removable glass print bed and a fan cooled full CNC print head that is virtually jam free.
Don't let it's price fool you, the M180 is made using quality parts and materials with ball bearings instead of bushings and quality lead screws, the price has been kept low through clever design.
If you are ready to make the step up to a mid-sized heated bed printer or you just want the convenience of dual head printing then the M180 is the obvious choice; it may be your first or second or even third printer but it will probably be the last printer you will need to buy for a very long time.
• Heated print bed
• Dual print heads
• SD card printing
• Rigid steel frame
• Large range of filament materials
• High precision printing
• Super easy to maintain
• Removable glass print bed
• Virtually jam free printing
Print size: 230x150x165mm
Print resolution: 0.1-0.2mm
Precision: X/Y axis 0.1mm, Z axis 0.01mm
Print speed: 25cm³/h
Print platform: Heated aluminium plate with tempered glass cover
Frame: High strength steel with soft plastic corners
Filament: 1.75mm ABS/PLA/ - also PVA, HIPS, Nylon, Wood and Flexible Filaments
Print nozzle: 0.35-0.4mm
Extruder temp: 190-280ºC
Print bed heating: 85ºC
Software: ReplicatorG/Makerware/Cura/Simplify3D
OS system: XP, WIN7, WIN8, MacOSX and Linux
Interface: SD Card or USB link
File format: STL/G-Code
Printer weight: 11.5kg
Overall dimensions: 465x320x390mm
• Basic required tools
• Small length of filament for set up
• Mini SD card containing software, USB driver and some 3D files to get you started
• Two glass print platforms so you can have one for ABS and one for PLA
• 4 sheets of tape to cover the glass for PLA printing
• LED internal light
• Internal power supply
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