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TrackStar SEG 21 Racing Engine - Replacement Bearing Set (2pcs/bag)

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TrackStar SEG 21 Racing Engine - Replacement Bearing Set (2pcs/bag)


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TrackStar SEG 21 Racing Engine replacement bearing set (2pcs/bag). 1 x front and 1 x rear bearing.


*color may vary

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| Verified Buyer

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 02, 2013

decent quality but not Italian manufacturer as stated in the description

__ACMR | Verified Buyer

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Customer Rated

Jun 03, 2013

Excelente rolamento, marca top, NSK nas medidas, front 7x19x6mm e rear 14x25,4x6mm. Pena no ser compativel com Kyosho e outras marcas.

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