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WLToys V272 2.4G 4CH Quadcopter Green color (Ready to Fly) (Mode 1)

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WLToys V272 2.4G 4CH Quadcopter Green color (Ready to Fly) (Mode 1)


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Looking for a super small Nano Mutli-Rotor that is stable, easy to fly and full of fun? WLtoys have this all in one little tiny package. Tiny but big in features with a 6 axis gryo makes this Multi-Rotor rock solid to fly via a full size 2.4GHz radio with bright LCD screen for trim settings that give you precise control.  Light weight and also durable design gives you around 5 to 7 minutes of flight time and can be recharged by the included USB charger within 30 minutes.  LED lights on all motors give you orientration that is protected in the tine frame.
If you are looking to get into the world of Multi-Rotors with some fun indoor flying (or in light wind), this is one for you.  You are welcome to have as much fun with this as we did.
Completely Ready to Fly – Just charge your batteries and go!
5-7 minute flight times
Lightweight design
LED Lights
Extremely stable flight
Spare Propellers
Fantastic flight
Length: 45mm
Width: 45mm
Height: 25mm
Battery Specifications: 3.7V 100mAh
Radio: 2.4Ghz
Control Distance: 40-50 meters
WL Toys V272 Multi-Rotor
Full size 2.4Ghz 4-Channel Transmitter with LCD screen
3.7V 100mAh LiPoly Battery
USB Charger
6 X AA batteries for radio transmitter

  • Capacity (mAh) 100.00
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DANIEL | Verified Buyer

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Stable flight in such tiny size but short flying time

Dec 18, 2019

Micro size restricted the usage of larger battery and stronger motors. Flying time is merely 1 minute before battery cut-off.

dgollubits | Verified Buyer

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Sep 16, 2015

Das ist echt ein genialer kleiner stabiler und robuster MiniQuadroCopter!
Das Ding kann man uneingeschrnkt empfehlen und macht auch aut. Flips :-)
Der Sender ist fr so ein Minispielzeug berdurchschnittlich gut und felxibel.
Klare Kaufempfehlung !

whipper Snapper | Verified Buyer

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Feb 11, 2015

As a fun-quad its really great....pretty decent controller for a "toy-grade" system. Its only really worth it if your buying other things to fill the shipping box otherwise on its own its pricey for shipping. I just fly it on max rates I find it too dull and slow on the other settings there are 3 flying mode settings. It works ok outside but better for inside as its so tiny. Need to be careful if you crash not to lose a prop....its so small it doesn't get damaged but the little props can come-off and you need sharp eye to find it so I wouldn't recommend using outside as in loosing a prop outside would be a hassle. Overall just a fun toy and good enough

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