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2.4Ghz SuperMicro Sistemas - Módulo de Futaba.

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2.4Ghz SuperMicro Sistemas - Módulo de Futaba.


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Perfecto para volantes interiores y cualquier persona que le gusta jugar con aeronaves de tamaño micro. El sistema de 2,4 GHz cubierta HobbyKing tiene una gran cantidad de receptores opcionales, los CES y unidades todo-en-uno para sus proyectos personalizados. Cuando compent mantener el peso hacia abajo es fundamental el la serie Supermicro es una de las soluciones más simples y asequibles en el mercado hoy.

Frecuencia: 2,4 GHz
Tipo: FHSS
Tipo de módulo: Futaba
Tamaño: 58.15mm x 37.26mm x 22.05mm
Transmisión de energía: 18dBm
Señal de entrada: PPM (50 mV ó 2 ~ 5v)
La gama de voltaje de entrada: 5.0 ~ 12.0V
Peso: 42.5g

1 x Módulo MFX600F
1 x antena de 2,4 GHz

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Peasemould | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 19, 2013

I simply can't get this module to work. HobbyKing support have failed to respond to my request for help. I've tried posting the problem but no-one seems interested. Having bought a lot of stuff from HK for some time, I'm deeply disappointed to be let down in this way. My only option is to abandon my project and demand a refund. No doubt I'll be ignored by HobbyKing when I approach them. Very bad experience. I don't recommend the product or their service. I can't seem to leave zero crowns which would have been my true assessment, even this is biased.

Bruno | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 28, 2012

Just arrived the module with the Receiver-Brushless ESC and 2 x Linear Servos All-in-one.
Put on my old Futaba FF8, and bind the receiver.
All perfect in few seconds.
Right now good product at good price.

John | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 09, 2012

No problem with this. set up switches as per files, power up receiver, turn on transmitter with bind button pressed and no problems. It seems that when transmitter is too close to receiver that glitches occur (keep 1 meter away). Sofar happy have not yet tested range.

drvohs | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 07, 2011

I got this module for my Futaba 9C which has the removable module that I used for my 2.4 mhz receivers. The FHSS module worked first time every time with no problems. I love the tiny micro receivers and being able to use my computer TX for them. My only problem has been finding the 1mm jst connectors to plug in the servos. I finally found some on ebay from a guy in Hong Kong.

Sergito | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 04, 2011

I dont know who to use this module, I havent any documetation on paper or web, about this.

HERBERT W. | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 28, 2011

The ratings have no meaning since I haven't thought it wise to purchase the transmitter module, or the supermicro system receivers. It seems odd there is no transmitter for the Rx as a package and it doesn't make sense to buy something that might fit a very expensive TX as a modification due to possible complications. Most folks don't have that kind of knowledge to do the modifications. Also note the final cost of the Tx modification unit and the Rx combination. Pricey and that is before shipping cost are added. It makes more sense to purchase the expensive micro Rx offered by your Tx maker and save the added complication.

jj604 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 13, 2011

Purchase with caution!

The transmitter module works fine and the system to work with Spektrum transmitters is clever. You need to add a HK Orange satellite receiver.

Two out of the three servos I had self destructed on the bench under no load almost immediately and the whole Rx system is now quite erratic suggesting the Rx was also damaged. I strongly suspect the servo output stages are hopeless.

I have put up some initial comments on the thread which has been started in RC Groups here


You have to add the RCGroup forum web address to the beginning of the above. HK won't allow links.

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