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2.4Ghz SuperMicro Sistemas - receptor, sin escobillas ESC y 2 x lineal servos todo-en-uno (5 canales)

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2.4Ghz SuperMicro Sistemas - receptor, sin escobillas ESC y 2 x lineal servos todo-en-uno (5 canales)


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El 2.4ghz SuperMicro todo-en-una unidad combina un receptor, 3.5A salida sin cepillo y 2 x servos lineales en una PCB de tamaño micro compacto.

Canales: 5
Frecuencia: 2,4 GHz
Tipo: FHSS
Sin escobillas 3.5A (4A max) integrado: ESC
Tamaño: 55.00mm x 18.10mm x 7.80mm
Peso: 2,9 g ï¼w de entrada / salida wiresï¼ ‰
Voltaje: 3.0V ~ 4.2V ï¼1S Lipolyï¼ ‰
Longitud de la antena: 30 mm

programable ESC
Conector JST 1mm
Dos puertos adicionales servo
Compatible con el servo único lineal SuperMicro (HK1300)

1 x HK0104ARX LLB-Todo-en-una unidad

2,4 GHz módulo de Sistema de Supermicro

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Stephan | Comprador verificado

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Dec 30, 2012

hi ihave a problem with the throttle stick setup on my turnigy 9x with HK0104ARX-LBL. the throttle is not as usual (mode 2) on the vertical left stick! it works only on the horizontal left stick eaven if i change the mode 1-4 in the menu, it stays horizontal. is there a way to programm the throttle to work on the left vertical stick?


Stephan | Comprador verificado

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Dec 30, 2012

does anyone know how to change the the gas stick on my Turnigy 9x? mine remains on a horizontal deviation stick!
thanks for any help!!!

Micro1 | Comprador verificado

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Oct 18, 2012

I have 2 Hk0104ARX-HBL they work fine, but I am tired of chasing my tail to get power. With the apo3 4000 KV even with a 300MA 35C it hits low voltage cutoff.

So i did a test cutoff is at 3.48volts at 1.5amps thats crap. supermicro needs to fix this, thats not right

It is such a clean install with on board Brushless ESC, could you at Super Micro Fix this and maybe a two cell versions for us aggressive 3D People.

gklein | Comprador verificado

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Apr 25, 2012

I used this unit in a 11 inch span Sperry Messenger model. AUW of 26 grams. Paired it with an AP-02 motor. The rx block was great, fit well in the narrow fuselage whereas other brands of bricks would have been too wide. The plane has flown with good authority. The only issue is that the motor starts only 50pcnt of the time. Advancing the throttle a second time usually starts the motor and after that it runs fine through the flight. If the unit were programmable, a higher frequency would probably solve the problem. I used my Hitec Optic 6 with no issues. Radio worked immediately with no binding process needed. I will be buying more of these bricks. Love the narrow profile.

crafter | Comprador verificado

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Apr 22, 2012

The Rx comes in an anti-static bag, with no instructions. I highly recommend downloading the manual from the "Files" tab above, as it covers both the Tx modules and all the Rx in this range. As shown, my Rx weighed 3.52g. After I soldered a motor connector (6pin M-plug) to the pads at the edge of the Rx, it weighed 3.67g. The battery connector fits the 1S Minium-style cells as is. Servo travel is around 3.5mm in each direction. Bound in the internal Brushless ESC mode, I was able to get my BL motor controllable. There are 2 points which will take 1mm screws for mounting this Rx. The antenna is a thin insulated wire, and I would advise strengthening its solder point with a bead of hot-melt glue. The max width of this Rx is 18.2mm, which should suit narrow-body models. Overall this Rx looks promising, though I have not flown it yet.

Andrey | Comprador verificado

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Feb 23, 2012

There was a question - at this system engine management goes on the channel 1 (look the instruction in section Files). It can be corrected somehow? Usually gas is a channel number 3. At me transmitter Turnigy 9x, and there as choose MODE 1-4, the first channel all the same remains on a horizontal deviation stick!

Andrey | Comprador verificado

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Feb 23, 2012

- 1. ( Files) - ? Turnigy 9x, MODE 1-4, &#1

Ric | Comprador verificado

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Dec 29, 2011

A beautiful package with several HUGE problems for those with little technical ability. It comes with NO instructions, nor does it have a connector or wires soldered to where I assume the ESC connection is to be made.
It will thus require the ability to solder onto 3 very small pads on the board. See the lower left of the picture. The user must be proficient in soldering small parts and must have a very small, low wattage iron with a fine tip and the proper wire size.

Indoorsa | Comprador verificado

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Dec 23, 2011

Just received mine today, looks like whoever packed it just put the antenna wire loose in the bag with the Rx; it was not connected to the board. It still bound though, and everything works although the servos have noticeable steps in their movement. I haven't weighed it yet.
Over all pretty good for the price and I'm mostly happy. I just wish they would make the antenna out of something more flexible, this is the second supermicro Rx I've had with antenna missing.

Jeff | Comprador verificado

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Nov 09, 2011

Hi, The receiver works fine but does anyone know where to buy servo extention leads for the 1mm jst plugs as i would like to be able to plug in exta servos and the servo leads are very short.

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