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25A 14v suministro de alimentación de CC para los cargadores (350W)

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25A 14v suministro de alimentación de CC para los cargadores (350W)


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Una excelente solución para poder cargadores hambrientos.
El A30 puede suministrar una constante en 25A 14v, lo que es perfecto para los cargadores que utilizan una gran cantidad de energía para cargar paquetes grandes rápido, o se puede conectar 2 o 3 más pequeños cargadores para cargar hasta 5 o 6S paquetes de cada uno.
Incluso si usted no cobra a tasas elevadas, que tiene una fuente de alimentación sólida como esto asegurará el cargador se suministra con una buena corriente constante, lo que ayuda a equilibrar las células y funcionar mejor.

El cargador se adapte a 100-240V 50-60Hz puntos de energía para el hogar. El enchufe utiliza un tipo de calentador de agua común, por lo que será fácil de la fuente de un cable de alimentación local o un adaptador para el enchufe del estilo EE.UU..

Entrada: 100 ~ 240V
Salida: 14v constante @ 25A

termostato ventilador interno se establece en 60 grados Celsius. El ventilador no funciona a menos que la temperatura interna de la fuente de alimentación alcanza 60DegC.

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Kev01 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 11, 2015

Seems like a really solid PSU, currently charging 6batteries at 2amps each and it hasn't even broken a sweat - output voltage at 14v with ~13amp loading.

William | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 21, 2014

Absolute trash, solder joint on the inside was disconnected. It hasn't worked at all; I now have the Hitec ePowerbox 50-amp Power Supply which I can even charge things via USB with...Bad purchase on my behalf with this garbage.

Sipko | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 10, 2014

I using this charger in combination with the Quattro 4x6s multi charger. It works fine. I have opened the charger, as advised by other customers, to check if everything is fit well and no screws are bouncing around. Probably the producer is reading also these reviews because mine does not have any of the mentioned defaults. It looks good, but it is not the high standard you get when you buy it from a western producer. I use this charger to charge my batteries at a maximum of 200 watt and then it starts slowly the internal blowers for cooling. If you draine the maximum current I do think that this powersupply will fail after a while. If you use it for charging batteries at a maximum of 300 watt then this charger will work fine. In short if you done't ask the limits then you get value for you money.

tim | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2014

Lasted a short four or five hours of charging before it just went pfffft and no more happy little electrons. Nothing visible was melted, snapped, burned or otherwise damaged upon dismantling. Sigh.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 29, 2014

When received this item, I heard that something (screw) inside is loosen. I opened it and 2 screws , which are holding transistor to cooling plate, were loosen. After mounting them back, this PSUworks fine! :)

However, if I would just plug the cord into a wall socket, some nasty could happen, because 2 screws were somewhere on PCB, probably making some short circuit ..

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 28, 2014

Very good!!! Strong! Quiet and good quality!!

Randyman | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 22, 2013

This was a great power supply when I charged smaller packs. But the first time I actually pushed it up past half its rated wattage on one of my 5000 6s packs, it went bye bye. It ran quietly and worked well for years before this though. Just don't use it powering things that will challenge it too much.

Brian | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 30, 2012

I use this power supply with a Turnigy Accucell 8150 balance charger. Have had both over 2 yrs now. no problems. I can charge one of my Turnigy 6s 30c 4000mah lipos at a 6amp charge in about 25 min. I'm very happy with both units.

Veto | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Aug 18, 2012

This product sucks as does the service from Hobbyking. It was my first and last purchase from this bunch of crooks. Product did not work out of box and they expect me to pay $25 to ship back to them so they can ship me another that may or may not work. Stay away from this product and company if you are smart. Lots of other options out there.

Buyer/Customer of Hobbyking be ware!

Suprted1 | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 25, 2012

PS worked fine on one or several chargers for about a year. But when I started pushing the limits, it didnt wanna play anymore. Yes I punished it with up to 400W charging, and it became REALLY hot and smelly, but kept running for 4-6 hours more(not constant) before retirement. Very good PS, but it was VERY hot when passing 300W, so if you want to keep it for a long time, replace the fans, and go for 0-250W and you will be happy.
This bad use, became practical due to a Electric bike battery(27S 12A LiFE), 1000W next....

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