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32 mm de aluminio de la lámina 2 CNC Barco Prop (P1.6 / 2x2)

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32 mm de aluminio de la lámina 2 CNC Barco Prop (P1.6 / 2x2)


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El peso ligero y aluminio mecanizado CNC de precisión.

Peso: 2g
Diámetro: 32 mm
Relación de paso: 1.6
Nº de cuchillas: 2
Tamaño del eje: 3 mm
Ranura de la unidad del perro: 2x2 mm

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Gareth | Comprador verificado

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To extreme a design.

Jun 27, 2018

It has been de-tounged to the point that after 3 months of trying to adapt my bout to work with it i give up! Ive lightened the boat. ive tried moving the weight around in the boat. Ive tried motor timing adjustments. Different battery configurations.The list goes on. I can get it up and planing on the water but you try and feed any power it slips. If you go for full power it just slips. Before i lost my sanity i tried it on other boats. Same. Not sure what it would work on!!!!!? 460mm v-hull boat Its not like its a big boat to start with. On a positive it looks nice:)

HaKa | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 31, 2014

bad prop !
big big cavitation problems, and very poor efficiency...
with graupner plastic props my boat jumps out the of the water and goes twice faster !

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