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430 mm de alta calidad de fibra de carbono principal Cuchillas

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430 mm de alta calidad de fibra de carbono principal Cuchillas


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19,50 $
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Longitud: 430 mm
Peso: 65.7g (cada uno)
Perno del agujero: 3 mm
Grip: 10.0mm

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Jake | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 10, 2013

These blades are very flexible. In fact they're identical to the 7$ 430mm wood blades. Highly not recommended.

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 24, 2012

High Quality 430mm Carbon main blade

Arlingga | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 28, 2011

This blade is good for practicing flight and sport flight in my trex500. i have bought this blade, good looking blade, nice painted. but, when i started to try with a hard 3D flight, all off the sudden, this blade breaks when my heli was in the air. not recommended for hard or extreme 3D flight. but it is good for practicing sport flight. as long as you dont use it for hard 3D flight i think its ok. i hope hobbyking will increase the quality of this blade.. once again, this blade is not recommended for hard 3D flight.

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