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50-55cc Tuned Pipe Set con Flexi Cabecera

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50-55cc Tuned Pipe Set con Flexi Cabecera


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50-55cc Tuned Pipe fijada, juegos motores DLE, DLA, DM y RCG.

Helicóptero trajes y aplicaciones de ala fija.

Cabecera Perno separación: 40 mm
Cabecera del perno del agujero: 5 mm
Longitud de cabecera (de la curva): 305 mm
Longitud de cabecera flexibles: 169mm
Diámetro cabecera del tubo: 25 mm
Sintonizado longitud del tubo: 315 mm
Sintonizado diámetro del tubo: 62mm

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Hurley | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2014

Will it is not worth the money. Header broke the second time I flew it. Metal is tin and will brake. the tune pipe it nice..

Hurley | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2014

The header pipe metal is thin, like tin thin. And the out let pipe is a lot smaller then the header. I have NOT run the motor. Will soon.

Davide79 | Comprador verificado

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Feb 01, 2014

Very good product!!! Fit in my RCG 50. Good HKing!!!

Pekka | Comprador verificado

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Nov 29, 2013

I mounted this in a Edge 540T 87", 52 cc gasser from HK also.
It reduces sound a little bit compared to stock-muffler but gives a more deeper sound.
Performance is a bit better and also idle.
Inside the canister there is a wall with several smaller holes that muffles the sound some.
The finnish of the canister is great and the header pipe in stainles steel is thin and light. I bent it quite much to fit it inside the cowl and it did not crack. Great quality for the money.
Thanks HK

Pekka | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Nov 10, 2013

I have this om my FTL52 Gasser mounted in EDGE 540T 78".

Sound is great and performance is better than stock muffler.
The sound is more quiet than stock muffler.

There is a wall inside the canister, with several small holes, so it dampens the sound a bit. Also the header pipe dampens sound because of the rippled valls on the flex pipe.

Ecxelent product and good quality.

Sigmund | Comprador verificado

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Apr 23, 2013

Der Flansch ist zu breit und der Abstand der Bohrungen ist zu gro, die Schall-dmpfer selbst sind fr den Preis in Ordnung und brauchbar. Passen aber nicht fr den DLA 111

shfish | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 20, 2013

This may not be a tuned pipe as such, but it has increased the peak RPM of a DLE 55 turning a 22x8 from 6900 with standard muffler, to 7400. It is also noticeably quieter.

japinhalol | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 28, 2012

muito bom esse canister

Mauricio Moura | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 25, 2012

Excelente produto. Uns dizem que abafa o som e deixa mais bonito o barulho.

Outros dizem que a performance do motor melhora.

Que vai ficar mai bonito o meu Sbach, vai.

Dino70 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 10, 2011

Ok for my dla 56, perfect!!!

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