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50cc tubo colector (s-bend)

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50cc tubo colector (s-bend)


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50cc ~ 100 cc, tipo S-Bend, se adapta a los motores de RCG DLE, DLA, DM y.

Cabecera Longitud total: 280 mm
Cabecera de tubo Diámetro exterior: 25mm
Peso: 82g

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Hurley | Comprador verificado

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Dec 11, 2014

I bought this to replace the one that came with the 50-55cc Tuned Pipe Set with Flexi Header. Because it broke the first time I started the motor. This does not have the same bend I need. So I will have to cut it and have it welded to the right angle. This is about a 1 3/4 in down from were it needs to be, I have a Yak55 50cc.

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