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550 mm Rough-Rider fibra de carbono láminas principales

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550 mm Rough-Rider fibra de carbono láminas principales


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550 Tamaño palas de fibra de carbono reforzada con la raíz y la punta equilibrada.

Turnigy Rough-Riders son hojas de trabajo diseñadas con poca o ninguna atención hasta el final o la estética de la superficie.
Va a encontrar imperfecciones superficiales, rasguños, inclusiones y aun las salpicaduras de pintura impar.

Si usted está buscando para hojas más bonitas, por favor vea nuestros otros anuncios.

Longitud: 550 mm
Peso: 113 g cada
Grip: 12mm
Las fábricas se pintan las hojas (normalmente blanco) cuando la calidad es ínfima. Usted puede encontrar palas de fibra de carbono más baratas, que están pintadas de blanco. Esto se hace para ocultar las imperfecciones.
Estas hojas no están pintadas de blanco. No estamos escondiendo nada!
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Satoshi | Comprador verificado

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Jun 19, 2013

The grip hole is too weak to sustain the centrifugal force of a blade.
You will see the flying blade after hovering for several minutes.

serkankahraman | Comprador verificado

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Jun 13, 2013

Raptor 30 da kullanmak iin aldim. henz elime ulasmadi. ama kaliteli ye benziyor. fiyati da gayet iyi. tavsiye derim.

John | Comprador verificado

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Jun 05, 2013

I bought these blades for my 600 heli. They are comparably priced with other blades on the site and considering they have minor finish flaws I thought I was getting a better blade than I received. The reinforcement root hole is drilled out to 4mm however the reinforcement bolt you have to use is 2.8mm. You cannot use these blades without taking out the reinforcement fitting on larger helicopters. I did remove the reinforcement with one set, it cost me $120 USD in damage. The blades ripped off the bird on spool up no marks on the blade just a single rip through the root where they were bolted on. I would not recommend these blades. I have had great luck with other Turnigy products, this one is a great disappointment.

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