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Aleación Oleo Strut 238mm red rectas para 2pc 1.20 Clase

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Aleación Oleo Strut 238mm red rectas para 2pc 1.20 Clase


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Aleación Oleo Strut 238mm red rectas para 2pc 1.20 - Clase estupenda apariencia y la pierna Oleo alta calidad de para Warbirds y maquetas completas, con ejes y separadores de rueda.

Longitud de línea central del eje: 238.5mm (pin no inc)
Repliegue de montaje Pin: 12,7 mm
Eje: 5mm
Peso: 173 g

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__BB-Q | Comprador verificado

  • Overall
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Customer Rated

Jun 13, 2012

I have a set of these from another retailer who shan't be named. I bought them for a 1/5th scale Heinkel HE100 I'm building thinking I'd take a gamble on them. Well, I was very pleasantly surprised- the quality is excellent. If I had to moan the wheel studs aren't long enough for the 5" wheels I need to fit, but that is a problem easily fixed with a bit of 5mm piano wire.
Overall I'd highly recommend them.

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