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Alu. Titular de dirección - 1/10 Hobbyking Misión-D 4WD GTR

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Alu. Titular de dirección - 1/10 Hobbyking Misión-D 4WD GTR


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Alu. Titular de dirección - 1/10 Hobbyking Misión-D 4WD GTR

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Ben | Comprador verificado

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Good product, terrible timing.

May 30, 2019

Item was described well and is a decent improvement, however the 2 month back order was ridiculous.

David | Comprador verificado

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Fixed the slop

Feb 18, 2019

Fixed the slop in my Mission D. This plus a metal geared digital servo helps a lot with a 2.0 or 1.8CS kit for this car

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 04, 2015

realy nice finish and good price

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 11, 2014

Great product! I believe this is the replacement for the 100cm Genesis, but I am using on a 70cm mono hull and it works great. Made very well and I love the break-away teflon screw (just in case I hit any unseen underwater objects at high speed!). The water pick up work fairly well. I was worried about getting enough pressure to go through all of my cooling components (pick-up from rudder goes through motor jacket, motor mount, and ESC), but with any speed I see water coming out of my outlet hole, and all components stay at just barely warm. (this is running..

MrMous | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 08, 2014

Look great and add strength, just wish they came in other colors,,,

Josh | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 04, 2014

Great value and it did make a bit of an improvement over the standard rack as far as slop is concerned. It still needs some shim work to get it perfect.

For the cost it makes a good improvement and it far better to work with then the plastic one

wince_kp | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 01, 2014

It has to much sloop (what are tolerances for?!), at the end you have same sloop/play like with "original" plastic steering...

Waste of money

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