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Filtro de combustible de aluminio D10 D4.0 × × L29mm (2 unidades)

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Filtro de combustible de aluminio D10 D4.0 × × L29mm (2 unidades)


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Pequeño y ligero filtro de combustible de aluminio completo con junta tórica, ideal para todo tipo de vehículos de RC accionados combustible.

Tamaño: D10 D4.0 × × L29mm
Material: Aluminio
Peso: 2,95 g

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Dave | Comprador verificado

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good product - it works

Jun 25, 2019

nice product, compact and good value for money. fits 2.3mm ID fuel tubing. (medium silicone or tygon fuel line)

RAJIB | Comprador verificado

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Aluminum Fuel Filter

Jul 21, 2017

Filter for gas model but I have not tested yet with gas. I have found extra small O-ring inside each filter, but one O-ring was already installed with the filter. I just hope this O-rings will work with gas fuel. The filter it self very light and high quality finish. I forgot to mention about net filter inside.

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