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Aluminio Tubo cuadrado de bricolaje Multi-Rotor 12.8x12.8x400mm (.5Inch) (Rojo)

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Aluminio Tubo cuadrado de bricolaje Multi-Rotor 12.8x12.8x400mm (.5Inch) (Rojo)


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Estos perfiles de aluminio por encargo son perfectos para usted Multi-Rotor proyectos de bricolaje, no más madres de endeudamiento de ducha barras de cortina ... tienen Riffling interna (nervadura) que se añade a permanecer ultraligero, pero han aumentado las características de resistencia y anti-vibración, así como anodizado para varias opciones de color para la orientación y Bling.

Diámetro: 12,8 x 12,8 mm (.5inch)
Longitud: 400 mm
Color: Rojo
peso: 33 g

  • DIY Parts & Accessories for Multirotor
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Noobie | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jan 26, 2014

I got the two samples I bought as well and they do look like they will work. Perfect squares so it should help in building. I hope they bring these to the USA warehouse, they are very light which I like so you won't be making a too much of a flying brick unless you use a lot of it. The more you use the more they add up though. This is from just holding the four pieces I bought. They do weight a bit less than the one I got at the local store so that helps. I haven't use them for anything yet, but may I can try some legs to get a feel for the weight once put together.

chly3001 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 17, 2013

looks pretty decent, ordered one to try. they seem solid enough, probably will be ordering more to try and see what i can build out of them. maybe an octocopter :P

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