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ASP S61A - Carb d'Assy

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ASP S61A - Carb d'Assy


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ASP S61A - Carb d'Assy

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Samo Cankar | Comprador verificado

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Jul 05, 2014

With this carb I replace original "Air Bleed" type on Magnum GP 65 SE. With original I have problems tunning the motor propperly and many "dead stick" landings.

ASP Twin needle is better, much easier to adjust low rpm`s and idle.

Both carbs have 15mm throat so they easily to change...

SpeedsterDEN | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 21, 2011

Use this for my HP 61 motor

Easy to adjust, and realy good for the HP. Never stop in the air. (I had to take of 0,5 mm in a lathe machine, to make it fit in the HP 61)

5 stars

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