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Obtención de Yakovlev Yak-52 HobbyKing Esquema (PNF)

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Obtención de Yakovlev Yak-52 HobbyKing Esquema (PNF)


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Usted lo ha visto en las demostraciones de aire. Tienes que verlo en nuestros videos. Ahora usted puede poseer su propia réplica a escala del vuelo. Estamos hablando de aerobat Yak 52 de HobbyKing, pilotado por el piloto de clase mundial de acrobacia Nigel Willson.

El tamaño completo Yak-52 es un avión de entrenamiento primario Soviética, que voló por primera vez en 1976 y todavía está siendo producido en Rumania por Aerostar. El Yak-52 fue diseñado originalmente como un entrenador acrobático para los estudiantes en la Unión Soviética, pero ahora está muy buscada por los pilotos acrobáticos de todo el mundo.

Avios le trae una hermosa 1200mm vuelo de RC modelo a escala de una de las Yaks más emblemáticos de la escena espectáculo aéreo. Un diseño brillante sin pegamento requerido llega con toda la electrónica pre-instalado, sólo necesitan un sistema de baterías y radio para completar. Los colores imponentes de la HobbyKing Yak significa este modelo es que gustará tanto en el aire como en el suelo.

La escala todos los alerones del bichon características de espuma de réplicas de EPO moldeados, aletas divididas, se retrae completamente metálico y una hélice de paletas impresionante escala. Con una calidad siendo el más importante para el equipo de diseño de Avios, cada modelo se comprueba de forma individual en la fábrica para asegurarse de que cumple con los estándares de calidad más exigentes. El Avios 1200 mm Yak 52 no es una excepción. Dado que se trata de un modelo de complemento y la mosca, la mayor parte del trabajo duro se ha hecho para usted. Todo el modelo puede ser montado y listo vuelo en aproximadamente una hora.

Si estás después de un modelo que llama la atención en el campo, vuela como si fuera sobre raíles y realiza acrobacias aéreas sin costura, el Yak 52 Avios merece un lugar en su hangar.

• Plug and Fly - Instalar receptor, baterías final cobrar montaje completo y volar
• fuselaje EPO completamente moldeado
• Cubierta magnéticamente garantizado / ventanilla de la pila
• Trabajar tren de aterrizaje retráctil con todas las partes metálicas
• Escala de palas de padel
• No se requiere pegamento, todos juntos perno construcción
• Modelado después HobbyKing Yak 52 de Nigel Willson

Envergadura: 1200mm
Longitud: 980 mm
Peso: 1560g
Servos: servos 9g x 6
Motor: 3648 Outrunner sin cepillo KV680
ESC: Controlador de velocidad sin escobillas 40amp Aerostar
Retrae: Servoless

Batería 4S 14,8 V 2200 ~ 3000mAh 30C lipo
Transmisor y receptor Canal 6


  • Avios Yakovlev Yak-52 HobbyKing Scheme
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Christopher | Comprador verificado

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Jun 19, 2016

Good value for money, Build quality is a bit poor in places but can easily be rectified during assembly if you know what your doing.
Very tight with all cabling etc and would be a massive pain to remove the wings every time after flight, easier to leave it complete if you can.

With that in mind, i was rather nervous flying this plane for the first time, dont know why.

But it flew really well, i was very impressed indeed. It has bags of power for vertical manovours should you wish to do them. It flys like its on rails (once you get the CG etc set up perfetly, i set it up as per the manual and found it to be tail heavy still upon take off..... great! lol.)

Overall very happy with this, flown it a few times today with no issues.

whipper Snapper | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Jun 16, 2016

I'm overall satisfied with this model. get about 10 mins on a 2650 4S pack with some aerobatics thrown in. Only thing I found bit annoying was the wing servo & flap wires were too short, lucky I had some small extensions laying about and use those. also make sure you put battery all way forward! But it flies super well and is decently fast enough and scale enough. the yellow colors and patterns make it stand out and more eye catching in the air I think more so than the red military spec one. Retracts are great and I like how they are slow enough for that scale look and very strong full metal retracts, noticed they have plastic rubber sleeves over the brushed motors in the retracts to help keep them dry from wet grass is a nice touch. Can be flown on a football field with not too many trees around it. Got this for the price of $136.99 about $150 delivered to my door so was a great buy! I love it

Rainer | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2016

Ein toller Flieger, kann ich nur empfehlen. Super Flugeigenschaften, gut motorisiert, schönes Flugbild. Habe die Fahrwerksbeine gegen die gefederten von Oleo getauscht, somit ist der Start auch auf Gras gut möglich, da sie etwas länger sind. Eingefahren ist genug Platz ohne umzubauen. Der 4s 2200mah Zippy Lipo muss gut nach vorne, um den Schwerpunkt ohne Zusatzgewicht anzupassen. Die Querruder auf jeden Fall mit Sekundenkleber nachkleben. Ansonsten top verarbeitet und alternativ mit einem 12x5 APC Prop super zu fliegen. Steigt ohne Aufhalten in den Himmel. Die Flugzeit, je nach Flugstil, liegt dann zwischen 8 und 12 Minuten. Von meiner Seite aus Daumen hoch.

Jeremy | Comprador verificado

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May 20, 2016

Just built it, a very nice airplane, normally i only build balsa airplanes and a lot bigger, but wanted an airplane that would fly in garden or in a field for quick fast flying without my normal kit, fuel etc. It builds very easy, all is a big plus, only comment would be that the cables from the Wings are a little on the short side, and i did not like the connector, But it was no issue adding my own cables. Its small enough to leave the wings on permanently in travel. Next step is flying it, then i can review it again.
Highly recommend this as an easy build at low cost.

Rcgary24 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 22, 2016

Just recieved it this morning , had it put together and maidened in less than an hour. Excellent flyer and looks great! Only 2 negative things.... a little bit of paint chipping on the cowling and elevator hinges pulled apart , neither one is very serious and was fixed easily , overall a great buy!

brad | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 24, 2016

1. Nice looking plane.

1. Paint flakes off merely by looking at it.
2. C of G is nowhere near where they say it is. That was with a 2200mah battery
3. Takes 54grams of lead in the nose to stop it being ridiculously tall heavy.
4. Retracts only work on every other flight. Sometimes 1 wheel stays up sometimes 2.
5. Front landing gear isn't great as it can easily bend.
6. Lock nut for the prop is poor. You can only finger tight the prop in place.
7. Dodgy electrics. Installed a Spektrum receiver with satellite but experienced glitches. Checked receiver lights after flight. They weren't flashing so there was no lose of link. I installed a ferrite ring on the speed controller lead as well as a capacitor (incase there was a voltage drop). None of this worked and on the 8th flight she went full power into the ground. Incase you think it was the Spektrum receiver I had also tried 2 separate Orange receivers at the start and had both of those fail the range test. They worked fine in other models I have.

So would I recommend this plane......mmmm No!

Rousehoffen | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Mar 01, 2016

Overall a nice plane apart from a few minor issues, worst would be the Ailerons when attached to the wing at ( factory ) one sit 2mm higher than the other. Rudder is concaved not sure if it is supposed to be plus tip of rudder is badly warped. Servo cables from wings flaps and ailerons are way too short ended up using y leeds. all that aside i love the yak pretty easy build and looks amazing in the air.

Sparrow | Comprador verificado

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Feb 14, 2016

Flys really well. Wwith a BOLT 4s it goes vertical, it is thankfully, not a heavy plane unlike say the Sea Fury. Fragile yes, unreliable gear, yes but I will eventually get it sorted into a great little plane. Front gear very fragile so good landings essential.

Sparrow | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 05, 2016

Its not the greatest quality with poorly fitting unreliable parts but when you finally get it all fixed, and remember to move the battery well forward into the nose, it flies like a dream. Chuck in a 4s Bolt and it goes straight up. Yet to explore its limits because a: not a good enough pilot and b: it keeps breaking. That said it will be a fun plane to own.

Sparrow | Comprador verificado

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Feb 02, 2016

After many false starts due to malfunctions I did finally get to fly. With the battery well forward into the nose (forget the designed position with the strap, this is in the crash zone balance wise) the plane flies really well. With the Bolt 4s it has unlimited vertical and becomes a tiny dot all too quickly. That said the U/C is the weak spot. Very unreliable and I think due to the forward/back mounting. Even the slightest shock load on landing (or takeoff) is transferred directly onto the threaded mechanism, motor etc. Think about how most electric uc units are fitted sideways into the wing and any shock load does little to the mechanism unlike this model. It is a great flying model, when it works!!

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