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AVRO CF105 Flecha, de fibra de vidrio de 70 mm EDF (ARF)

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AVRO CF105 Flecha, de fibra de vidrio de 70 mm EDF (ARF)


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El AVRO CF105 Flecha tenía todos los ingredientes necesarios para convertirse en uno de los más destacados todos los interceptores tiempo de la Guerra Fría. La Flecha fue diseñada por AVRO Canadá, para contrarrestar la amenaza de rápido bombarderos nucleares soviéticos atacan a Occidente a través de Canadá del espacio aéreo, sin embargo, basado en un exceso de confianza en el momento de misiles tierra-aire, este avión asombroso fue cancelada ya pesar de impresionantes resultados de la prueba, nunca vieron servicio activo.

Esta calidad y mirando 70mm chorro bastante sorprendente escala ARF tiene un fuselaje pre-pintado y el ala laminada de espuma de núcleo de balsa pre-cubierta. El CF105 tiene una generosa ala delta tamaño combinado con un perfil ultra liso, dando la velocidad y excelente capacidad de marcha lenta. Una unidad de ventilador de 70 mm se incluye, como es todo el hardware, incluyendo, fijada de acuerdo con carro, o si lo desea, el modelo es retraer listo para aceptar un conjunto de unidades de retracción eléctricos (no incluido).

Material: fibra de vidrio, madera de balsa / tela
Envergadura: 724mm
Longitud: 1073mm
Peso del vuelo: 1500g 1850g ~
Motor: 28 mm, eje de 3.17mm, 600w + (no incluido)
Unidad 3 de la hoja 70 mm EDF Ventilador

Se requiere:
4 Canal RX / TX con mezcla Elevon
Batería 2200mAh ~ 2650mAh Lipo 4S
60A ~ 80A ESC
3 x alto esfuerzo de torsión, Metal Gear Mini Servo de
28mm Inrunner o Outrunner (3,17 mm del eje) sin escobillas del motor del FED

* ATENCION A TODOS LOS modeladores *

Algunos dicen que no se puede volar, algunos dicen que este modelo es una leyenda urbana y realmente no existe, y algunos dicen que se trata de la vida de la noche y los intimida a otros planos en su percha!

Por primera vez en HobbyKing estamos lanzando el guante con este modelo.
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bushy | Comprador verificado

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May 20, 2015

Well packed (double) no manual fibre glass and Hatch, dorsel fin,edf cover all have to be sanded to fit so no problem there well worth the money

| Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 21, 2013

Not quite up to Hobyking standards f irst of all when getting out of the box looks good. Then comes the bad bits no instructions . comes with fixed undercarriage but you have to geuss how to fit them. Wont survive a heavy landing would be better with a set of retracts instead of the fixed.

wing servos are hard to fit no covers

they just hang there I used double sided tape to fit them.

will have to see how it flies and Lands.

could be improved with a little thought

retract under cart decent instructions and wing servo fittings. Not as good as the last two aircraft I have bought.

I will give it 7 out of ten.

Arthur | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

May 10, 2013

I like the look of the plane and is going to be a challange to get it in the air, one thing do not try using the turnigy" A" landing gear as the legs are to long and you cannot remove the set screws as it seems they were glued in. Already broke one allen wrench. But overall I do like the jet and will be using a different fan though.

JETPILOTRICH | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Apr 18, 2013

It is a lead sled! It is to small to be made out of fiberglass... make it out of foam and it will fly well or make a bigger version....

Murray | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 04, 2012

I just got my Arrow kit and it is beautiful, however there seem to be no instructions at all on how to assemble. Am I missing something or am I left to figure it all out for myself. IE: are the wings attached permanently or are they meant to be removable, Can anyone help me with this?

tim | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Feb 03, 2012

The manual says that the c.g location is 9 inches from the wing l/e or the centre of the fan hatch .This appears to be too far aft as most deltas have the c.g at 1/3 of the chord . Not having flown it yet i would appreciate any experience from readers .

Joerg | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Dec 01, 2011

This plane is amazing. All parts are well painted including all decals. All mayor parts to mount an 70mm EDF are pre installed. The finish of the surface is very good. This is the best value for your money.
But I belive if you want real fun with this EDF jet you need 6s power because of 1,9 kg flying weight. ;-)

CARVER99 | Comprador verificado

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 27, 2011

Nice detail in the model, intake ducts need to inspected to make sure everything lines up properly, I'm changing the duct fan to the alloy edf 72mm duct fan, for more power.

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