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B-17G - 909 Esquema - EPO - (PNF)

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B-17G - 909 Esquema - EPO - (PNF)


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El B-17 Flying Fortress fue uno de los más famosos bombarderos de 2 ª Guerra Mundial, aunque se sirve en todos los teatros, que era el ETO, en particular, que este robusto y bien armado bombardero pesado se hizo un nombre, que opera con el 8º Grupo Bombardero USAF desde el Reino Unido campos de aviación.

El nombre de la fortaleza del vuelo procedía de su capacidad defensiva pesada, el B-17 estaba erizada de defensivos ametralladoras calibre 0.50, y ganó mucho afecto por parte de sus tripulaciones debido a su capacidad para absorber los daños de combate pesado y aún así obtener los equipos de casa.

A pesar de su tamaño, este es un modelo práctico escala, la construcción es de difícil EPO, se retrae la pre-instalado son eléctricos y cuentan con ruedas anchas, gruesas que pueden manejar cualquier superficie, las aletas se incluyen para Ultra aterrizajes lentos y el ala de una sola pieza hace que el transporte realmente fácil. Hay un montón de energía de los motores sin escobillas pre-empotrados y servos de buena calidad están pre-equipados para la fiabilidad y facilidad de construcción.

Hay características interesantes como los apoyos escala y hilanderas y las réplicas de pistolas, pero la parte superior de la lista es la puerta de bodega de bombas de funcionamiento, completa con un conjunto de bombas! Fácil de volar, repleto de características y práctica, la única forma en que podría mejorar de un día paseando por las calles del cielo con este modelo es que uno de sus amigos que vuelan proporcionar ORT esc con un Hobbyking Mini P-51!

Material: EPO
Envergadura: 1600mm
Longitud: 1100mm
Peso del vuelo: 2200g
Servo: 9g x 7
ESC: 30A w / BEC x 4
Motor: 1600 kv sin escobillas Outrunner x 4
Canal 7 (acelerador, alerón, elevador, timón, alerones, se retrae, bahía de la bomba)

Todo Hardware
Atrezzo escala / Spinners
Foto de instrucciones
Las bombas de EPO x 4

Se requiere:
Su propio 7 Canal TX / RX
~ 2200 Batería 2650mAh 3S Lipo

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John | Comprador verificado

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Jan 01, 2014

Just received the B17 today. Assembly was shoddy at best-engine mounts were guled incorrectly; engine mounting screws were of incorrect size and loose. After hours of trouble shooting as to why the motors would not run, found a cut wire on 1 motor wire. Instructions, Ha

Valeria | Comprador verificado

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Dec 09, 2013

The plane looks cool and it is hard to build. Though I would take care to order this product a month before you want it because mine came with a wing defect. Some control surfaces are stiff and the fit of things are not that great. Takes a lot of time and looks cool in the end. Some accessories are different from the instruction manual so take caution.

starky | Comprador verificado

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Oct 31, 2013

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Todd | Comprador verificado

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Aug 17, 2013

I have all electronic spare parts for the model as well as spare propellers. If interested message me or email me at

Todd | Comprador verificado

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Aug 17, 2013

Bought this model with high hopes...flew it only 4 times and it never seemed to fly right. I'm 100pcnt sure the set up was correct but for whatever reason I could not get the hang of controlling this plane. I'm not a novice to RC flight and I own 3 other planes but this one was a different beast. After crashing it the 4th time I decided to scrap it for parts. All electronics are in good condition and work well...

Not a bad deal if you want to have spare parts for the model, especially since Hobby King does not carry replacement parts for this model.

jmpdgs | Comprador verificado

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Aug 27, 2012

Update - I'm still a big fan of this model however, BEWARE - Parts (or the lack there of) are a BIG problem. There appear to be a number of people who have been unable to get spare props, gear or other vital components for this plane. At this price point (very high) FULL PARTS SUPPORT should be a given, not something you have to beg for. Make sure you are able to get parts for ANYTHING you purchase before making that purchase. I have written HK about this and will update this review when and if they reply. FOR NOW, I would advise AGAINST purchasing this product until such time as full parts support is available.

danforce1 | Comprador verificado

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Feb 07, 2012

HK has this plane for sale on eBay for 150 bucks & 50 bucks shipping! What a deal!! Their are only 5 or 6 left.

David | Comprador verificado

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Jan 18, 2012

Very happy with this bomber. I was worried about power but has more than needed even with the stock props to get off the grass easily and has more than scale power. Retracts are better than I expected with wheels that handle our grass field with no problems at all. Paint seems to come off easily with just a slight bump but for the money, this is a great airplane. It flies very scale and lands easily. Anyone who can fly a P-51 or similar warbird will find this one easy.

Robert | Comprador verificado

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Dec 13, 2011

I have had 6 flights with this plane now and it is very good. It flies nicely and you get very good value for your $320 something dollars. Only thing bad I have to say about the plane is that it has unnecessarily cheap solutions at times. There is no need to save $2 dollars on servo rods, or making the wires so short it can be difficult to work with. I would rather they upped the price 10 bucks, and made it better.
Bottom line is that the plane is absolutely amazing to fly and you get a lot of plane for the cheap price.
PS. This plane can fit a lot more than a 2600mAh battery. The engines are quite thirsty on the juice, and make sure the battery is more than 20C! Battery compartment is 14 x 5.5 x 5

jmpdgs | Comprador verificado

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Customer Rated

Oct 12, 2011

Overall I'm happy with the model, it provided a very nice platform on which to build towards a nice scale representation of the 909. I splurged and purchased this model (no way to know who is making it since it is not branded anywhere in the limited docs) for myself on my BDay otherwise I would have chosen one of the other less desirable but more affordable versions.

The paint finish is pretty well done although some sanding and some dull coat is absolutely required to get any type of a realistic appearance. The peel-n-stick decal set is of good quality but I hate anything but paint transfer markings so I will refrain from commenting on them further.

I found it necessary to hog out some foam in order to accomodate 2 3300 which are needed to get the CG properly located. The model will fly easily on one, but I hate adding weight without purpose so I used two in order to get some use out of the weight needed to achieve proper balance.

5-6 minutes flights on a single 3300 mah 3s 30c battery when held at 70pcnt power. This aircraft likes flying at moderate rates but will tip stall if allowed slow up too much. Both take-offs and landings require a deft touch on the rudder as this planes props are NOT counter rotating. A gradual increase of power with a moderate amount of right rudder gets her off the ground in 20 feet. Likewise, a long glide slope and the throttle held at about 25pcnt

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