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Categoría: Educational

Can you fly RC planes during winter? The answer is yes and in fact, winter flying can be much more enchanting and rewarding compared to flying in the warmer seasons. However, the detriments of the cold season must be prudently accounted for, otherwise, you will be digging your own grave. Here are 5 things you should be aware of when flying in the cold.

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Publicado en: Dec 31, 2020 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Planes in Winter, Winter RC Flying

Avro Lancaster Photo from History Net

The Avro Lancaster: some may know her purely for the menacing yet elegant design, while others may know her as the most successful heavy bomber in World War 2; and then there were those who regard the "Lanc" as the single greatest factor contributing to the Allied victory over Nazi Germany.

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Publicado en: Jan 15, 2021 | Publicado en: General News, Planes, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Lancaster V3, RC Warbirds, WW2 Warbirds

The FAA delivered a final rule on the  Remote Identification for Unmanned Aircraft on December 28, 2020. But what does that really mean for us? Here is everything you need to know broken down into bite-sized sections.

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The Whistling Death. The Angels of Okinawa. The Great Iron-Bird. These were just some of the terrorizing nicknames rightfully given to the Vought F4U Corsair. With an 11:1 kill ratio during World War 2 and the lowest loss rate in the Pacific War for any aircraft the Corsair was truly the stuff of legend

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Publicado en: Jan 28, 2021 | Publicado en: News, Planes, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, F4U Corsair, Stuff of Legend

When it comes to RC planes, the most asked question (yet still somewhat ambiguous) is: where can I actually fly my freaking airplane!? Here is a summary of the dos and don’ts specifically addressing the US airspace.

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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it right? This may be true in most cases, however, in the RC hobby, being proactive will always cost you less than being reactive. Regular maintenance will ensure a properly working aircraft. Here are four simple check-ups you can do to safeguard yourself and others while you rip through the skies and not into the crowds.  

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The R/C hobby can be quite confusing especially for beginners. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding the R/C Lingo. Check back regularly as we will continue to update this R/C glossary.

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Publicado en: Feb 19, 2021 | Publicado en: Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: R/C Lingo, HobbyKing, R/C Glossary, R/C Terms, Understanding the RC Lingo

The terms bush plane, bush flying, and bush flyer simply refer to any fixed-wing aircraft that are specifically designed to be flown in remote areas. These remote areas - dubbed “the bush” - are otherwise inaccessible by ground or water transportations. To be operable in such archaic terrains where landing strips are mostly non-existent, bush planes have certain characteristics which make them fit-for-purpose. Here are four of the most common and desirable traits of a bush plane.

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Publicado en: Feb 25, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Bush Planes, What is a Bush Plane

You may have seen various three-letter acronyms such as RTF, PNF, PNP, ARF, and KIT are thrown in randomly at times – but what do they mean? At first, they may seem confusing, but, as a beginner, they are exactly what you should be looking for. These acronyms tell you 2 things: the hardware included, and how much assembly (knowledge) is required.

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Publicado en: Mar 9, 2021 | Publicado en: Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Plane Completion Levels, RC Plane Build Levels

El hobby de RC: una actividad relativamente antigua pero algo anónima para el ojo público, ¿excepto quizás por el alto precio? En este blog, analizamos qué es realmente el pasatiempo de los RC y en qué se diferencian los RC de grado de hobby de los RC de grado de juguete.

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